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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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IntroductionCooperation as an economy-oriented framework requires a successful spatial development, which is possible in line with regional development. This economic institution is a favorable environment for the promotion of agriculture, which tries to preserve production resources in line with education, and hence its connection with regional development is a development for promotion based on indigenous knowledge. In addition to promotion, environmental investment from Another benefit of cooperation is due to environmental indicators, which with a regional perspective can be in the place of a job-creating activity with high profit. Also, cooperation is a link of economic, social and cultural indicators, and the correct placement of these indicators in the path of its development is one of the other benefits of looking at the environment based on the region to a structure called cooperation. The relationship between cooperation and regional development is problematic, so that the long-term study of cooperation based on environmental factors shows that it is necessary to pay attention to a regional perspective. The present research has been conducted in order to analyze the effect of rural-urban type of cooperative in sustainable regional development with a case study of active cooperatives in Khansar city in Isfahan province. The purpose of this study is to know the type of cooperative effective on the development of the region, which is obtained based on the indicators of the current situation of cooperatives. MethodologyThe main question of this survey was, what type of cooperative is suitable for regional development and with what index can the best type of cooperatives for regional development be recognized? Therefore, the survey was formed with the help of Delphi technique and the analysis of macro indicators of development, i. e. social, economic, political and physical. This study was done with a descriptive-analytical method with the aim of conducting a practical study based on documentary and field studies. Cooperative as a socio-economic institution has an undeniable impact on regional development in order to identify environmental capacities based on which decisions can be made for the future of the region. Therefore, it is recommended to examine the relationship between cooperation and capacities of the regions in line with system analysis and planning for the future of the regions. In this study, using the Delphi method and the correlation coefficient test, according to the opinion of the collaborators, Macro indicators of regional development (economic, social, physical and political) were discussed. Results and discussionFinally, the analysis of extracted variables from among 330 active cooperatives in Khansar city of Isfahan province with a systematic random method showed that choosing a multi-purpose cooperative is the best type of cooperative to achieve sustainable and balanced regional development. ConclusionThe analysis of macro indicators in the two sectors of cooperation and regional development shows that it is not possible to use only one specific type of cooperative in regional development, and in addition, the extracted variables show other macro indicators such as political and physical conditions. They are effective in this situation with a regression percentage of nearly 70. Therefore, considering the importance of paying attention to the ability of multi-purpose cooperatives and what the evidence shows, the best type of cooperative for development at the regional level is the development of multi-purpose cooperatives, and as a result, a description of multi-purpose cooperative companies is presented in this review. The analysis of Delphi technique and the test of the correlation coefficient between macro-indicators that are effective in regional development through cooperatives showed that the economic index has the highest correlation with the variables, but the social index is not without influence, and after the coefficient of 76. 95 of the economic index, this index has the highest correlation with the variables. The coefficient is 74. 05 and it is in the next percentage with a small difference. In the analysis of the economic index, emphasizing the cooperative sector, the power of the cooperative in price control and brokerage had the highest percentage with 95. 4 percent. In the social sector, occupational security was considered with 84. 2%, in the political sector, pathological ability was considered with the cooperative sector with 86. 4%, and finally, in the physical sector, attention to the spatial standard with the help of the cooperative sector had the highest share with 78%. However, in the analysis of macro indicators in the regional development sector, it was ranked first with 89. 2% in the variable economic index of investment based on environmental dimensions. In the social index, the education variable was at the top with 90. 1%, in the political index, attention to the strategy variable was at the top with 79. 1%, and in the physical part, identification and protection of physical capacity was at the top with 76. 2%. The goals and objectives of multi-purpose cooperative companies are not known and specified in the law of the cooperative sector. Therefore, according to the intention of the legislator, the goals and objectives of the aforementioned companies can be considered as a mixture of the goals and objectives of different cooperative companies, taking into account the type of unit need for which the cooperative company was formed. The conditions of membership in multi-purpose cooperative companies remain silent in the law of the cooperative sector. But it seems that according to the field of operation and geographical area of each of these types of cooperative companies, all important people to be a member of the company can enter the company by buying shares. In such companies, due to the large number of people who want to become a member by receiving services, in contrast to production companies, who must necessarily be employed in the company, everyone can do so without working in the company or having a job. Multi-purpose cooperative companies are formed in two general and special ways. A special multi-purpose cooperative company is a company whose members its founder form, or the founding board of the company chooses members from among volunteers who are eligible for membership in cooperatives.

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Extended Abstract:IntroductionOver time, cities have sought to increase the welfare and quality of human life and, recently, to preserve the environment through the agricultural, industrial, and technological revolutions. In the 21st century, information and communication technology has become necessary for urban development and planning to improve the quality of life and place. According to the new urban paradigm, using innovative systems, including creating ubiquitous cities with smart convergent systems, is a solution to overcome these urban problems. The ubiquitous city is one of the future cities where physical spaces and electronic spaces converge. This research is of a descriptive-analytical and review type to investigate and analyze the approach of ubiquitous cities in the information and communication technology age. The analysis shows that a ubiquitous city consists of space, place, information and communication technology, and people. The difference between this approach and the old approaches in urban planning is the adoption of information and communication technology as a means of change in the city. This city has specific effects on the city with four social, economic, spatial, and organizational dimensions. In line with dimensions, they are implementing democracy in a real way by creating participation among citizens, determining information and communication technology as a driver and engine of economic growth, removing time and place restrictions, rejecting the central place theory and an approach that both compact and sprawl forms are capable of development. From an organizational point of view, it also helps to balance the city's three social, economic, and spatial dimensions. Therefore, according to the key capabilities of information and communication technology, it is necessary to pay attention to the ubiquitous city approach, especially in capital cities, because it leads to the possibility of solving many problems, including transportation traffic, environmental pollution, and increasing economic competitiveness.. MethodologyThis research was done in order to introduce the new approach of ubiquitous cities with descriptive-analytical method and using data collection in document-library format. The review of international and domestic studies with regard to the ubiquitous cities approach, shows the definitions, dimensions, indicators, elements and management strategies of this approach. Results and discussionThe basic framework of this article is based on the review of international and domestic studies following the ubiquitous city approach, definitions, dimensions, indicators, elements, and management strategies. The findings show that the effects of the ubiquitous city can be investigated in four dimensions of sustainable urban development, including economic, social, spatial, and organizational development. In terms of economy and economic growth, the ubiquitous city is jointly called the engine of economic growth due to the combination of technology and construction industries. South Korea's experience in this field shows that after the Asian economic crisis in 1997 and after the world economic crisis in 2008, in both cases, innovative urban development models were used as solutions to solve the crisis not only at the city level but also at the national level. Socially, in the ubiquitous city, the amount of social preparation, information literacy to use the technologies used in these cities and the services that must be provided must be planned. Issues related to independence, privacy, security, trust, affordability, access, and participation in the benefits of these technologies, infrastructure, and services are significant. What is expected in the ubiquitous city socially is that ubiquitous city projects should be a stimulus for change in participation in urban development that provides an opportunity to implement democracy in a real way. From a spatial point of view, developments outside and different from other principles and thoughts of urban planning are implemented in the ubiquitous city. Suppose the wide and longitudinal city was less effective in the past today. In that case, the ubiquitous city is the only urban form due to its characteristics of eliminating time and space. The issues related to urban compactness or dispersion have yet to be discussed. In other words, a ubiquitous city includes both dense and scattered urban forms. On the other hand, ubiquitous city rejects some urban planning theories, including the central place theory. In this city, issues related to the centrality of science lose their credibility; because it is possible to communicate and receive services from any point of the city without the time and place restrictions. From the organizational point of view, providing services, infrastructures, technologies, and management systems that support the development of the ubiquitous city provides a lot of confidence and capabilities for city managers. Also, creating