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Attention to things such as; The method of selection and special choice of judges, their special position and dignity compared to other professions, the significant impact on the creation of judicial procedure and legal doctrine ,.. ; and the existence of problems such as; Procrastination of proceedings, high volume of cases, lack of knowledge of some judges, ... in the judicial system, on the other hand, shows the need for judicial authorities to pay attention to the issue of judges' compensation system as one of the serious concerns of this authority.Based on this, the current research was conducted with the aim of developing a model of the compensation system for judges and validating it. The research design is qualitative and research in terms of practical purpose and in terms of how to collect information is a case study type. The participants included 15 experts and experienced judges of the judiciary with excellent resumes. The data was analyzed and coded with the help of MAXQDAv2020 software and by thematic analysis method, and to validate the research model, the acceptability indicators of Strauss and Corbin; The technique of visiting by members and the approach of self-review by the researcher have been used. The findings of the research show that the pattern of compensation for judges' services includes 2 overarching themes entitled compensation for financial services and compensation for non-financial services and 6 dimensions; Legal benefits, organizational benefits, rewards based on performance, development and learning, job relationships, environment and job and organizational conditions.

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Different countries use different political economy to achieve development, including free market economy or government and redistribution approach. In this research, the adaptation of the development policies of the 9th and 10th governments in economic and political fields is with this theory. Another goal is to use this theory to study the development in Iran and find suitable solutions to overcome inefficiency problems. Because this theory has been tested in achieving the development of East Asian countries.The findings and results of using the descriptive-analytical method in this research indicate that the construction of the limited access order in the mentioned governments, along with the nature of the construction of the rentier government and economic policy in order to create benefits for the Faradistan and the ruling elite, distort The competitive atmosphere in favor of a certain group of followers of power led to the failure of the government to achieve economic development and social justice. Also, among other factors, we can mention the personal view and the lack of coalition and the existence of rentier relations of the type of unproductive rent. In addition, this government has not been able to get rid of the structure of rentierism by changing the historical institutional path and improving the institutional quality desired by North.

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The current research tries to examine the position of the Islamic Revolution in the evolution of Iran's cultural policy, as well as the cycle of discourse and evolution in the cultural policy of the Islamic Republic in the 70s.In order to organize the theory of discourse analysis, we used it as a method to answer this question in citing the results that What discourse changes has Iran's Islamic Revolution brought about in the process of cultural policymaking?Has the cultural policy after the revolution followed an established and dominant discourse or has it undergone changes within the discourse?In order to determine the discourse changes, different approaches to cultural policy-making, such as (being idealistic and realistic - the level of government intervention - the perspective (the viewpoint ) of cultural control or free culture - being religious and non-religious) have been examined.Also, in order to study more closely and show the amount of changes, Documents and development plans have also been analyzed.One of the most important results of the current research is that with the incident of the Islamic Revolution, there is a shift from the "Western and irreligious" discourse to the "religious and Islamic" discourse.And the process of cultural policy after the Islamic revolution can be divided into two discourses: "traditional-revolutionary" and "development-liberal" and we witness this evolution in the discourse of the 1370s.

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Vahedi Saeed

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Governance is a multifaceted concept that includes all aspects of the exercise of authority, each of the dimensions of efficiency and effectiveness of the components is divided into administrative, economic, political and social domains, which shows the emphasis on the multifaceted nature of governance. governance is a subset of governance in which public resources and problems are managed effectively and efficiently in response to the vital needs of society. What are effective factors of good governance based on the ideas of the Islamic Revolution? , the confirmed hypothesis is that, according to the political ideas of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, there is enough capacity to provide a local model of good governance. It is done with the aim of improving components according to the approach of Islamic revolution thoughts. Due to the selection of the exploratory mixed approach of qualitative data, in addition to removing the importance in the sequence of data collection, first qualitative data and then quantitative data were collected. In the qualitative phase, among the strategies of qualitative research, meta-composite technique was used and a comprehensive model was developed which is the effective factors on good governance according to the approach of the Islamic Revolution thoughts. In-depth interview was used as a data collection tool. governance requires a multilateral approach with several systems of checks and balances that can be achieved through the separation of powers of various institutions, through the participation of civil society, the media, and through partnerships or agreements with the business sector.

