Attention to things such as; The method of selection and special choice of judges, their special position and dignity compared to other professions, the significant impact on the creation of judicial procedure and legal doctrine ,.. ; and the existence of problems such as; Procrastination of proceedings, high volume of cases, lack of knowledge of some judges, ... in the judicial system, on the other hand, shows the need for judicial authorities to pay attention to the issue of judges' compensation system as one of the serious concerns of this authority.Based on this, the current research was conducted with the aim of developing a model of the compensation system for judges and validating it. The research design is qualitative and research in terms of practical purpose and in terms of how to collect information is a case study type. The participants included 15 experts and experienced judges of the judiciary with excellent resumes. The data was analyzed and coded with the help of MAXQDAv2020 software and by thematic analysis method, and to validate the research model, the acceptability indicators of Strauss and Corbin; The technique of visiting by members and the approach of self-review by the researcher have been used. The findings of the research show that the pattern of compensation for judges' services includes 2 overarching themes entitled compensation for financial services and compensation for non-financial services and 6 dimensions; Legal benefits, organizational benefits, rewards based on performance, development and learning, job relationships, environment and job and organizational conditions.