a balance between three social, economic, and spatial approaches is one of the other key organizational tasks in the ubiquitous city. ConclusionExamining the experiences of humanity in the direction of moving towards human development, especially urban development, shows that different approaches have been taken in different periods. What has recently made people focus on cities more than ever before is the discussion of sustainable development. On the other hand, the huge concentration of population in urban areas has added to this importance. Moving from sustainable development to green growth, carbon dioxide reduction, balanced development, virtual city, electronic city, smart city, and the ubiquitous city shows the issue's importance in the contemporary era. The use of information and communication technology has made the ubiquitous city approach different from previous approaches. This technology has caused fundamental changes in the attitude towards urban and even global issues and challenges. When information and communication technology is mentioned in the city context, it includes a set of urban infrastructures, architectures, software, computing and data analysis systems, and systems hardware sets throughout the city that are wireless or networks connected. These technologies are exerted to identify, receive, collect, store, process, combine, analyze, generalize, model, simulate, manage, exchange, and share data to control, understand, explore, and plan modern cities to achieve particular goals. The ubiquitous city's foundation depends on information and communication technology and has specific components and requirements. A certain level of information technology and telecommunication infrastructure is among the foundations of the ubiquitous city. Other technologies and tools are also used in this city according to the needs. The use of big data, cloud computing, supercomputers, advanced fiber optic, satellite infrastructure, etc. are prerequisites for realizing this city. In practical terms, this city's core is the geographic information system and global positioning system. These two technologies are the link between human-human, human-object, and human-city. Regarding the theories behind this approach, the theory of sustainable development and information and communication technology plays a fundamental role. These two theories have influenced many aspects of urban life regarding the built environment, urban system, urban services, and urban forms. The central assumption in this field is that ubiquitous city development is a form of experience and practical implementation through interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge. More precisely, a ubiquitous city as a development approach involves and combines many scientific and theoretical fields from different sectors. In other words, a ubiquitous city is a technology-oriented approach to the future city with extensive capabilities and excessive attractions using the expansion of innovation in various scientific and technological fields. This approach is so broad that scientific research can only cover some related fields. However, the scientific view of urban planning shows that this approach has many effects on human-human, human-object, and human-city relations. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ ContributionAuthors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none. Conflict of InterestAuthors declared no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Extended Abstract Introduction Today, the city of Kashan faces major problems of urbanization and instability. These problemsinclude unmeasured urban constructions, fragmentation of urban fabric, traffic, high housing prices, environmental problems, an unfair distribution of facilities and services in the city as well asdisorganization in worn-out urban fabrics. To these problems, one can also add the instability of municipality's revenue sources, uncoordinated urban management, and the disorder of the urban image; in order to provide a model to achieve balance in the spatial system of the city,the recognitionof the roots of the formation and occurrence of such problems in form of processes of instability is necessary. Therefore, the aims of the current study are to provide an optimal solution for overcoming various aspects of instability as well as to achieve balance in city’s spatial system, while analyzing the instability processes of the spatial system of the city of Kashan. Considering the significance of this subject, the present research, thus, tries to answer the following question:  what are the most important processes that shape the instability of the space system of Kashan?   Methodology The deployed method in this research is applied-developmental in terms of its purpose and descriptive and analytical in terms of its procedure. To this end, through the review of texts and sources, a theoretical framework was first developed; afterwards, through a pathological approach, while applyingthe analyses from researcher's previous studies, various dimensions of instability in the spatial system of Kashan were extracted, and a way out of city's instability presented.   Results and discussion The findings of the investigation and analyses of the physical-spatial growth trends of Kashan show that A) Between 1355 and 1390, the gross population density of Kashan has decreased drastically. It has decreased to from 140 people per hectare in 1355 to 29.1 people in 2011. This decrease in density implies the horizontal expansion of the city during this period. b) Examining the physical pattern of Kashan based on urban form measurement models shows that the physical-spatial growth pattern of Kashan is a urban sprawl pattern. The coefficients and values obtained from each of the models strongly confirm this idea. Examining the status of urban districts and regions of Kashan in terms of having integrated indicators of sustainable development through a combined approach of multi-criteria decision-making models such as TOPSIS & DEMATEL, ANP showed that districts do not have the same spatial-spatial balance, and they are stratified into three groups: the privileged, the semi-privileged, and the near-privileged. Also, the distribution of development indicators in Kashan shows a kind of spatial imbalance. According to the number of people living in five areas of the city, the findings of the research has shown that nearly 20% of city's population lives in the privileged areas (4 and 5), 54% of the population in the semi-privileged (2 and 1), and 26% of the population in the near-privileged areas which are poor. At last, due to special natural, economic, and social situation of the city as well as its increasing population and excessive physical development, the overall study of the land use of the city, in terms of predictions and goals of the first detailed plan, has revealed a non-observance of planning and urban design standards and criteria. Therefore, if the past trend is going to be kept with, the urban space will not develop based on the future comprehensive plan of Kashan, and its current problems will be far more.   Conclusion Today, cities are facing major problems of urbanization and instability in different dimensions. The findings of the study has shown that medium-sized citiesare among those urban areas which, due to the influence of national mechanisms, face many problemssuch as the instability of income sources, inequality in the allocation of services and facilities.Furthermore, some regional and local processes also intensified instability in such cities. In this regard, the comparison of research findings with theoretical foundations has illustrated that Kashan, as a medium-sized city, is one of the urban areas which faces major problems of urbanization and instability in diverse dimensions. The most important reasons for such problems can be elaborated at two different levels: macro and micro. At the macro level, the chain urban network process at the national level has caused the city to remain economically, socially, and spatiallyweak. At the micro level, processes such as the pattern of scattered urban growth, unbalanced local-spatial development at the level of districts and regions of the city, and the inefficiency of urban development plans have led to the spatial disorder of the city. Therefore, based on the basic theory of the research, effective steps can include solving social, cultural, and service problems, realizing sustainable security, peace and comfort in the urban environment, strengthening the spirit of citizens’ participation in city affairs, and finally realizing social stability with the goal of social justice, economic stability with the goal of economic survival, and environmental sustainability with the aim of ecological balance in the city within the framework of urban development strategies. Taking these steps can also realize a compact physical-spatial form (expansion of intra-tissue concentration) and can increase the level of stability of development indicators at the level of districts and urban areas of Kashan in accordance with the approach of expansion of social justice and reduction of socio-economic differences within the region. In the end, based on the pathology of the instability processes of city's space system, an optimal model is proposed to put Kashan city back on the path of stability of the space system.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution All authors contributed equally to the preparation of this manuscript.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Extended Abstract Introduction The development of different types of cryptocurrencies has caused this technology to find various applications in the economy of societies. This type of currency does not belong to any government and its value is determined by the demand of human society. Since digital currencies are electronic and do not have costs such as service fees, taxes, maintenance costs, etc., they are considered the most flexible type of money. However, it should be noted that the transfer of virtual money is not supported by any central service provider or institution. According to what has been discussed, nowadays, the implementation of governance in the world requires effective levers, one of the most important of these levers is the economic lever. Governments can use economic levers to shape political demands and take advantage of it, which is sometimes not the case in the field of cryptocurrencies and can become challenging issues in the economic and territorial fields of countries in the coming years. Considering the influential role of cryptocurrencies in the future economy of the world and the tremendous effects of this type of monetary channels on the relations between governments and sometimes their impact on the economic arteries of governments in the coming years, this research seeks to explain the scenarios of cryptocurrencies by entering into their financial and monetary flows. which addresses this issue by identifying the most important actors and drivers affecting the issue.   