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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Spirituality and spiritual health are among the dimensions of health. The spread of Corona disease affected not only the mental health of people but also their spiritual health. The present study aimed to explain the spiritual experiences of patients with COVID-19. Materials and Methods: This qualitative research is a conventional content analysis type. Participants include patients with COVID-19, and sampling was done purposefully. The data collection tool was an in-depth interview with semi-structured questions. Granheim and Lundman's qualitative approach and OneNet 2016 software was used to analyze the collected data. The criteria proposed by Goba and Lincoln were used for the validity and reliability of the study. Results: In this study, 14 patients were interviewed. The findings of the study included two main themes, namely, experience of religious evolution and lack of emotional support, and eight sub-themes. Feeling close to God, spiritual awakening, knowing the value of well-being, acceptance of justice and divine destiny were the sub-themes of the experience of religious evolution. Moreover, denial of any supernatural causality, the experience of the conflict of belief in divine justice, illness, and death anxiety were sub-themes of lack of emotional support. Conclusion: The results of the present study indicated two different spectrums (strengthening of spiritual beliefs and weakening of spiritual beliefs) of patients. The findings of the study can be used by health professionals in the holistic and spiritual care of patients.

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Religion and Health

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With the spread of coronavirus and causing a global pandemic within a short period, various topics were raised about vaccination as one of the ways to prevent it. One of these topics was the requirement for vaccination, which has resulted in many Islamic jurisprudential, legal, and ethical discussions. This paper aims to examine this issue in the scope of Shia jurisprudence principles. The present study aimed to describe and analyze the views and the evidence and the technique of collecting information is library research. The rules against requirement for vaccination include the rules of reluctance, the obligation to avoid possible harm, caution, respect, the negation of hardship and embarrassment, the sovereignty and the principle of non-wilaya, and the rules in favor of the requirement for vaccination, including the principle of public interest, the obligation to avoid possible harm, the principle of the priority of the right to life, and the rule of maintaining the universal system and preventing its disruption. The arguments in favor of mandatory vaccination considerations are more reasonable and stronger and have a more comprehensive view of the problem, and there is also no legal or religious obstacle

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Religion and Health

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Background and purpose: Considering the available evidence regarding the impact of emotion regulation and impulsivity during adolescence, trying to find its underlying processes has become very important. Since religious belief is one of the factors closely related to emotion regulation and impulsivity, the aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between religious beliefs and emotion regulation and impulsivity in students. Materials and methods: This study was descriptive-correlational. 368 people (193 girls and 175 boys) students of the first secondary level of Hamedan city in 1401-1402 were selected by cluster sampling method, and they were tested on Bart's impulsivity questionnaires (BIS-11), emotional regulation (EPQ) by Gross and John. And George's religious belief answered. The data were analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient statistical index and spss version 22 software. Results: The results of the correlation coefficient showed that there is a significant positive relationship between religious belief and emotion regulation (r=0. 37, p<0. 01), and there is a significant negative relationship between religious belief and impulsivity (r=0. 65, p<0. 01). Conclusion: The results of this research show that religious belief can play a role in regulating emotions and reducing impulsiveness in teenagers

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: The aim of the current research is to evaluate the role of faith in the resurrection and belief in a just afterlife in coping with the suffering of caring for children with mental disabilities. Considering the importance and necessity of social support for parents with mentally disabled children, this research aims to investigate one of the spiritual factors affecting this category. Materials and Methods: The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of method. The statistical population of the research included 800 mothers who referred to Babol city clinics in the summer of 1401. Sampling method,the relative stratification and the sample size were determined with the number of 156 using Morgan's Kargesi table. Data were analyzed using SPSS and SMARTPLS (version 22) software. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The test of the research hypotheses showed that according to the results of the inferential analysis of the research variables, the path coefficient of futurism with the range of mothers' care is equal to-0. 358, the t-statistic is equal to 6. 833, and the p-value is less than 05. 0. As a result, there is a significant and inverse relationship between the outlook on the hereafter and the pain of taking care of mothers with physical-motor and mental children in Babol city. The coefficient of the path of belief in a just Islamic afterlife with the pain of caring for mothers is equal to-0. 402, the t-statistic is equal to 8. 335 and the p-value is less than 0. 05. There is a significant and inverse relationship among mothers with physical-motor and mental children in Babol city. Conclusion: According to the findings of this research, strengthening the belief of families who take care of disabled children, especially their belief growth in the field of resurrection and belief in the realization of divine justice in the afterlife and receiving the result and reward of sufferings. It can have a positive psychological effect on increasing the endurance of the suffering of caring for these children. It is recommended that the cultivation of this belief as a very strong and effective factor in providing hope and comfort to family members, should be taken into consideration by psychotherapists and counselors

