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Genetic variations within the species of Agropyron desertorum and 2 varieties of A. cristatum subsp. pectinatum var. imbricatum and A. cristatum subsp. pectinatum var. pectinatum were studied using morphological traits and total protein profiles (with sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). An experiment was conducted in Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands (2012-2013) using a completely randomized block design with three replications. Means comparison of different agronomical traits among different wild populations of three taxa showed that A. desertorum had higher plant crown, plant height, panicle length, number of stems and plant dry matter weight; however, var. pectinatum had higher panicle length, grain yield and 1000-grain weight and got into the pollination and full flowering phases in a shorter period. The results of total protein profiles revealed that the genetic diversity of var. imbricatum samples was considerably higher than var. pectinatum and/or A. desertorum. Classification analysis of different populations of taxa using both markers showed that populations of var. pectinatum were closer to A. desertorum than var. imbricatum. The results demonstrated that the study of genetic diversity and the relationships among the crested wheatgrass species using agronomical traits and total protein profiles provides important information for the collection, genetic conservation and planning of future breeding programs.

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Accurate knowledge of spatial distribution of soil physical and chemical properties is needed for suitable management and proper use of rangelands in Masileh plain, Qom, Iran. In present study, for the spatial modeling of chemical and physical parameters such as sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), soluble potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), Electrical Conductivity (EC), Saturation Percentage (SP%), silt, clay and sand percent, 49 soil samples were collected from a depth of 0-30 cm of soil surface in a systematic pattern with 1030 m interval and then, they were compared using deterministic methods (radial basis function, inverse distance weighting and local polynomial interpolation) and geostatistical methods (ordinary, universal and disjunctive kriging, and Cokriging). First normality of data was test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov method. Log transformation was used for non-normal data and finally, spatial structure of the data was determined. Then, cross variogram of parameters was calculated by variography analysis. Then, results were evaluated by MBE and MAE calculation for the predicted and observed data. The results demonstrated that geostatistical methods lead to notable findings rather than deterministic ones. According to the results, the best method for modeling calcium and electrical conductivity parameters was Cokriging method while the best method for saturation percent, magnesium, sodium and silt as well as clay percent parameters was disjunctive kriging. Moreover, ordinary kriging method was suitable for the zonation of potassium and sand percent.

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One of the main objectives of ecosystem management is to preserve the species diversity. Many researchers regard higher species diversity as the stability of ecological systems. The aim of this study is to investigate the stability and relationships between topographical factors with diversity indices in Ghorkhud mountainous rangeland in northern Khorasan province, Iran. For data sampling (2012), land units were specified. Floristic list was prepared and minimal area was determined based on the nested plot (Braun-Blanquet method).120 plots of 1m2 were selected and within each plot, the presence of species and cover percent were estimated. For data analysis and means comparison of species diversity between the study sites, One-way ANOVA and Duncan tests were used. The species diversity was investigated using numerical indices and stability of the habitat was determined using parametric indices. The results showed that species diversity was decreased due to the increased altitude. Diversity indices were increased by the increased slope percent. Also, eastern slopes had the most diversity as compared to the other driving directions since the communities with high and low diversities generally follow the Log-Normal and Geometric models, respectively. According to our results, the areas with light slopes, middle altitudes and north and west directions followed the Log Normal distribution which had the most stable levels. It was concluded that the area with Log-Normal model represents a relatively stable communities with medium to high species richness.

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Soil salinity affects a large part of the region in Iran. Salinity covers 12.5% of total area of the country. Priming of seeds in sodium chloride and water (hydro-priming) has been reported to be a simple technique for enhancing the seedling establishment and germination performance in the seeds of many crops and small seeded grasses under the stress conditions. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the effects of halo- and hydro-priming on Secale cereale and S. ceremont growth response under NaCl induced salinity stress conditions. Seeds of S. cereale and S. ceremont were immersed in sterile distilled water (hydro-priming). For the halo-priming treatments, concentrations of 125, 250 and 500 mm of sodium chloride were prepared. This experiment was carried out in three levels (0, 100 and 200 mm) of salinity stress. The means comparison indicates that the seedling traits of both species are significantly affected by both halopriming and hydropriming. In both species of Secale, all the traits were decreased significantly by increasing salt stress levels so that the most reduction of all the traits was observed at the highest level of salinity stress concentration as compared to the control. Increasing NaCl concentration in halopriming treatment solution significantly reduced all the traits in both species so that the most reduction of all traits was observed at the highest level of salinity stress concentration as compared to the control. S. cereale and S. ceremont appear to be poor salt-tolerant. Halo-priming in the S. ceremont with the concentratios of 125 and 250 mmol for 24h at the highest level of salt stress showed the alleviation of detrimental effects of salinity. Halo-priming somewhat in the S. ceremont was suggested in the areas with high salinity to increase the efficiency of species.

