Background and Objective
Spiritual health means having a sense of acceptance, morality and a sense of positive mutual connection with a sovereign and superior holy power, others and oneself, which is achieved through a dynamic and harmonious process. Achieving a healthy and successful society is possible through ensuring the spiritual health of the family, which is the most fundamental structure of society. On this basis, this study was done to identify the underlying variables of spiritual health in Muslim couples.
This review study is a descriptive. To collect data, the keywords of spiritual health, spirituality, spouses and couples, and Islam were searched on Google Scholar, Normags, SID, and Magiran databases from 1980 to 2020. After reviewing 53 documentaries, the underlying variables of spiritual health in Islamic texts were extracted through conventional content analysis method. The authors of the article reported no conflict of interest.
Forty-seven extracted codes were classified into 6 subcategories (effective in spiritual, behavioral, emotional, cognitive, sexual relationships and family structure). In the present article, the underlying variables of spiritual health in the spiritual and behavioral relationships of couples were presented. The underlying variables of spiritual health in the spiritual relationships of couples include efforts in obedience to God, participation in acts of worship, having a purposeful life, and assistance in growth and prosperity. The underlying variables of spiritual health in the behavioral relationships of couples include flexibility and easy-goingness, pleasantness and good company, responsible behavior, secrecy and covering up faults, neatness, anger control, good conversation, spending time together, generosity and devotion to relatives.
The spiritual health of couples create purpose and meaning in life, flexibility, feeling of responsibility, violence management, sociability and openness, which leads to the this-worldly and afterlife growth of couples.