Methodology The current research is applied in terms of its purpose and in terms of its nature and method, it is an exploratory description based on a qualitative approach and aims to collect data in order to conceptualize and provide prescriptive analysis. Considering the importance of the research subject and considering that its main goal is scenario development regarding the consequences of cryptocurrencies on the geo-economic policies of governments, it has been tried to pay attention to the effective factors and drivers in the various fields of cryptocurrencies and their economic policies. Therefore, the identification of heterogeneous and efficient experts has played a significant role in this research, and for this purpose, the statistical population of this research has been redefined and includes experts and experts who have the ability to provide analytical assistance to the research goals. Regarding the methods of information gathering and scenario writing method, first, in order to review the literature, a scientific and specialized library review was done, then in the next stages, brainstorming methods and expert panels were used. The main scenario writing method of the research is based on the Global Business Network (GBN) model scenario.   Results and discussion In this article, based on the scenario method in the inferential approach, an attempt was made to identify important and influential actors on cryptocurrencies and their role on the governments' financial and credit policies, effective drivers and related uncertainties were also identified using experts' opinions. Based on the above findings, it is possible to write believable scenarios and finally five scenarios were drawn for the future of this field. The findings of the research showed that the key influential actors include the media and social networks with very large and popular users in the country (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), scientific and academic societies inside and outside the country, international economic and financial institutions (such as the International Fund International Monetary Fund and FATF), financing of terrorism, opportunities and challenges of cryptocurrencies, and the most important drivers are the development of governance of digital currencies in the world, user trust in the exploitation and exchanges of digital currencies, the formalization of exchanges based on digital currencies, the development of the digital economy, the impact of digital currencies In the economy of a country, motivational factors for the production of digital currencies, the development of systems and technologies based on digital currencies and blockchain, global crises (such as the Corona epidemic), disruption of the management of the current affairs of countries, the irreversibility of digital currency transactions, anonymity or semi-anonymity The presence of wallet addresses, economic and political tension between countries, the possibility of making unlimited transactions, the conflict between countries' laws and money laundering laws, the functional role of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), organized fraud. with cryptocurrencies on the blockchain platform.   Conclusion According to experts, by identifying four key uncertainties, i.e. the trust or lack of trust of users in the exploitation and exchanges of digital currencies, the formalization or non-formalization of exchanges based on digital currencies in the economy and monetary exchanges of societies, the development or non-development of the digital economy based on digital currencies. Disrupting the management of the current affairs of the countries or improving the management situation of the governments in the use of cryptocurrencies, sixteen uncertain atmospheres were created, and the scenarios were written by checking their credibility. In the most desirable scenario, governments use the benefits and wide and international applications of cryptocurrencies to increase their geo-economic weight. The creation of cryptocurrencies is a revolution in financial markets. Cryptocurrencies have managed to find their place in the global economy with their amazing performance over the last few years. Many large companies and investors use cryptocurrencies to diversify their investment portfolio and long-term investments. Also, people have a positive view of the future of cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, by using cryptocurrencies in financial relations and monetary exchanges, governments improve the management situation and current businesses develop their progress through the establishment of the governing flow of society's money and create There is no excessive money in the economy, which leads to controlling inflation.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Extended Abstract  Introduction Smart city as an approach that has paid attention to all aspects of human life and it can be boldly said that it has brought together all the effective ideas and approaches in solving the problems of urban life, in fact it can be said that smart city is a new concept in the program. Rezi is a city that requires infrastructure changes in the three categories of information and communication technology, management and policymaking, and human resources for its implementation.In the smart city model, various technologies are combined and used to improve the lives of citizens. Therefore, the smart city is not a reality, but a strategy in the process of urban planning and management, in fact, what moves a city towards smartness is not only the use of electronic tools and communication systems of that city; Rather, it is the way of planning and using this tool to improve the quality of life of the citizens of a city. Therefore, this model as an alternative solution for solving urban problems should be given special attention by managers and planners. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to investigate the impact of smart factors on urban management in the municipality of Mashhad region. According to the listed theories and approaches, 3 types of processes in the smartening of cities can be proposed. One type of process is a top-down process that is technology-oriented and tries to operate by using the capabilities of information and communication technology and by defining projects in order to manage more efficiently and increase productivity. In the bottom-up process, the emphasis on citizens' participation and a type of digital democracy and digital education of citizens and the use of social media reached the smart city, and the third type of process is a combination of the above two types of processes.   Methodology The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method, and its data was collected with the help of a questionnaire. The statistical population includes all the residents of a region of Mashhad municipality, and according to the population of 201373 people, the number of 384 people was obtained as a statistical sample using Cochran's formula. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was also used to obtain the reliability of the questionnaire. District 1 of Mashhad Municipality has 12 customary and registered neighborhoods, according to the latest census data in Mashhad's neighborhood atlas project, the total population of District 1 is 201,373 people, of which 98,789 are men and 102,584 are women.   Results and discussion The results related to the "smart economy" variable have the highest average of "the spread and penetration of the Internet among families" and equal to 3.282. The lowest average is related to "strategic program for the expansion of Internet businesses and its development in the virtual space" and is equal to 2.384. In the study of "Intelligent Dynamics", the highest average is related to "the level of penetration of the use of information and communication technologies among citizens" and is equal to 3.775. The lowest average is related to "internet bandwidth and coverage" and is equal to 3.308. In the study of "smart environment", the highest average is related to "possibility of identifying and benefiting from the cultural topics of Mashhad city through virtual space" and is equal to 3.063. The lowest average is related to "the role of information and communication in expanding public security of citizens" and equals 2.480. In the "smart governance" variable, the highest mean is related to "the role of information and communication technology and applications in the improvement and efficiency of administrative services to citizens" and is equal to 3.264. The lowest average is related to "the level of effort and effort of city officials and managers in expanding and developing the comprehensive processes of communication and information" and is equal to 3.102. In the questions of the questionnaire related to the "smart domain" variable, the highest mean is related to "the role of education and especially the Shad network in the penetration and expansion of virtual education and the familiarity of families with virtual space" and is equal to 3.869. The lowest average is related to "the role of technological and knowledge-based companies in the expansion of infrastructure and applications and its training" and is equal to 3.170.   Conclusion Based on the opinions of citizens, the findings show that smartness in the dimension of smart economy with a coefficient of 0.400, in the dimension of dynamism with a coefficient of 0.337, in the dimension of smart environment with a coefficient of 0.729, in the dimension of smart governance with a coefficient of 0.533 and in the dimension of smart territory with a coefficient of 0.745, they had an impact on the performance of urban management and it has a positive and significant relationship with these dimensions. Finally, it was found that the smart territory index had a greater impact on the urban management performance of this region than other smartness indicators.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Extended Abstract Introduction Urbanization is considered a global phenomenon that has expanded dramatically in the last century and has increased inequalities and injustices in the lives of city dwellers, as a result of which their access to urban infrastructures and services has faced a serious problem. Therefore, in urban planning, one of the important issues that has gained special importance is the proper distribution of urban uses and, in other words, spatial justice. In this regard, urban uses and services are among the factors that can establish the dimensions of spatial justice and social justice more equitably by responding to population needs and paying attention to the merits and competencies of individuals. Thus, the inappropriate distribution of urban uses and services, in addition to causing population disturbance and imbalance in the city, also distances urban spaces from social and economic justice. For this reason, in developing countries, especially in urban areas, more than in any other period, they need to emphasize establishing spatial justice in the optimal enjoyment of various urban services. Spatial justice can be defined as the intersection of space and social justice, which includes the fair distribution of valuable resources and opportunities in society. Accordingly, we can consider spatial justice as the main approach and equality perspectives in analyzing the distribution of urban services, an inevitable necessity in urban studies. Hence, in order to improve the environmental conditions of cities and reduce the effects of inequality, the spatial distribution of services at the level of cities and the need for proper access to these services is necessary. So, spatial justice analyzes the distribution of urban public services, emphasizing spatial justice in the neighborhoods of District 5 of Rasht.   