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Background and Aim: Today, childhood obesity is one of major public health crisis nationally and internationally. Locomotor characteristics related to obesity have yet to be clearly identified for children and adolescents. The aim of present study was to examine the immediate effect of custom-made insole on myoelectrical activity of selected leg muscles of obese children during walking.Materials and Methods: Fourteen able-bodied male students aged 7-12 years in the Hamadan city participated in this study. Electromyography activity of Tibialis anterior, Proneus longus and Medialis gastrocnemius muscles were recorded during three walking conditions namely wearing only shoes, shoe with regular insole and shoe with custom-made insole. Analysis of variance with repeated measures followed by a Bonferroni correction was used for statistics analyses.Results: Results showed that the normalized peak activity of the peroneus longus muscle in the midstance/ progression phase of walking decreased in the shoe with custom-made insole condition compared to the wearing only shoes condition (P=0.005). Also, the normalized peak activity of the tibialis anterior muscle in the sway phase of walking was decreased in the shoe with custom-made insole condition compared to the shoe with normal insole condition (P=0.014).Conclusion: Due to the decrease in the activity level of the selected leg muscles while using custom-made insole in obese children, costume-made insoles have positive impact on obese children's during daily and Transitional activities.

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Background and aim: Emerging research has suggested a relationship may exist between joint coordination and musculoskeletal injuries such as patellofemoral pain syndrome. It has recently suggested the use of shoes as a therapeutic intervention; however, the extent to which shoes affect the pattern of coordination remains unclear.The purpose of this study was to evaluate acute effect of motion control shoe on lower-limb joints coordination in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome during stance phase of runningMaterials and methods: 24 females with PFPS participated in the study. Kinematic data were recorded in two running conditions with motion control and standard shoes using cameras. The vector coding method was used to calculate the coordination of the lower limb joints; also the paired t-test method was used to analyze the data at the significance level of P≤0.05.Results: Motion control shoes compared to standard shoes had different effect on the coordination between rotation of the knee joint with motion of the subtalar joint in the transverse plane in two sub-phases of loading response (P=0.006) and midstance (P=0.007). Also in the sagittal plane in the loading response phase, the coordination between the hip with the knee joint and the hip with the ankle joints was statistically significant between the two shoes. Conclusion: The use of motion control shoe proved to be effective to alter lower limb coordination during running in female with PFPS. This new insight into coordinative function may be useful for improving corrective strategies planned for treatment of PFPS.

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Background and aim: Aging is an irreversible biological process that has become a major challenge for societies and humans in today's world. The aim of this study was to investigated the effect of an eight-week fall proof home-based exercises on balance, quality of life and fear of falling in elderly. Material and methods: twenty-six elderly people over 60 years old with age average (70.275.25 years) participated in this study voluntarily and were randomly divided into control and fall proof exercise (FPE) groups (n=13 in each group). FPE group performed home-based exercises for eight weeks, 3 sessions per week and 60 minutes per session. The control group had a normal life routine during this period. Static and dynamic balance, fear of falling and quality of life were assessed respectively with 4 stage static balance test and timed up and go test, Falls Efficacy Scale-International Questionnaire (FES-I) and Older People’s Quality of Life Questionnaire (OPQOL-35). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software version 22. (p<0.05)Results: The results of post-intervention statistical analysis showed that static (p=0.003) and dynamic (p=0.006) balance, quality of life (p=0.03) and fear of falling (p=0.012) in the FPE had a significant improvement over the control group. Conclusion: According to the results, eight-week of fall proof home-based exercises has a positive and significant effect on balance and postural control, quality of life and fear of falling of the elderly. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method and exercise program to increase empowerment and prevent falls in the elderly.

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Background and Aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the bone mineral content (BMC) and area between professional soccer players and non-athlete subjects.Materials and Methods: 15 professional soccer players (mean ± SD; age: 23.2±0.2 years, height: 174±1cm, weight: 70.3±1.8 kg) and 14 healthy non-athlete subjects (mean ± SD; age: 22 years, height: 173±1.2 cm, weight: 61.6±2.4 kg) participated in this study. Bone area and BMC was measured by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) at the femoral neck, femoral trochanter of dominant and non-dominant legs. Independent t-test was used to analyses the data.Results: The results of this study showed that. BMC in lumbar spine (L2-L4) of soccer players were significantly higher than lumbar spine (L2-L4) of non-athlete subjects (T=6.6, P=0.000), (68438.8±2170.1 versus 51082.9±1340.2 mg). The BMC values of dominant and non-dominant leg of soccer players (46986.8±1554.6, 1694.8±48575.1 mg) were significantly higher than dominant and non-dominant leg of non-athlete subjects (33414.7±1035.9, 930.8±34070.7 mg), (T=7.1, T=7.3, P=0.000). Differences between area in lumbar spine (L2-L4), dominant and non-dominant leg of participants were not significant (51.2±0.9, 0.7±36.4, 0.7±36.4 cm² versus 48.7±1.1, 0.7±36.2, 0.6±35.5 cm²), (T=1.7, T=1, T=0.14, P>0.0).Conclusion: The results show that soccer play lead to increase BMC but it cannot effect on bone area. It's noted that the geometry and structure of bone have been increasingly recognized as important risk factors. The longitudinal studies are recommended to clarify the effects of soccer and physical activities on bone formation and its structures.