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Rangelands are the main sources of forage for livestock feeding by local people. Beside forage production, rangeland ecosystems provide many other goods and services such as medicinal plants, recreation, soil and water conservation, wildlife habitat, fishing, hunting, hiking, etc. Nevertheless, there are no much information about the way that local communities think about the rangelands goods and services. Therefore, a study was conducted to examine how local people think about rangelands goods and services and what their priorities are. The statistical populations were farmers, pastoralists and beekeepers of Hezarjarib, Mazandaran Province, Iran and 100 people of them were randomly selected as a sample. First, 17 indices of rangeland importance (goods and services) were identified through questionnaires and oral interviews. Each indicator was questioned using a 5-point Likert-type scale. Validity was established using a panel of experts and Cronbach's alpha was used for reliability of questionnaire. Data were analyzed and then, interpreted using coefficients of variance. Medicinal plants, beekeeping, food production for human and grazing lands for livestock were the first four priorities respectively considered as the most important indices by local people. Aquaculture and fishing and soil conservation with the highest CVs were considered as the less important indices in local people views. The results showed that the extent of range exploitation had significant relationships with the education of exploiters, number of livestock, income and farmland area. It was concluded that rangelands goods and services should be defined and evaluated based on local people views to be considered as a source of alternative income or new enterprises for local people.

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Knowledge of physiological and environmental factors is important for forage grass production. Festuca ovina is a grass species adapted to Azerbaijan region climate, Iran. This species is a valuable source for forage production and soil conservation. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) are three most important plant nutrients. The aims of present study were to investigate the effects of super absorbance polymer and cattle manure on vegetation growth and soil NPK element of Festuca ovina under drought stress. A split-plot design was used with drought stress as the main plot (control, -0.3 and -0.9 Mp) and polymer+fertilizer as the sub factor (T1: control, T2: 50 g manure, T3: 5 g polymer, T4: 5 g polymer+50g manure, T5: 10 g polymer, and T6: 10 g polymer+50g manure) in five replications. N, P and K contents of soil samples were determined before and after the experiment using Kjeldal, P-Olsen and flame photometer methods. The data of NPK and two cuts of vegetation covers were collected and analyzed using SAS software. The results showed that the application of polymer and manure had positive effects on all the traits. Higher values of vegetation covers were observed in T4 and T6 treatments where both polymer and manure were applied. Higher values of NPK with the average values of 0.69%, 21 ppm, and 395 ppm, respectively were observed in T6: (10 g polymer+50g manure) and the higher vegetation cover with the average values of 82% and 46% were obtained in the first and second cuts, respectively at the same treatments. Since there were no significant differences between T6 and T4, it was recommended to apply 5g polymer coupled with 50g cattle manure in 4300 g of soil to improve grass production in drought environment.

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The overgrazing and excessive utilization of rangelands has caused vegetation and soil degradation in many rangelands. In the rangeland management, the soil and vegetation elements, environmental factors and livestock should be considered as decision making agents. Various methods are applicable for the rangeland restoration as contour furrows and mortar stone dam. In order to evaluate the effects of restoration treatment on soil fertility parameters, this research was carried out in Rangelands of Silvana region, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Soil samples were taken based on a random method using six 100-m long transects in both treated and control sites. Soil samples were taken from the beginning, middle and end of each transect in both 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm depths. Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) contents of soil samples were determined using Kjeldal, P-Olsen and flame photometer method, respectively. Differences between means of soil properties in the restoration and control treatments were compared by applying one-way ANOVA and SNK (P<0.05) test using SPSS18 software. The results showed significant differences between restoration and control for soil properties. N, P and K contents in mortar stone dam treatment in both depth soils were increased as compared to contour furrows and control. According to the results, there are significant differences among P, N and K concentrations in both mortar stone dam and contour furrow treatments between upper and lower soil layers. But, amount of K in the upper soil layer of contour furrow and mortar stone dam treatments was less than lower layer. It was concluded that the constriction of mortar stone dam in the studied area had led to positive impacts on soil fertilization. Overall, the results show that in Silvana region, rangeland improving is possible through applying the mechanical operation of mortar stone dam.

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Tragacanth Gum is one of the most important medicinal and industrial products of rangelands and is obtained from the incision of gum tragacanth-producing Astragalus including Astragalus keyserlingii. The conservation of Astragalus species in rangelands has a special place in terms of economic profit and soil conservation. The increase in price of gum tragacanth in recent years and more attention of beneficiaries to the extraction of this material from the existing Astragalus in the rangelands could cause the destruction of Astragalus species producing gum tragacanth. This research was aimed to provide a scientific method for the exploitation of gum tragacanth as well as the conservation this species. The study was conducted in Tiran, Isfahan province, Iran using a split plot design in the layout of a completely randomized blocks design with three replications. Each replication included 30 shrubs that were exploited for the first time. Treatments included the number of incisions and harvests. The traits were gum tragacanths production, the plant mortality percent and canopy cover percent. According to the obtained results, the number of harvests had a negative effect on canopy cover. This result clearly shows that this plant is resistant against the incision since it has maximum canopy cover percent even under three-time incision in the sixth year. The highest mortality equivalent to 53% was recorded in six-time harvest and the highest production was obtained for six-time harvest a year with an average value of 156.9 g per 30 shrubs, having no significant difference with the four time one a year. Overall, two scars and four-time harvest could be recommended for the exploitation of A. keyserlingii.

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