Methodology The current research has been carried out as a practical and descriptive-analytical study in terms of targeting and methodology, respectively. The statistical population of the research is 11 neighborhoods of District 5 of Rasht, in which library studies (study of documents, statistics, and detailed master plan) were used to collect data, and the indicators used are urban uses and services. According to the operational field of the research, i.e., the spatial level of the urban neighborhood, indicators whose functional range was at the neighborhood level were selected. In other words, indicators whose spatial performance radius is outside the neighborhood level, such as the airport, railway, specialized hospital, etc., have been left out of the measurement circle due to the lack of universality of the need at the neighborhood level. Therefore, 7 indicators were selected for review and ranking in all 11 neighborhoods of District 5 of Rasht. In this research, using the COCOSO method, each locality was ranked according to the availability of urban services (commercial-administrative-educational-medical, health-park, green space-sports-equipment, and urban facilities). Using the MABAC method, each research used at the regional level was evaluated and ranked. Excel and GIS software programs have also been exerted to analyze and draw maps and the spatial distribution of services.   Results and discussion In order to obtain and better understand the situation and determine the priority of urban development among the neighborhoods of the five cities of Rasht, based on the ranking obtained from the COCOSO model and in terms of having the studied indicators, they are classified into four levels as low-privileged, semi-privileged, well-privileged, and very well-privileged. In the meantime, District 3, with the highest score of 18/975, is in first place, and Districts 9 and 8 are ranked second and third with scores of 13/834 and 7/262, respectively. On the other hand, District 5 has the last rank, with the lowest score of 1/049. Statistically, the results show that 19% of the 11 neighborhoods of the five cities of Rasht are very well-off, 27% are well-off, 27% are half-off, and 27% are low-off. The following, in order to better examine and compare the position of urban services uses, based on the MABAK technique, results showed that the use of parks and green spaces in the five cities of Rasht, with the highest score of 0/485, was in the first place, the educational use ranked second with 0/199, and administrative ranked third with 0/134 points.    Conclusion In today's society, the problems caused by the improper distribution of urban public services have made this issue one of the most critical issues facing most developed and developing countries. For this reason, in most cities of Iran, including Rasht, the inappropriate distribution of urban services has been very worrying. So far, the biggest concern of city officials and managers has been providing urban services in the city, and less attention has been paid to its proper distribution. The final results of the COCOSO model showed that the residents of District 5 of Rasht city do not have equal access to urban services and facilities, which indicates an unbalanced distribution of services and facilities at the level of the districts of this area of the city. Therefore, allocating urban uses and services needed by localities, especially low-privileged localities such as Qala Sera, University, and Gil Village, in order to improve the quality of life of citizens and their satisfaction, is an important and necessary topic, with the concept and criteria of spatial and social justice as one of the needs the basis of today's society is directly related. Thus, it is necessary to increase the per capita amount of uses that are not in good condition in terms of per capita amount, such as commercial, healthcare, equipment and facilities, and sports, to reach the desired level and close to the standard per capita.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Extended Abstract Introduction In recent decades, the increasing development of cities and exploitation of land and nature has led to new currents regarding environmental protection, sustainable development, and topics such as ecological footprint and optimization of energy consumption. So there was a huge flood of research about sustainable urban development and such discussions. One of these theories, which, in addition to its environmental aspect, has also paid much attention to human mental characteristics, is the biophilic city theory. Therefore, according to the current situation of Isfahan in terms of greenery, lack of water, pollution, and other environmental problems, it seems to consider a model for the city of Isfahan that can save this city from the current crises and lead it to health. Moreover, promoting well-being is necessary and necessary. Therefore, using the biophilic urban development method can be a suitable solution to deal with the problem of being away from nature and its negative consequences in Isfahan. Thus, this article aimed to compile the biophilic city model of Isfahan based on the indicators extracted from global studies.   Methodology The research method of this article is applied in terms of objective and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. All the areas (or urban areas) are considered as the statistical population of the research. In this research, in cases where the information cannot be extracted from the existing maps, the statistical population representing the urban areas, which is the citizens of Isfahan living in the urban areas, is considered. The statistical sample was used through a simple random cluster sampling method, which is a statistical sample of 394 citizens of Isfahan, whose opinions about the characteristics of the biophilic city in their neighborhood are measured through a questionnaire. In this research, Cronbach's alpha is used to measure reliability, and jury techniques are used to measure validity. It should be noted that the reliability of the Likert scale with a coefficient of about 0. 75 has been considered acceptable by the researchers.   Results and discussion  In order to understand the requirements and infrastructure needed to create a biophilic pattern in the neighborhoods of Isfahan city, it is necessary to determine what score each neighborhood gets from the point of view of biophilic characteristics, or in general, which characteristics are stronger and which are weaker. Then from the understanding of this importance, it is now necessary to decide for each neighborhood whether it should work on eliminating the weak points or promoting and developing the strong ones. Infrastructural measures are better to take place at the level of areas larger than the neighborhood, so dividing the city of Isfahan into several homogeneous areas is necessary. In this regard, 37 layers of information have been obtained and integrated. An integrated map of the evaluation of the city of Isfahan has been obtained concerning biophilic indicators separated by localities. First cluster,the neighborhoods in the first cluster are considered the best neighborhoods in terms of biophilic city characteristics. Second cluster,the neighborhoods that are placed in the second cluster have a good situation in terms of the indicators loaded in the first and third factors, but the situation is unfavorable in the rest of the indicators. Third cluster,the localities that are placed in the third cluster have a good situation in terms of the indicators loaded in the fourth and seventh factors, but the situation is unfavorable in other indicators. Fourth cluster,the neighborhoods that are placed in the fourth cluster have a good situation in terms of the indicators loaded in the third, fourth and fifth factors, but the situation is unfavorable in other indicators. Fifth cluster,the neighborhoods that are placed in the fifth cluster have a good situation in terms of the indicators loaded in the first and fourth factors, but the situation is unfavorable in other indicators. Sixth cluster,the neighborhoods that are placed in the sixth cluster have a good situation in terms of the indicators loaded in the third and fourth factors, but the situation is unfavorable in other indicators. Seventh cluster,the neighborhoods that are placed in the seventh cluster have a good situation in terms of the indicators loaded in the first, third and sixth factors, but the situation is unfavorable in other indicators. Eighth cluster,the neighborhoods that are placed in the eighth cluster have a favorable situation only in terms of the indicators loaded in the third factor, and the situation is unfavorable in other indicators. Ninth cluster,the neighborhoods that are placed in the ninth cluster have a good situation in terms of the indicators loaded in the third and fifth factors, but the situation is unfavorable in other indicators. Tenth cluster,the localities that are placed in the tenth cluster have a favorable situation only in terms of the indicators loaded in the third factor, and the situation is unfavorable in other indicators   Conclusion The results showed that the areas of Najwan and the neighborhoods of Naqsh Jahan, Charkhab, and Abbas Abad are more harmonious than other areas in terms of the characteristics of the biophilic city. Also, the clustering of neighborhoods in Isfahan has been divided into 10 clusters based on the principle of homogeneity in the characteristics of biophilic urban development. This document can be used as a support system for decision-making and design in two scales for plans and programs. First, on a strategic scale, it is possible to consider the localities within a cluster to be the same and adopt unique strategies and policies. Second, on the scale of local design, in such a way that it specifies the strengths and weaknesses of each cluster and its localities, and the design in each locality should move towards which or which categories of biophilic city criteria to overcome the weaknesses. Solve or take advantage of strengths and potentials.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper