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Background and Aim: One of the problems of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is poor balance, fear of falling and consequently reduced daily activities. In this study, the aim was to compare the distribution of foot pressure distribution, postural sways and symmetry index compared to healthy individuals.Material and Methods: Nineteen AS patients (age:43.35±11.12 years, BMI=26.91±4.94 kg/m2) and seventeen healthy men (age: 48.2±12.4 years, BMI=22.10±10.22 kg/m2) were included in the study. The foot pressure distribution was recorded by PT-scan system. Static test was used to determine the maximum foot pressure(N/cm2) and to determine the postural sways, the standard deviation of center of pressure(COP) was used at the medial-lateral and anterior-posterior plans. The symmetry index(SI) was also used to determine the symmetry in the plantar pressure distribution. Results: Mean distribution of right and left foot pressure was significantly different between AS and healthy individuals(P=0.01). Also, the mean scores of COP (P=0.024), COP-path length(P=0.0001), standard deviation of medial-lateral(P=0.024), and anterior-posterior(P=0.028) sways were significant between the two groups. In addition, the mean scores of the SI between the right and left feet were significantly different between groups(P=0.013). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the distribution of foot pressure on the front and rear of the foot and the front and rear pressure SI(P>0.05).Conclusion: AS can cause unilateral weight-bearing and expose patients to musculoskeletal disorders. Patients' balance is also reduced due to the flexed posture and displacement of the COP, which can put them at risk of falling.

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Background and Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of combined training methods (Barre au sol and Pilates) on the components of mobility and manual dexterity of older women.Materials and Methods: Thirty healthy elderly women aged ≥ 60 years referred to in the Gorgan neighborhood house in Tehran were available as a sample and randomly divided into experimental and control groups of 15 people. The experimental group trained based on designed exercise program. They completed training protocol for eight weeks, three sessions per week, each session for 60 minutes. The control group did not receive any intervention during the research period and continued their normal daily activities. The components of mobility and manual dexterity were measured in the pretest and posttest stages using Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Purdue Pegboard Test. The analysis of variance test with repeated measures or ANOVA 2×2 and Paired T-test at a significance level of 0.05 were used to analyze the data.Results: The results of this study showed that 8 weeks of combination of Pilates and Barre au sol exercises had a significant effect on the level of mobility and manual dexterity in the experimental group compared to the control group (P= 0.001).Conclusion: According to the results of the current study this exercises could improve mobility and manual dexterity, it would be recommended for elderly to perform mention above movements, at home, rehabilitation centers and elderly nursing homes for improving their daily quality of life.

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Background and aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of yoga training on attention and positive/negative symptoms in women with schizophrenia. Materials and methods: A quest-experimental study was conducted on a number of 25 patients with schizophrenia (mean age 46.00±6.48). The participants were selected through purposire sampling and were randomly assigned to yoga training (15 n) and control (10 n) groups. The yoga training group did yoga for 12 weeks; however, the control group performed their daily activities. Both groups participated in a pre-test and post-test. Stroop Test, and Positive/Negative Scales, were used to collect the data. Analyze of Covariance (ANOVA) was used to analyses the collected data. Results: A significant difference was found between the yoga and control groups in pre-test and post-test in selective attention and positive/negative symptoms. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the yoga training can be an appropriate intervention to improve attention and decrease positive/negative symptoms in individuals with schizophrenia.

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Background and Aim: Changes in the plantar pressure distribution may be very effective to identifying and treatment people at risk of patellofemoral pain (PFP). Therefore, the aim of this review study was to investigate the plantar pressure distribution in PFP patients. Materials and method: The search process was performed in Cochrane Library, PubMed, Springer Link, Science Direct, Scopus, web of science and Medline databases. Studies limited to the 2000 to 2020 years were extracted. Selected articles were screened in a three-step process according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two researchers evaluated the quality of articles with a modified questionnaire Downs and Black for prospective, case-control and cross-sectional studies and were classified into three categories: high quality, medium quality and low quality.Results: 10 articles were selected for systematic review. 6 study was high quality and 4 study was medium quality that classified which were of high quality in total selected articles. The results of study analysis showed that PFP patients present a different pattern of plantar pressure distribution by increasing and decreasing foot pronation.Conclusion: PFP patients with increased foot pronation show increase peak pressure and contact area in the medial part of the foot and second and third metatarsophalangeal; in contrast, in PFP patients with decrease foot pronation show a decrease in peak pressure and contact area in the medial part of the anterior part of the foot, and an increase in contact area and peak pressure in the lateral of the foot.

