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Vegetation of each region is one of the most important phenomena of nature and is the best guide to judge about the ecological sciences of that region because the plants are resistant organisms that have endured the long term conditions of all kinds of environmental conditions for a long period of time and have adapted with environmental stresses. Therefore floristical investigation of each region is outmost importance for that region and it serves as a birth certification document. It also reviews geographical and floristical origins of each region which is the most effective method for managing and protecting the available genetic resources. The aim of this study was introducing flora, life form and plant chorotypes in Sarshiv rangelands, west of Marivan, Iran. The method of sampling was random- systematic with 76 plots. Floristical studies showed that there were 39 families, 116 genera and 139 plant species in this area. The most important families in this area were Asteraceae (20 species), Papilionaceae (Fabaceae) (16 species), Apiaceae (11 species) and Poaceae (10 species). Among all species identified in this region, one was endemic and the three other species were considered as rare. Investigation of life forms based on Raunkiaer method showed that there were various plants in different life form. Among all of them, Terophytes (35%) and Chamaephytes (3%) had the highest and the lowest plant species, respectively. The review of the geographical distribution of plants in the region showed that the species belonged to different Chorotypes and Irano-Turanian (50%) and European–Siberian (1%) had the highest and the lowest plant species of the region, respectively.

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Over the past decades, range managers have devoted extensive efforts to conserve and restore rangelands and sustain their exploitation but these efforts are more focused on the classic sciences and the exploiters' knowledge and experience have been neglected in the process. Therefore, current study was done to deal with the prioritizing and comparing factors affecting rangeland exploitation based on four criteria involving the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to determine the degree of consistency and difference between the experts and pastorals' viewpoints. To assess the factors affecting rangeland exploitation, SWOT analysis was used. Factors identified using the questionnaire set based on Likert spectrum items and AHP analysis were prioritized and compared by the pastorals and experts. Results of comparing the factors' prioritization showed that three factors including the lack of coordination and trust between experts and pastorals, existence of feudalism in husbandry system, opportunities for revenue expansion from livestock production had the same prioritization from the experts and pastorals' viewpoints. Also, comparisons of weighted mean differences revealed that the factors' regional rangeland potential for forage species planting of strength criteria, salt affected and swampy rangelands with weakness criteria, greater use of the expertized capacity and specialized knowledge and opportunities for revenue expansion from livestock production in the opportunity criteria and dual ownership of the rangelands by pastorals and government in the threat criteria had the highest weighted mean differences. So, it can be inferred that there is a vast gap between pastorals and experts' viewpoints in prioritizing the factors affecting the rangeland exploitation. Results emphasized the importance of pastorals and local communities' knowledge and experience in the rangeland management and their exploitation improvement.

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Seeds or plant organs are usually used as the materials for the long-term cryopreservation. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility of seed cryopreservation of Lilium ledebourii (Baker) Boiss. as an endemic and endangered species because of genetic erosion. To evaluate seed potentials for the cryopreservation, four treatments including vitrification, 30% glycerol, desiccation and encapsulation-dehydration were applied on seeds before immerging in the liquid nitrogen (-196oC) for a week. Then, seeds were removed from liquid nitrogen and exposed to heat shock (42oC water bath), washed with the distilled water and eventually, sown in petri-dishes containing tissue papers. Some criteria including seed germination percent, root and shoot length values, root/shoot length ratio and seed vigor index were recorded and statistically analyzed after four weeks. Data of germination was converted to an arc-sine transformation prior to the analysis of variance. Results showed that germination percentages were 97.50, 97.43, 94.86 and 69.47% for 30%-glycerol, vitrification, desiccation, and encapsulation-dehydration treatments, respectively. They were not significantly different from control seeds (89.33%). On the other hand, other germination attributes of seeds almost showed no significant differences in comparison with control treatment in most treatments. In addition, 30%-glycerol, vitrification and desiccation experienced the highest amounts of germination attributes whereas they showed no significant differences with the control treatment in most qualities. In contrast, the encapsulated seeds showed the lowest amounts in germination indices though they had no significant differences with control treatment (except germination rate). Most of germination attributes of encapsulated seeds were significantly lower than the other cryogenic treatments. Both 30% glycerol and desiccation treatments showed some advantages over vitrification method. However, desiccation was the best treatment because it does not need any chemical substances. It was concluded that the cryopreservation technique is an important approach for the long-term preservation of the seeds of this endangered species.