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Karimi Zahra | Bagheri Hamid


Religion and Health

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Hadiths of the innocents (pbuh) contain medical data and a wide variety of topics related to the health of the human body, and a significant amount of them are about the prevention of diseases. Benefiting from medical hadiths, like any collection of information, requires accurate recognition, organization and categorization by relying on the relationships between variables rather than by analytically comparing their similarities, differences, properties, etc. be identified and applied. According to this statement, the question is, which species are there in the medical hadiths of Imam Reza (a. s. )? This research with a descriptive-analytical method in the statistical community of the narrations of Imam Reza (a. s. ) in the field of disease prevention, from the medical encyclopedia of Mohammadi Rohimari, which facilitated their study by collecting medical narrations, as well as Jame-al-Ahadith software. It is written to find first-hand sources in the citation The result is that these narrations are classified into three types: "names of diseases, medicines and instructions", "properties of substances and instructions" and "maintaining body health without the name of a specific disease",Their ratio with the total narratives of the statistical population was measured under each species and presented in the results table

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Religion and Health

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Background and purpose: Identifying and examining the psychological variables and religious beliefs effective in the behaviors after being infected with covid-19 is a fundamental step in designing behavioral interventions with the aim of less harm in the post-corona era. The aim of the present study was the effect of attachment to God on existential anxiety and spiritual health in those who have recovered from Covid-19. Materials and methods: The current research is descriptive of the correlation type. The research population was those who recovered from covid-19 in 2020-2021 and among them 185 people were selected using available sampling method. Data collection tools were demographic questions, Polotzin and Ellison (1982) Spiritual Health Questionnaire, Beck and Macdonald (2004) God Attachment Questionnaire, and Hasti Godogood (1974) Anxiety Questionnaire. Structural equation model and AMOS version 24 software were used for their analysis. Results: The findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between attachment to God and spiritual health in those who have recovered from Covid-19, and there is an inverse and significant relationship between attachment to God and existential anxiety. The effect of attachment to God on spiritual health was 0. 31 and on anxiety was-0. 26 (p<0. 01). Conclusion: The results show that the increase in attachment to God in those who have recovered from Covid-19 leads to an increase in the level of spiritual health and a decrease in existential anxiety

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Medical ethics is a field focused on studying the code of conduct and principles that healthcare practitioners are required to adhere to. The progress of medical knowledge and new methods of biological research have created various ethical conflicts, which necessitate the need to pay attention to medical ethics. Medical ethics in Iran and Islamic civilization have a long history. In the era of Islamic civilization, Rhazes and Qutb al-Din Shirazi, two of the greatest scientists of the Islamic world, pointed out important issues about medical ethics. The purpose of this research is to examine the basics of Rhazes and Qutb al-Din Shirazi's medical ethics. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted based on a descriptive-analytical approach using library research to collect information from historical sources and texts. Results: In general, Rhazes was known for being a rationalist and Qutb al-Din Shirazi for being a Shariatist and having a God-oriented manner. The results show that Rhazes has paid attention to the topics of physician-patient communication, physician's scientific and practical competence, physician's confidentiality, and patient's beliefs. Qutb al-Din Shirazi has stated the moral requirements of a physician in ten principles. Conclusion: In general, the examination of the views of Rhazes and Qutb al-Din Shirazi in the field of medical ethics from the perspective of traditional Iranian medicine shows that both Rhazes and Qutb al-Din Shirazi, similar to many doctors bound by ethical principles in the relationship between doctor and patient, consider compliance with ethical principles as a professional requirement. They have paid attention to the issue of medical ethics in various areas, such as behavioral qualifications and specialized treatment issues

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