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Extended Abstract Introduction Urban land-use changes are taking place in third-world metropolises with unsuccessful management and planning in favor of owners and developers, leading to instability and unfairness of the urban space. The existing studies show the spatial representation of the changes, causes, drivers, processes, and structures of these changes. Few studies with a prescriptive approach deal with a solution to make these changes fair and sustainable. This research aims to use the principles of the right to the city approach as a trans-structuralist approach to present a solution-oriented prescriptive model on the issue of urban land use changes centered on Tehran metropolis. In fact, after analyzing and explaining the causes and drivers of land use changes in third world cities (centered on Tehran metropolis), there is a need to use a prescriptive approach (the right to the city approach), a suitable solution for plans Provide an urban strategy in line with urban land use changes. The right to the city, as one of the rights of citizens, which is the result of their social relations and urban life, goes far beyond individual freedoms and access to city facilities. In this research, in order to provide a prescriptive model of urban land-use changes based on the right to city approach, the factors affecting urban land-use changes are calculated, and the prescription of the right to city approach for each of these factors is one of the principles of this statistical approach. Finally, a coherent theoretical prescriptive model has been presented, which theoretically prevents damage to the city and aligns with a sustainable and just city.   Methodology In this research based on qualitative strategy, the descriptive-analytical research method has been used to conduct the research. In order to present the effective factors of changes in urban land-use, the method of review and content analysis of resources has been applied. In order to collect the information needed for the theoretical basis of the research and in order to extract the effective factors on the land use changes as well as the prescriptions of the right to the city approach, documentary and library methods and the review of the latest scientific articles and relevant original books have been exerted.   Results and discussion In realizing the ideal of the right to the city, the share of agents also changes. It has been analyzed, and according to the facts of the economic-political-spatial approach, the role of government and capital in urban changes is more prominent than other factors. However, from the view of the right to the city, the contribution of the social factor should be greater than the contribution of the political factor. According to the principles of the right to the city approach, the prescriptions of this approach have been extracted for each factor affecting urban land-use changes. The right to the city approach based on these prescriptions for land-use changes is in pursuit of a just and sustainable city. It claims that if in the plans and programs, Urban authorities should act according to these regulations regarding the factors affecting land use changes (including social, economic, political and physical), land-use changes will move towards fairness and sustainability. Fair and sustainable land-use changes lead to the generation of urban space. The increase in the added value of space resulting from the generation of space leads to the fair distribution of city costs and benefits among citizens, and this leads to the increase of the economic power of the public sector and, finally, the implementation of the right to the city for citizens. Increasing participation of citizens in decision-making makes an increase in the share of the lower classes of society in the space, leading to the socialization of the space. The socialization of the space also leads to the implementation of the right to the city for the citizens.   Conclusion As a post-structuralist approach, the right to the city approach assigns a right to citizens that goes beyond equality in enjoying urban benefits and asserts the right to change the city at the hands of the citizens in line with their change. The purpose of this research is to present a prescriptive model based on the right to the city approach for urban land-use changes, which can provide a solution for urban land-use changes in urban plans and programs in a prescriptive manner, which other land-use changes not only should be done by the citizens, but its benefits should be for all the citizens living in the city. The benefits of urban changes should not only include the owners and developers, and finally, a fair and sustainable city will be created with the participation of the citizens and for the benefit of the citizens. In this regard, the prescriptions in charters and scientific texts related to the right to the city approach were calculated based on factors affecting urban land use changes and presented in the form of a prescription model. This research shows that the prescriptions from the right to the city approach for the factors and indicators affecting land-use changes prevent the commodification of space and lead to the creation of space. Finally, in a process, two main results will be achieved, which include the socialization of space and increasing the economic power of the public sector. The realization of these two results actually provides the conditions for creating a fair and sustainable city. The presented model based on the right to the city approach was validated with the fuzzy inference system, and the experts acknowledged that the presented model has an acceptable level in terms of the criteria of consistency with the approach, proportionality, effectiveness and efficiency, legitimacy and continuity, and the ability to measure.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Extended AbstractIntroductionWith the occurrence of the industrial revolution, apart from any change in the world, the population experienced significant growth. This increase in population, and subsequent urban expansion caused numerous environmental, social and economic crises to the urban system, which resulted in a decrease in the quality of urban life and psycho-psychological consequences. In order to respond to these problems, several ideas were raised,one of them was the idea of the biophilic city. Biophilic City with emphasis the relationship with nature refers to its essential role in physical and mental health. In this city, the relationship between society and nature is very clear. A city can be considered biophilic where, in addition to communicating with nature, there are citizens who love nature and are diligent in preserving and developing it. Therefore, biophilic citizens can be considered a fundamental concept in the heart of the “Biophile City”. A citizen who performs biophilic affairs. It is clear that citizens have many distinctions based on some demographic variables such as age, education, income and so on. Hence,   identifying their differences and similarities is fundamental to a comprehensive strategy and planning. This study is important because Khaf, like most cities in Iran, follows a warm and dry climate. Along with this climatic background, the multiplicity of mines and industries has linked the lives of the citizens of this city with numerous physical and mental diseases. This is where the city as a place of gathering, commerce, and, most importantly, a human habitat, it requires clean air, clean water and a lively environment. Implementation of biophilic principles can create a healthy environment based on nature for residents. The five general objectives pursued in this study­are: Comparative Evaluation of Citizens' Biophilic Activities­and Attitudes­with the Standard Value of the Local Model of Biophilic City, Assessing the Impact of­Urban Infrastructure on Citizens' Activities­and Attitudes­, Evaluating the Correlation between ­Population Characteristics and ­Biophilic Activities, Evaluation of the Correlation between Population Characteristics and­Biophilic Knowledge and Attitude, Exploratory Analysis of Effective Dimensions on Identification of Biophilic Citizen.  MethodologyThe present study is a  descriptive-analytic study, and also, in terms of purpose, it is an applied study in which data collection is in  library-survey. The theoretical framework of the research was first developed. Then, by interviewing (the experts of the municipality and the environment department of Khaf)  and studying the documents, data and information in these organizations, the initial evaluation of urban infrastructure and other related items became biophilic city. Then, using the questionnaire method, the evaluation of the components affecting the explanation of the biophilic citizen model was measured. Considering the lack of familiarity of citizens with the concept of a biophilic city and the lack of explanation and interpretation of the concept of a biophilic citizen, a coefficient of error of 0. 08 was applied in Cochran's formula. Therefore, the sample size was 150 and for better generalization, 30 questionnaires surplus to  the initial number of distributions. There were 180 questionnaires. Pearson statistical analysis and structural equation modeling in Amos Graphic software are the dominant evaluation methods in this study.  Results and discussionRealizing this concept requires the cooperation of institutions and media with each other. On the other hand, it was found that demographic jaggies affect biophilic activities and attitudes and knowledge. The components of "biophilic infrastructure" and "biophilic institutions and organizations", such as "population characteristics", affect two components of  "biophilic activities" and "biophilic knowledge and attitude". In contrast, they are not affected by any components.   At the end of the study، it was also revealed that demographic characteristics such as age, gender, education, etc. There is a positive   and meaningful relationship with biophilic activities. The analysis of this relationship shows that the characteristics of the population as an independent entity have a great impact on "biophilic activities" and "biophilic attitudes and awareness", and citizens have different activities and knowledge and attitude in terms of age, education, marital status, gender and socioeconomic characteristics. In the right of time,   what increases or decreases the activities and the attitude and awareness of citizens towards biophilic activities is their demographic characteristics. Also, the more awareness and attitude of citizens towards the concept of biophilic citizens, their biophilic activities will increase.  ConclusionNaturalism, life-saving and environmental protection are the necessities and fundamental concepts in the biophilic city. Biophilic is a city that considers nature first in its design, planning, and management. Khaf is involved in green space  development with problems such as water shortage and bad climate, which has caused the city's lack of green space. The issue of increasing age and education and effect on the increase of biophilic activities can be considered as one of the opportunities of Khaf. Because the city has faced an increase in the number of students and educated people in recent years, and by putting together people and indigenous citizens who have a long history of living in Khaf, effective measures can be taken to realize the biophilic city. The socioeconomic situation of individuals also has a direct impact on the presence of green spaces. This concept can have various reasons, including that this group of citizens have more time for rest and recreation, and generally fewer worries create more opportunities for them to spend in green spaces. Paying attention to the concept of a biophilic city can be one of the policies of the development of Khaf. The city has faced the phenomenon of migration in recent years. Perhaps the climate, along with economic issues, is one of the most important reasons. The crowd knew the exit. In this way, the biophilic city strategy in the development of Khaf can improve the climate and prevent the migration of citizens، especially educated people, who are the capital needed for the city for development. In order to realize the concept of biophilic citizen in Khaf, the following measures are proposed: Developing a biophilic citizen strategic plan for Khaf city, Adoption of laws supporting the development of the intellectual and physical structures of the city of Khaf and the preparation of guidelines for  the development of the intellectual and physical structures of the biophilic city, Using the capacity of media to ­educate and expand the concept of a biophilic citizen, Providing an executive plan to preserve and expand urban green spaces in accordance with water and climate constraints with a biophilic approach, ­Holding educational workshops for students to raise awareness about the duties of biophilic citizens.  FundingThere is no funding support.  Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.  Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.  Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this pape.