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Background and aims: Extensive epidemiological research is the first step in designing sports injury prevention programs. According to the results of review studies on the lack of injury information in soccer player kids, the aim of this study was to investigate the injury incidence in 7 to 12 year old male football players.Materials and Methods: The study is a descriptive study in which out of 24 soccer clubs in Kerman, seven clubs were randomly selected. The data of 212 players ( age 11.22 ±1.29 years, height 142.67±9.2 cm, weight 36.91±9.2 kg) including the frequency, location and mechanism of acute injury during training. Injuries was collected from Fuller Injury Questionnaire (2006) through interviews. The relationship between the injury incidence with age groups and body mass index of players was measured using Chi-square test (p≤ 0/05).Results: The overall injury incidence was 1.05 injuries per 1000 hours of soccer in training sessions. Most injuries (84.3%) were located in the lower limbs. Tackling (56.8%) had the greatest injury mechanism. Significant differences were found between age groups with injury rates (P = 0.000, χ2 = 22.33) and body mass index with injury rates (P = 0.000, χ2 = 58.53).Conclusion: The Present information can serve as a database in the injury incidence in soccer’s boys and also to identify risk factors such as age and body mass index increase. It can also be considered by researchers and football community planners in order to design injury prevention programs.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was the effect of 6 week Aquatic exercises on with Naturopathy method Electromyography (EMG) activity of selected muscle in individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain.Materials and methods: The statistical sample of the study consisted of 24 women with an age range of 25 to 40 years that divided into two groups of experimental and control groups. The variables of the study include muscle activation and onset of muscle activation in gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and multifidus measured by electromyography before and after the exercise. Then the experimental group participate in 6 week Aquatic Exercises and control group continued their normal life during this period. The data were analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA and independent and dependent t-tests at the significant level of 0/05.Results: The result showed a significant differences between the two groups in the muscle activity and onset of muscle after exercise. Aquatic exercises lead to increase in the muscle activity of Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and multifidus muscles and decrease in onset of Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and multifidus muscles.Conclusion: Based on research findings, the Aquatic exercises resulted in considerable improvements in muscle activation in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain. Thus, these exercises can be used for these patients.

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Background and aim: Decreased physical activity is associated with poor neuromuscular function for daily activities. Laboratory studies indicate the effect of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on neuromuscular activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a course of moderate-intensity continuous rehabilitation exercises (MCT) on CGRP expression in skeletal muscle of male Wistar rats.Materials and Methods: For this purpose, 12 male Wistar rats weighing 200-220 g, with a sleep cycle of 12.12, free access to food and water and ambient temperature of 25±2 ° C were randomly divided into two groups of exercise and control. The training group performed 6 sessions (5 sessions per week) of continuous training with moderate intensity. The conditions of the control group were similar to the training group but they did not exercise. Finally, 48 hours after the last training session, rats were extracted by standard anesthesia, victim and horseshoe muscle method of all mice, and then Western blot method was used to determine the expression of CGRP protein. Significance level was considered p> 0.05. Results: Statistical findings from the output of independent t-test for CGRP receptor protein expression values showed that the implementation of six weeks of MCT training protocol significantly increased CGRP protein expression in the MCT group compared with the control group (P = 0.048). Conclusion: These results indicate that the MCT rehabilitation protocol caused that muscle function during endurance activities could be improved by increasing CGRP protein expression.

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Background and Aim: Heading in football is one of the basic and essential skills for any player. This also increases the incidence of head injuries in this sport. Repeated heading in childhood can lead to serious brain dysfunction and sometimes irreversible consequences. The most common consequences of a head injury are headache, dizziness, and imbalance. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the short-term effect of head injury on postural stability and physical performance of Nonhal football players.Materials and Methods: Twenty players under the age of 13 at the club level in Tehran province who participated in at least two training sessions per week participated in this study. In this study, a heading training session included a standard 10-minute protocol. After general warm-up, a total of 20 consecutive heading was struck by each player in 10 minutes. Immediately before and immediately after heading training static and dynamic balance, agility and dribbling speed were measured using Y-Balance, Illinois agility and slalom dribbling tests, respectively.Results: The results showed that after a ten-minute session of heading by the players, there was a significant decrease in the scores of balance, speed and agility tests in the experimental group compared to the control group (P≤0.05).Conclusion: Therefore, performing a heading by soccer players can have a negative effect on the postural control and their balance. Therefore, considering the importance of postural control and physical fitness, it is recommended not to use heading during the game.

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