The purpose of this study was to investigate vegetation dynamics and range conditions considering the climatic conditions and soil properties in Haftooman, Khoor and Biabanak deserts, Iran. For this purpose, after determining vegetation types and the associated species, the type of rangeland utilization, grazing season, the livestock type, the other relevant information, vegetation data including annual canopy cover, perennial forbs, shrubs, total canopy cover, soil moisture and carbon percent were determined over four years. Data were collected along three transects in each vegetation type. For each transect, 10 plots were established. The size of plots was 2.5´2.0 m2 considering the life form of dominant species. Embrothermic diagram was drawn according to the monthly temperature and precipitation data of Choopanan synoptic station. Data were analyzed and means comparisons were made using Duncan method. According to the results, significant differences were observed between the years for the annual canopy cover, soil moisture of the second depth, soil cover, soil organic carbon (P<0.01) and Zygophyllum atriplicoides, Artemisia sieberi, Carex stenophylla, shrubs, forbs, total canopy cover, soil moisture of the first depth and the average soil moisture content (P<0.05). In this site, due to the desert conditions, the amount of vegetation and its variation are affected by the precipitation changes.