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Extended AbstractIntroductionIn line with city and population studies as well as population planning of people in cities, which has a long history, the city has been the main focus of human gathering, and for years, it has taken first place among human settlements in attracting the population, which has been able to make many changes. In order to create according to the attraction of the population in the cities, these developments can manifest themselves in the form of physical, social, economic, and managerial developments. These developments lead the city towards the current conditions and give the city a different identity from the settlements. Based on this, social issues in the city are first in the ranking of urban studies because this is the main way of shaping all issues. In this regard, if the urban management group pays special attention to social relations from the beginning of planning in the city, maybe in the future, they will see fewer challenges, especially in urban worn-out textures. It will lead the city to social prosperity and the level of social participation, which will greatly expand among the localities so that the city can be considered a logical, healthy, and effective focal point by maintaining social identity for residents. With this assumption, social studies in line with successful urban management are essential and successful results of urban planning at the local level. It tries to show the strengthening of relations in the city from a social point of view and guide the city management towards sustainable urban control. However, the urban management complex may face different challenges in this regard because urban neighborhoods are one of the micro and concrete centers for forming cultural identities and social affiliations and strengthening neighborhood values and norms in the form of a sense of social belonging and neighborhood relations. Therefore, in the structure of urban neighborhoods, the role of social capital is as a set of norms, informal values, customary laws, and moral obligations that interact with each other and are always discussed and examined by researchers in urban studies and cause identification of people in groups, and facilitate social relations in cities. Based on this, due to the population density and various ethnic migrations in the neighborhoods of Bushehr, it has become essential that the level of trust of the residents of that area is less towards each other, and this issue has caused major concerns. In this regard, the present research has been scrutinized to evaluate social capital. It has shown that social capital directly affects the institutionalization of urban management and development. With this assumption, the present research has been aimed at answering whether the spatial distribution of social capital in different neighborhoods of Bushehr is distributed similarly or not.. MethodologySince the purpose and application will be different depending on the type of research subject, the present research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of method. Since articles, books, and other written sources were used in the present research and researchers were present at the research site and collected their data in this field, this research was of library and field type. The research's statistical population includes all Bushehr citizens, whose number is unlimited. The statistical sample was based on the well-known Cochran formula; 384 people were obtained. In order to obtain better information, the researcher collected 403 questionnaires. Results and discussionIn the current research, which is a social issue, according to the statistical analysis, different results have been created; therefore, in order to obtain the scientific results of the research, Cronbach's alpha has been used first to check the reliability of the research variables, and then to check the dimensions of social capital in Kruskal-Wallis test has been exerted in different areas of Bushehr city. Also, data analysis has shown that the significance of topics such as social trust in this test (0.223), social participation (0.001), social cohesion (0.029), local institutions (0.046), social security (0.367), responsibility (0.048), normative orientation (0.418), satisfaction (0.032) and social interaction (0.041). In the continuation of the research findings, the results of the investigations have shown no significant difference in terms of social trust, social security, or normativity in different areas of Bushehr. However, there is a significant difference in terms of social participation, social cohesion, local institutions, social responsibility, satisfaction, and social interaction. Moreover, finally, according to the results of the research, it has been suggested to city officials that one of the components that city managers in Bushehr can trust more is the discussion of trust in local social institutions such as Basij, the mosque's board of trustees, etc. City managers can think about planning and strengthening their multiples among the urban neighborhoods of Bushehr. ConclusionCity managers in Bushehr should strengthen the activities of mosques and mobilize neighborhoods in their agenda to increase people's trust in these groups, make citizens able to go to mosques with peace of mind and use the presence of elders in order to solve problems. In this regard, one of the strategies that Bushehr city managers and officials can effectively demonstrate is how to establish positive and constructive communication between citizens, the Islamic Council, and the neighborhood council. In such a way, people believe they can refer to their neighborhood council to resolve neighborhood issues with peace of mind.. FundingThere is no funding support. Authors’ ContributionAuthors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none. Conflict of InterestAuthors declared no conflict of interest. Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Mogholi Marzieh

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Extended Abstract Introduction Today, studies and researches based on land use are carried out in order to meet the needs of the land surface with multiple uses such as agricultural land, gardens, residential areas and industrial areas, etc. Using remote sensing images as a new tool in surveying land cover and land use types, their changes over time can be checked and confirmed. In today's world and with the growth of technology, satellite observations are very important for understanding land use patterns in large areas and detecting changes over time. In recent years, the use of satellite images in determining land use and investigating the expansion of cities has been of great interest. The use of remote sensing technology with the aim of examining changes over time is an inevitable necessity. Paying attention to the adverse effects of land use change in the management of urban areas by planners using Landsat satellite image information is very useful. Therefore, due to the rapid growth of urbanization, not only a large amount of urban natural lands have changed their use, but the expansion of cities has caused socio-economic and physical use changes in the surrounding villages. Therefore, it can be claimed that the science of remote sensing is a comprehensive tool for managing natural resources and remote sensing satellites are the best and most accurate data sources for detecting, quantifying and mapping patterns of land use changes.   Methodology First, satellite images of three appropriate time periods were collected from different sources. The data were checked for geometric and radiometric errors and were received at the L1T level. To prevent errors, by displaying individual bands and different color combinations on the computer screen, the data in terms of radiometric errors were investigated and the atmospheric correction was done in the software using the ENVI method. To check the geometrical situation, the georeferenced image was prepared from the USGS site, and the intersections and important points were checked in the ENVI software. Then, the prepared images were classified by image classification and band combination software such as ENVI 5 and ILWIS and based on ground control, the classification was done. Relevant corrections were applied according to the needs of the obtained images. Coding and combination of color images for different decades were carried out. The next step was to determine the number of desired classes for supervised classification and to determine land use, and then to ensure the accuracy of the classification, a scattered sample was collected from all the studied areas. The fuzzy logic method based on the theory of adaptability was used to classify the image and extract land use and land cover maps. Finally, using this model, a map of land use was prepared from the studied area, and to evaluate the changes, the area of each of the land use classes in each period was drawn in the form of a table. To figure out the changes in the studied area, the maps obtained from the classification of images were studied with the orthogonal table method, and the prepared user maps were compared two by two and created as a matrix. The simulation was done in the relevant software such as IDRISI, GIS. By comparing the land use of the first two decades with the third decade and using the Markov chain method, simulating and predicting the trend of land use changes for the coming years was considered as the forecasting horizon in this research.   Results and discussion Geometrical corrections were made in ENVI software. The obtained images had no significant error and atmospheric correction was also applied. The RGB composition of the image was prepared and the desired OIF index was calculated by ELWISI software to prepare the best band composition of the images. The obtained combination was pasted together in ENVI and the desired range was classified. In addition, the images received from TM and ETM were combined using spectral bands and panchromatic bands, which have high spatial resolution, and a better image was created.   Conclusion The 15-year study period with the expansion of built-up lands, shows the most destruction in the agricultural lands of the outskirts of the city and barren lands in the border and suburbs of the city and farming lands. This trend can lead to environmental damage and further reduction of agricultural lands in the region. Previous research and experiences show that the use of a GIS system in the field of implementation and management of land use changes, especially in agriculture, is inevitable. According to the result of the artificial neural network and Markov model and drought in recent years, it is necessary to note and manage the hydrology of the region. Also, due to the passage of two main roads, one from the southern industrial area (Southern Parian) and the other from the east, it is necessary to plan more precisely for the land uses and development of industrial and urban areas. The amount and type of cultivation in the plain lands of Firozabad need to be reconsidered so that foreseeable problems in the region can be solved before they occur. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to have a spatial database of the land use areas of the city under study, which comes from various sources, including satellite images, public information, and cadastral maps.