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During the Iranian Islamic Revolution, the slogan "Esqlal, Freedom, Islamic Government" was first raised. This slogan was changed to "Esqlal, Freedom, Islamic Republic" by the leaders of the revolution in December 1357. This change is an indication of the twin belief in religious government and democracy in the thought of Imam Khomeini (RA) and other leaders of the Islamic Revolution. He does like Ayatollah Beheshti. The turning point of this was the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran on April 12, 1358, in which Ayatollah Beheshti was one of the influential figures in the establishment and drafting of its constitution. In this article, we examined the theory of religious democracy in his thought. After examining the category of political system in the thought of Ayatollah Beheshti and comparing the data with the proposed frameworks for the religious democratic system, the results and findings of the research indicate the belief in the basis of divine-popular legitimacy in the theory of religious democracy in the thought of Ayatollah Beheshti. Our research method in this article has been descriptive-analytical and we have used the library method to collect information.

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Female Headed Households are women who, in the absence of the presence or support of an adult man, are in charge of taking care of the family and providing material and spiritual sustenance for themselves and the members of the household. The purpose of this article is to examine the approach of Iran after the revolution and the Kingdom of Sweden to Female Headed Households the policies and viewpoints of the policy makers of the two countries to this group of women and finally to provide solutions for Iranian stakeholders. The main question of this research is, what model is the policy-making of Iran after the revolution and the Kingdom of Sweden towards female heads of the household based on? The hypothesis that comes in the answer is that the approach of the two countries, although there are differences in terms of quantity and the granting of rights and benefits - which means Sweden's superiority in this field - but it was based on the dimensions of protection and poverty alleviation. The results of the research show that the two countries are focused on poverty alleviation policy, supporting the children of this group of women and overall economic aspects. However, Iran has more institutions than Sweden - support for women heads of households by various institutions such as the relief committee, welfare, municipality, etc. - in this field and has various legal resources to support this category of women. While this is considered an advantage,

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The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of the third model of Muslim women on political culture. Countless historical evidences show that the issue of Iranian women's political participation has its roots in the religious culture of Shiism, without having anything to do with the women's movement in Europe and the West. The ideology governing the European women's movement was based on feminism and secularism, but these principles did not have a foundation among the women who participated in the constitutional movement as well as the Islamic revolution. Political culture reveals the structures and meaning of the political arena in the same way that culture in general clarifies the correlation of the integration of the life of political culture. The method of this research was discourse analysis with reference to Ayatollah Khamenei's statements based on the opinions of Lakla and Moff. Considering the components of the political culture in Iran, such as the culture of authoritarianism/citizenship, women's political participation has decreased in history. had.

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The document on the fundamental transformation of the education system is more concerned with the promotion of the scientific, moral, spiritual and educational aspects of students and teachers and trainers; The ideal person depicted in this document is more of a moral and spiritual person than a person who has the characteristics of the western developed person of the 2030 document; However, similarities and similarities can be seen between these two documents in the field of some topics such as justice and human agency and freedom of action. The important and fundamental point is that the fundamental transformation document is mostly based on theories that are sometimes not applicable or if they are, they are very time-consuming and costly, in other words, the image of the ideal human being presented in the ideal and ideal transformation document And it is unattainable to some extent, because the editors of the document have written its various clauses without paying attention to the realities of the society and the capacities of education and schools and their teachers and recognizing the challenges and solutions related to education and training. If the society We need a codified and comprehensive program in the field of science, ethics and spirituality of students and students that can be implemented and at the same time attractive. In this article, the authors seek to answer the question that what are the differences and similarities between the ideal human being and the characteristics of a developed human being? And the hypothesis of the research is based on the fact that the main reason for the difference between the desirable human characteristics of the document of the fundamental transformation of the education system and the developed human characteristics is the different perception of the human being. The purpose of the research is to explain and analyze the desirable human characteristics in the document of the fundamental transformation of the education system with developed human characteristics.