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Information on forage quality in phenological stage could help range managers to choose suitable grazing method to achieve higher animal performance without detriment to vegetation. Vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) is a non-native perennial grass that was introduced to the Iran in 2008. This plant is a multi use species that could be considered from different viewpoints. Thus, its forage quality in three phenological stages (vegetative, flowering and maturity) was investigated. Samples of each stage were collected and analyzed for 7 quality traits such as Crude Protein (CP), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Dry Matter Digestibility (DMD), Metabolizable Energy (ME), Digestible Energy (DE), Ash content (Ash) and Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN). Data were statically analyzed using One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mean comparisons were done by Duncan method. The results indicate that there was a significant difference among phenological stages for all the traits (p<0.01). As the plant age increased, the quality values including CP (from 8.89% to 5.25%), DMD (34.79% to 31.63%), ME (3.91 to 3.38 MJ/Kg), Ash (6.7% to 5.5 %,), DE (1.71 to 1.64 Mcals/Kg) and TDN (23.07% to 20.79%) were decreased while ADF was increased (from 63.72% to 65.7%). This led to the reduction of Vetiver grass forage quality. Because of lower values of CP, ME and DMD (except vegetative stage) and higher values of ADF, it was suggested that this species had no prominent place in the ruminants' diet. However, it played important roles in soil conservation and it may be complementary to the native vegetation because it is available at different times of the year considering its phenology and growth season.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of topographical factors on the classification of grassland plant communities in the rangelands of Ghorkhud, Northern Khorasan Province, Iran. For sampling, land units were specified. A floristic list was prepared using minimal area method based on the nested plot (Braun-Blanquet method).116 10m2 furrows were selected. Within each furrow, the presence and cover percent were estimated. On the basis of Braun-Blanquet classification method, cover percent of each species was ranked and the representative matrix was established. Vegetation was characterized by the means of Braun-Blanquet classification method using TWINSPAN level 2. To determine the relationships between vegetation and effective topographic factors, a Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) method was used. Results showed that the region's vegetation was divided into four plant communities including Stipa barbata-Festuca ovina, Festuca ovina-Agropyron trichophorum, Stipa hohenackeriana-Festuca ovina and Agropyron cristatum-Stipa barbata, respectively. Based on results of CCA, the first and second axes (Eigenvalue=0.39, 0.29) were accounted for 50.2 and 37.7% variations, respectively and totally, the first two axes were accounted as 82% of total variation concerning the environmental factors such as aspect with the first axis and elevation and slope with the second axis.

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From the perspectives of many environmental and conservative policy makers, improving and diversifying the livelihoods have been found as a mechanism to promote the livelihoods and persuade people to avoid the overexploitation and degradation of natural resources. Due to the fragility of the environment and inconsistency of incomes, the alternative income sources may be promised to warrant inhabitant's earnings. The noticeable example for this is arid and desert area in central and eastern Iran. This paper presents the conceptual underpinnings of this method with some examples of how innovative ways for creating livelihoods can help alleviate the pressure on marginal arid lands. Three case studies put forwarded considering activities undertaken within an integrated international project formwork called sustainable management in marginal dry lands. At first, introduction of chicken farming to farmers in Hunshundake Sand land in northern China has minimized pressure on grasslands and led to the restoration of these ecosystems. Secondly, to develop desert-based farming on the edge of Cholistan desert in Pakistan has provided a new income source for rural people. Thirdly, the development of a new income-generating activity in terms of soap production from olive in Dana Biosphere Reserve in Jordan has proved that traditional olive farming can be associated with community-based initiatives to create a market for goods and commodities. Also the conditions for introduction of similar alternative approaches to Iran are evaluated through evaluating existing socioeconomic and climatic backgrounds. Collaboration with communities for creating new and sustainable ways to reduce pressure on the land in arid and marginal desert areas can be a powerful tool to overcome poverty and struggle desertification and its resiliency.

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Rangelands are mainly used for grazing the livestock in Iran, it is essential to specify grazing suitability of rangelands in each region of country, so that it may improve the management policies and approaches for planning and designing current and future plans. The aim of this research was to determine the rangeland suitability for sheep grazing in the watershed of Sadegh Abad, Kermanshah Province, Iran. Three sub-models namely forage production model, water siutablity model (quantity, quality and distance of water resources) and erosion sensibility which formed the components of the final studied model. EPM procedure for erosion sensitivity and FAO method for land capability evaluation were employed. Furthermore, combining information layers was done by means of ArcGIS9.3 software. For forage production suitability, the effective factors as allowable limit of exploitation, having access to forage and physical conditions were considered. Our findings indicated two separate classes including low suitability (S3) and non-suitability (N) with the contributions of 68.65 and 31.34% rangeland area, respectively. Low suitability was due to soil erosion sensitivity and limited standard exploitation of forage. In some regions, distance to water resources and high slope of grazinig land caused the decrease of grazing suitability. Considering the grazing capacity and applying the correction programs in rangelands can affect the increase of range suitability for grazing sheep. Using GIS may lead to the increase in accuracy and speed of implementing plans.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate vegetation dynamics and range conditions considering the climatic conditions and soil properties in Haftooman, Khoor and Biabanak deserts, Iran. For this purpose, after determining vegetation types and the associated species, the type of rangeland utilization, grazing season, the livestock type, the other relevant information, vegetation data including annual canopy cover, perennial forbs, shrubs, total canopy cover, soil moisture and carbon percent were determined over four years. Data were collected along three transects in each vegetation type. For each transect, 10 plots were established. The size of plots was 2.5´2.0 m2 considering the life form of dominant species. Embrothermic diagram was drawn according to the monthly temperature and precipitation data of Choopanan synoptic station. Data were analyzed and means comparisons were made using Duncan method. According to the results, significant differences were observed between the years for the annual canopy cover, soil moisture of the second depth, soil cover, soil organic carbon (P<0.01) and Zygophyllum atriplicoides, Artemisia sieberi, Carex stenophylla, shrubs, forbs, total canopy cover, soil moisture of the first depth and the average soil moisture content (P<0.05). In this site, due to the desert conditions, the amount of vegetation and its variation are affected by the precipitation changes.

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