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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Extended Abstract Introduction Globalization is a broad and multi-process phenomenon that has affected globally and in all parts of the world, including the Persian Gulf region. In the Persian Gulf region, globalization has caused significant changes in economy, culture, politics and communication. One of the important effects of globalization in the Persian Gulf region is the increase in trade and economic growth. The opening of markets, the facilitation of traffic and the movement of investments have brought significant growth in the export, tourism, service and industry sectors. Also, globalization in the Persian Gulf region has led to the expansion of communication and cultural exchanges. Many communities in this region are being influenced by global cultures and are adopting new ways of thinking and living. Also, globalization in the Persian Gulf region has played an important role in the political changes of the region. Some countries in the region have tried to increase their power and capability by making political and economic changes in line with globalization. Therefore, it can be said that globalization in the Persian Gulf region has had important effects on economy, culture, politics and communication. However, these effects may vary among countries and communities in the region and include positive and negative effects. This research has tried to investigate different aspects of globalization in the Persian Gulf region and the impact of these aspects on this region by using research tools such as questionnaires and computational methods. The main question of the research: "Given the international developments and the effects of the globalization process on the Persian Gulf region in its various dimensions, what is the most important way to achieve economic development, scientific progress, social welfare, sustainable security and the withdrawal of extra-regional powers from this region?"   Methodology In this study, since the main purpose of this research was to influence globalization on the countries of the Persian Gulf region, descriptive and analytical methods of inferential and inductive type were used; in which the inductive role of various theories of globalization was investigated. Also, this research was specific and objective regarding its fundamental theoretical goal and the results had a fundamental aspect. Considering that the use of a research method (quantitative or qualitative) alone was not enough to achieve the goals of this research, a mixed research design was used.   Results and discussion The result of the quantitative and qualitative findings of the research, an analysis of globalization and its impact on the countries of the Persian Gulf region, has had a great impact in both positive and negative aspects. The process of globalization with all its complexities has also been implemented in this region and the results of this process in the last few decades are various consequences that have become more visible from political, economic and security points of view. Although these consequences are carried out with the orientations and plans of trans-regional powers to obtain the wealth and oil resources of the countries of this region, they continue to take full advantage of the negligence and ignorance of the heads of these governments, but the resulting economic consequences for all countries in the region and countries outside the region should not be ignored. Because of the commercial, commercial, service and industrial activities that have caused economic prosperity in this region, he ignored it. The efforts of the countries of the region to sell more oil, which is the legacy of their ancestors, to gain more windfall wealth, has created an oil-arms competition, and the necessary excuse is the lack of trust in the neighbours and the fear of trespassing on their country's borders. In this way, what the governments of this region have gained is the high costs of buying weapons and establishing military bases. However, in addition to these issues, the relative welfare of the people of the Persian Gulf countries has changed tremendously compared to the past, and the heads of these governments have taken such actions for more survival and to bring about the relative satisfaction of the society. Most of the wealth obtained from the sale of oil and gas condensates is deposited in European and American banks after spending the above expenses, which means that the money and wealth of these countries are not in their own hands, which is one of the new approaches to the concentration of wealth among the superpowers.   Conclusion In this research, it was tried to present a new approach to cooperation and communication between the countries of this region by expressing the different features of globalization on the one hand and the other hand by examining the geopolitical, geostrategic, geoeconomic and culture capacities of this region to achieve more success through this way. In all fields, reduce the possibility of the presence of foreign powers in this region. We have achieved the following results in reducing the influence of big powers in the region: Reducing the influence of big powers in the Persian Gulf region is one of the important challenges for the countries of this region.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Extended Abstract Introduction Rural development is one of the goals of countries and governments, especially developing countries, because despite having natural and agricultural resources, villages face many problems and issues such as poverty, unemployment, weak infrastructures. economic suitability, the lack of endogenous service activities, the low productivity rate in the agricultural sector of rural production and the lack of sustainable energy on the one hand and the destruction of natural resources on the other hand, which have made rural development somewhat impossible (Akbari) et al., 2016: 2). Attitude towards sustainable environmental development since the 1970s with international meetings and discussions. These issues presented the importance of paying attention to the sustainable development of rural areas and the need for renewable energy approaches and providing realistic strategies with spatial-spatial dimensions.   Methodology This research is a comparative research, in terms of purpose, development and in terms of qualitative nature. In terms of methodology, it is a type of content analysis. Considering that the final goal of this research is to compare the structure of renewable energy exploitation, the studied examples with Iran in identifying weaknesses and strengths, a fundamental look at the eploitation of renewable energy. It is acceptable and in the end it is to provide suggestions in order to strengthen this structure, therefore, in order to achieve these goals, the structure of renewable energy utilization in rural areas of Iran has been compared with four countries: Germany, Poland, Pakistan, and Thailand. The comparative approach is carried out in the analysis and monitoring of the functional comparison of the use of renewable energies in the rural areas of the countries and their similarities and differences are presented. So, using comparative and qualitative methods, the situation of rural areas in Iran was analyzed with other countries and its strengths and weaknesses were determined. Also, by identifying the difference in the indicators used, it is possible to improve the performance of renewable energies. Therefore, in the first step, the role of participation of local institutions in the structure of exploitation of renewable energies in Iran, Germany, Poland, Pakistan and Thailand has been discussed. In the second step; The comparative comparison of the government's role in the planning structure was mentioned and then the place of credit allocation in the use of renewable energy at the national, regional and local (rural) levels was discussed. Basically, it can be stated that this research is an applied research and the success and efficiency of comparative research in the field of renewable energy exploitation requires the adoption of a generalist approach in qualitative research.   Results and discussion Examining the experiences of Germany, Poland, Pakistan and Thailand in the field of using renewable energy at different levels of a country showed that the success of the programs in Germany and Poland is the result of the cooperation of the European Union with these countries and the transfer of policies National decision-making has been realized at the local level. Therefore, in these countries, the government system has pursued a guiding role by creating convergence and partnership between the planning department, and by creating partnerships, they have performed self-welding and giving authority to each of the responsible provinces as a basic strategy. In the country of Thailand, the role of the government as a strategic institution performs its duties in the country's plans, and the basic principle of the plans is in the opinion of the prime minister and lower levels. In this country, the major departments of planning and decision-making regarding the development of the use of renewable energy have made large investments in rural areas with multi-party cooperation in regional and local programs. While the macro-planning structure of Iran and Pakistan practically does not provide the possibility of handing over authority. The power has been transferred from the center of the provincial governments to the level below it. It seems that in these countries, the government seeks to maintain a centralized structure in decision-making, especially large-scale energy and renewable energy programs. Although in these countries in the last decade, the participation of all stakeholders has led to the exploitation of renewable energies. With the comparison between the countries, it can be stated that the policies, policies and plans for the use of renewable energy in Iran have not been effective and currently the policy making of the use of renewable energy is nascent. And it is new. On the other hand, the country's planning system is facing weaknesses at the national level - from the point of view of centralized structure and sectoral plans. At the regional level with weaknesses such as the lack of independence and legal and political authority in the exploitation of renewable energy and at the local level with weaknesses such as not giving the right of legal authority to the local representative and weak public participation in The topics of using renewable energy are facing.   Conclusion The results of the research showed that the success of the countries of Germany, Poland, Pakistan and Thailand was through interactive programs and the participation of stakeholders and giving them authority at the national, regional and local levels. However, at the national and regional level, Iran faces the view of a centralized structure and a partial approach to programs, the lack of independence and politicization of managers, and at the local level, the lack of legal powers to local institutions and the lack of interactive participation in the field of interest. The removal of renewable energies is facing. One of the applications of this research is to know the strengths and weaknesses of the studied countries in the field of renewable energy exploitation and compare it with Iran and lay the groundwork for the exploitation of renewable energy in rural areas. The country pointed out.. This point of view helps to provide the ground for encouraging popular and local institutions at various levels in rural areas.