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In today's world, as citizenship is accepted as one of the characteristics of democratic systems, citizenship education is essential for the progress of society and its preservation. On the other hand, the diversity of concepts and topics around "citizen" shows that not only the phenomenon of citizenship is important, but this phenomenon is changing. Accordingly, since human beings are educated in different ways from birth and "education is the cornerstone of creation, preservation and progress of all human societies", citizenship education is required to achieve the goals set forth in every society.The purpose of this research is to examine the place of citizenship education in the document of the fundamental transformation of education in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research method in this study is qualitative content analysis. The sampling method was purposeful and the research tool was quantitative. According to the findings of this research, the model of citizenship education can be proposed and presented in the component of citizenship knowledge, citizenship skill and citizenship attitude and 27 separate indicators. The results showed that there are many indicators of citizenship education in the text of the fundamental transformation of education.

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The issue of political culture development and identification of the factors and components affecting it is one of the most important issues for researchers in this field. The aim of the current research is to investigate the influence of the political behavior of the managers of the Ministry of Interior on their participatory political culture after the Islamic Revolution. The method of this research, in terms of dealing with quantitative data, and conducting research with the survey method, and collecting data with the questionnaire tool. The statistical population in this research includes the political managers of the Ministry of Interior, based on the collected information, their total number is more than 168 people, and all the required information has been collected from all of them. Therefore, the sample size in this research is equal to the total size of the statistical population of 168 people. In this research, non-random and purposeful sampling was used. In order to measure the validity or reliability of the research tool, face validity was used. The collected data were also analyzed through SPSS software. The results of the research showed that there is a significant relationship between the gender of the respondents and the level of education with participatory political culture, and that there is a significant positive and direct relationship between political behavior and participatory political culture, and political behavior with all aspects of participatory political culture, i.e. cognitive dimension, value dimension. And the perceptual dimension also has a significant positive and direct relationship.

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Rahmanitirkalai Hossian

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Ayatollah Khamenei has stated the process of realizing Islamic goals in the form of Islamic society since 1968 in the form of numerous speeches until now. He has presented the model of reaching the Islamic society in the form of five strategies, which are: "Creation of the Islamic revolution, followed by the formation of the Islamic system and in the next stage, the formation of the Islamic state, the result of the formation of the Islamic state is the formation of a country with comprehensive management of Islamic laws, and such a country can be the foundation for the creation of an international Islamic civilization, because at this stage it can By dealing with other countries, provide the basis for issuing orders and laws of the religion of Islam to other nations. The present research aims to answer the question of how and in what way the Islamic society plays a role in the formation and consistency of the intellectual system of the Supreme Leader. In this research, it is tried to explain the development and formation of the Supreme Leader's intellectual system about the theoretical dimensions of Islamic society, while explaining the concept of "Islamic society" by using the descriptive-analytical method and relying on the information based on the library method. to be The excavations show that the characteristics of Islamic civilization from the Supreme Leader's point of view - are given in the text of the research - according to the way of progress and delay,

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The purpose of this article is to investigate the role of parties in political development and meritocracy in Iran, emphasizing meritocracy. Due to the close relationship between political development and political meritocracy in this research, the role of parties has been investigated on two variables. The current research is descriptive and analytical and has investigated the mentioned subject by using the library method. The findings indicate that political parties are effective in political development through political participation, political legitimacy, political socialization and management of national conflicts. Also, by creating political development, parties provide the basis for the realization of political meritocracy. In fact, by creating political development, parties create political meritocracy through creating a platform for governance and law enforcement, which in turn helps to strengthen and develop politics. In Iran, however, factors such as weak performance and seasonality of parties, non-acceptance of parties in the political culture of the people hinder the influence of this institution on the process of political development. The result is that a developing political system must create the necessary capacities and capacities in order to absorb and resolve the newly emerging conflicts in a political society by institutionalized organizations and systems within it. Therefore, it is obvious that the strongest development factor is the creation of a party system, and not Every organization and party, but formations institutionalized over time and benefiting from an effective and efficient content, and this is something that is not easily possible in a society and a traditional system.

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