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Extended Abstract Introduction The dominant form of migration in developing countries, including Iran, is from the village to the city. However, during the past two decades, another pattern of migration, reverse migration, has occurred in rural areas in such a way that in the findings of the general population and housing census of 2012, the number of reverse migrants is higher than the rural-urban migration. In the whole city of Natanz, due to its location in the center of Isfahan province, the city of Isfahan has access to the markets of Isfahan, Badroud, Khaled Abad, Natanz, and Targhroud. On the other hand, the physical development of Isfahan and its economic and social relations have various characteristics. During the past years, reverse migration flow to urban and rural settlements has taken place in temporary and permanent forms. The general goal is to investigate and analyze the role of reverse migration in the economic development of villages in Natanz. From a practical point of view, the results of such research provide solutions to the country's managers to implement better planning to prevent migration and encourage migrants to return. Reverse migration is when people return to their first place (origin) after a long residence in another place (destination). In other interpretations and definitions, reverse migration is considered a reaction to creating attractiveness in rural areas, which emerges through the establishment of income in activities such as agriculture or animal husbandry, retirement, and sometimes due to the hardships of urban life,a process in which a person or persons, due to various reasons, return to their first place again from the place they have chosen as their new place.   Methodology This research is descriptive-analytical. The samples were based on Cochran's formula, and to complete the discussion, Krejcie and Morgan's sample size determination table was also used. Information was collected from 381 individuals across 24 villages through field surveys using a researcher-made questionnaire.   Results and discussion Regarding gender, 84. 78% of the sample was male, and 15. 22% were female. Also, 94. 75% were married, and 5. 25% were single. The age group included 3. 93% 20-30 years old, 17. 85% 31-40 years old, 28. 08% 41-50 years old, 27. 30% 60-51 years old, 22. 83% 61 years old. Out of the total sample, 2. 62% are illiterate, 27. 82% have a diploma, and 36. 49% have a bachelor's degree, master's degree, or higher. One sample t-test was used to study the factors affecting reverse migration. In order to evaluate the dimensions of the factors affecting the migration from the city to the village, the items were first oriented and it was combined as an average,considering the 5-point Likert scale in the research items, the number 3 was chosen as the theoretical median to evaluate the importance of the dimensions of the factors affecting reverse migration from the society's point of view. This research has been studied at a confidence level of 95%. Given the frequency of variables used for leveling (47 variables in the first step) and the importance of evaluating more important variables and determining the weight and importance of each variable, the factor analysis method was used. In this research, the exploratory factor analysis method was used to summarize data and identify causes. In order to determine the suitability of the collected data for factor analysis, the KMO coefficient and Bartlett's statistic, which were significant at the 1% level, were used, so they were suitable for factor analysis. By benefiting from the factor analysis technique in the principal factor analysis method, 6 factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were extracted, and the variables for evaluating the dimensions of the factors affecting reverse migration were grouped in these factors based on the factor loading and after orthogonal factor rotation using the Varimax method. The 6 factors explained a total of 71. 682% of the total variance related to the variables of factors affecting reverse migration. In this research, the basic theory is the theory of human capital, which was proposed by Larry Shasta. According to the theory of human capital, the return migration of people is formed in the hope of benefiting from more prosperity in the village. The result of the research shows that the reverse immigrants have been able to be effective in the economic sector in both capital and idea sectors. In fact, the innovation of this research can be that the economy is based on reverse migration, and if there is a correct plan and vision in the programs and among managers, it can cause the growth and development of villages.   CONCLUSION Population relocation and migration is a sign of the continuity of human life, which has a history as old as humankind. People who consider the continuity of life, social and economic activities, and the field of effort limited and short for themselves in a geographical place start to migrate. Among the spatial-location features related to rural areas, "lack of welfare and civil services" has played a special role in the appearance of the driver of migration to the city. However, with the development of welfare-civil services and the increase in the income of the agricultural sector and belonging to the original birthplace, the return of immigrants to rural areas is provided. The results of this research are related to the research of Shaojun Chen and Wurong Liu (2020),urban repulsion factors and attraction factors play a role in the migration from the city to the countryside. It is associated with Stockdale's (2014) studies concerning urban repulsions, such as the inability to create jobs in cities and rural attractions, such as age and retirement. It is associated with the studies of Edival (2015) about urban repulsions such as lack of job security and rural attractions such as retirement. It is associated with the studies of Langroudi et al. (2012) in the field of rural attractions, such as obtaining more income, increasing relative welfare, and improving human dignity for migrants returning to rural areas. According to the studies of Afrakhteh et al. (2015), in economic and cultural-ethnic causes, the least impact on reverse migration from the city to the village is associated.   Funding There is no funding support.     Authors’ Contribution All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Extended Abstract Introduction During the last half-century, the rapid growth of urbanization has exceeded the possibilities and measures of urban development in Iran, creating extensive social, economic, environmental and physical problems. Facing the challenges of the current cities of the country requires the transformation of the current dominant routine and the use of a new approach in urban planning. The inefficiency of the country's urban planning system has caused cities to be caught in the cycle of underdevelopment for several reasons. Planning in worn-out urban areas has always been the most significant urban planning issue. Recently, many policies and programs have been implemented to improve the quality and re-creation of disordered urban textures. The worn-out and disordered texture of Kermanshah city covers 1228 hectares, about 12.33% of the total texture of Kermanshah. The problem of this research is the instability and poverty in the disorganized and inferior textures, which are associated with challenges and problems of livability, poverty and deprivation in all dimensions, decline of human dignity, identity crisis, lack of access to urban services, degradation of the quality of life, the crisis of security and resilience, insecurity and social anomalies, crimes and delinquency, and the lack of citizenship rights. Therefore, the main question is as following: -Why have the policies and measures of urban management and urban development plans not improved the quality of urban life in these neighborhoods?   Methodology In terms of subject and purpose, the current research is of applied-developmental type of research. In terms of analysis, it is placed in the framework of explanatory and descriptive-analytical research methods. In order to collect and analyze data, survey, documentary and analytical methods have been exerted. The research method is mixed (quantitative and qualitative). In this research, the data analysis and modelling method has been used according to the goals and possibilities. In order to analyze the collected data, the statistical techniques of path analysis, SPSS, and PLS have been exploited. According to the level of analysis (neighborhoods of disordered tissues in Kermanshah city), it is necessary to distribute the designed questionnaire according to the population of each neighborhood. In general, 92,033 households with a population of 290,214 people live in the chaotic neighborhoods of Kermanshah, which are located in the form of 4 types of textures. Cronbach's alpha statistic and factor analysis were used to measure the internal relationships and validity and reliability of the questionnaire and its items, the results of which are as follows: -Cronbach's alpha value of all dimensions is more than 0.5, which means that the scale in question has high validity.   Results and discussion The direct and indirect effects of the dimensions of sustainable regeneration are as the social dimension with a direct effect of 0.76, the physical dimension with a direct effect of 0.51 and an indirect effect of 0.21 and a total effect of 0.72, the economic dimension with a direct effect of 0.41 and an indirect effect of 0.30 with the effect total 0.71, the cultural dimension with direct effect 0.21 and indirect effect 0.45 and total effect 0.66, the management dimension with direct effect 0.25 and indirect effect 0.27 with total effect 0.52, and the environmental dimension with direct effect 0.17 and indirect effect 0.10 with total effect 0.27. In the quality of urban life component, the direct and indirect effects are as follows: the physical-infrastructure dimension with a direct effect of 0.66 has the highest effect, the social-cultural dimension with a direct effect of 0.42 and an indirect effect of 0.28 and a total effect of 0.70, the well-being dimension with a direct effect of 0.39 and Indirect effect 0.19 and overall effect 0.58, health and environment dimension with direct effect 0.21 and indirect effect 0.37 with overall effect 0.58, economic dimension with direct effect 0.20 and indirect effect 0.53 with overall effect 0.73 and managerial-institutional dimension with direct effect 0.18 and indirect effect of 0.42 with a total effect of 0.59. The physical-infrastructural dimension has the most direct effect, and the economic dimension has the most overall effect in the form of direct and indirect effects on the quality of urban life. The overall effect of all dimensions of sustainable regeneration on urban well-being is 0.594, and its R2 value is equal to 0.352, which shows that with an increase of one standard deviation in sustainable urban regeneration, the quality of urban life increases by 0.352 standard deviations. Therefore, sustainable regeneration significantly improves the quality of urban life in the chaotic texture of Kermanshah.   Conclusion sustainable urban welfare-oriented regeneration with a comprehensive and integrated approach in procedural dimensions (discursive, communication-network, and local governance) and content (strategic, integrated, comprehensive, and neighborhood-oriented) and policies to empower and support worn-out and disordered neighborhoods With a participatory, endogenous approach, community-oriented development and the right to the city in the chaotic textures of Kermanshah, it is a suitable model for the realization of urban welfare. No development of welfare will happen in the environment unless the residents of the worn-out and disordered texture are empowered. Also, in addition to the basic needs, attention should be paid to the emotional and psychological needs of the citizens. Changing the approach in urban plans will undoubtedly be the basis for valuable measures to improve citizens' quality of life and urban welfare. If the approach to regeneration is humane, community-oriented, integrated, comprehensive and strategic, collaborative, city-oriented and discursive, then a sustainable welfare-oriented regeneration approach will be achieved by itself.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution Authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approved thecontent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

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