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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Imam Ali (AS) is the door to the science of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and the most outstanding student of his school of revelation. After the Prophet (PBUH), no one is superior to him in terms of virtuosity and perfection. The Messenger of God (Peace be upon him and his household), described him by saying, "Whatever I see, you also see, and whatever I hear, you also hear. The only difference is that you are not a prophet”…

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Background and Objectives: Becoming aware of any problems, developmental delay in children exerts a considerable negative influence such as stress and anxiety on mental health parents. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between attachment to God with resilience and mental health among parents with special needs children.Materials and Methods: This research is a descriptive correlational study. The population is comprised parents of children with special needs in Tehran, 2015. The 200 parents of children with special needs were selected in a simple random sampling. The measuring instruments are Attachment to God Inventory (Beck & McDonald, 2004), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). Data were analyzed utilizing Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regressions.Results: The results indicated there was a statistically significant relationship between safety haven (r=0.163), secure base (r=0.163) and positive God perceived (r=0.277) with resilience (p<0.05). Additionally, there was a statistically significant relationship between safety haven (r=0.192), secure base (r=0.171) and positive self-perceived (r=0.205) (p<0.05) with general health. Also, the results of regression analysis indicated that the predictor coefficients of God perception and safety haven of resilience were 0.096 and 0.135 respectively (p<0.001). In addition, self-perception and safety haven explained 5.6 percent and 8.5 percent of mental health variance, respectively (p<0.001).Conclusion: These findings illustrated the importance of attachment to God in prediction of resilience and mental health among parents of children with special needs.

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Background and Objectives: Spiritual health is one of the aspects of human health, in addition to physical, mental and social health and causes the integrated relationship among internal forces. The aim of this study is determination of the spiritual health status in Students of Shahid Beheshti University and Shahid Beheshti University.Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytic that conducted on 367 students in 2015. The sampling method was quota sampling. Data were collected using valid and reliable measure of spiritual health questionnaire with 48 questions, in the form of two components of cognitive-emotional (insight and orientation) and behavior; and three concept of relationship with God, with oneself and around. The data were analyzed with software SPSS21.Results: From 367 participants in the study, 59.1 percent were tempfemale and 12.3 percent were married and 66.4 percent of them lived in Tehran.47.2% of participants were studying for BS and the rest in graduate and PhD. The mean age (standard deviation)) was reported 22.64 (3.88). The mean (SD) of insight and spiritual orientation, behavior and spiritual health were 79.94 (15.34) 71.96 (14.28) and 76.62 (13.89), respectively.Conclusion: The mean scores of students were relatively high in the field of vision and spiritual orientation, moral behavior and spiritual health. The average of spiritual health indicators and its performance was more in girls and married students than boys and unmarried. As well as there was a significant relationship between spiritual insight and orientation with behavior.

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Background and Objectives: Since then, doctor's religious beliefs is effective in his/her job performance, hence present study was done for modeling tendency of Esfahan medical students to religious education.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross sectional study 154 Isfahan Medical students were selected through random sampling method. For data collection the researcher made, valid and reliable (a=0.92) questionnaire was used Based on model Fishbein & Aizen. For data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis was used based on structural equation using AMOS software.Results: The results showed orientation for religious education with load factor 0.41 is effective on the components of religious behavior. Moreover, correlation between trend component and subjective norms is significant (r=0.58). Also mental norms area with load factor 0.78 has an effect on intention component of religious education and finally this area with load factor 0.31 has Impact on the components of religious behavior. Education with load factor 0.77 is the most important factor among the other factors of tendency to religious education. Components of friends and acquaintances, family and media to respectively were the next in rank in the trend component for religious education.Conclusion: Thus, given that in this study, Education was the most influential factor so attention to this factor is essential for the religious education of physicians.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Pregnancy is a natural function for women, it is nonetheless a stressful experience, associated with extensive psychological and physical changes that make women psychologically vulnerable. One of the components of a healthy life is attending to spiritual needs, which can enhance quality of life and gradually reduce harmful behaviors. The present study, titled "Correlation of spirituality and psychological well-being with pregnancy-specific stress in women visiting health centers in Dehdasht township in 2015", was conducted considering the available data.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive-correlational study recruited 450 pregnant women visiting health centers in Dehdasht township. The data were collected using personal-social, pregnancy-specific stress, and spirituality and psychological well-being questionnaires, and were analyzed in SPSS-20.Results: The present study results showed correlations between spirituality and pregnancy stress (r=0.156) and also between psychological well-being and pregnancy stress (r=0.294). The results relating to the contribution of spirituality components in pregnancy stress showed that religious and spiritual health are able to affect pregnancy stress, and the results relating to the contribution of subscales of psychological well-being showed that purposeful life well-being and independent well-being can affect pregnancy stress (P=0.01).Conclusion: The results showed that spirituality and psychological well-being are associated with stress during pregnancy. It is recommended due to the impact of variable both spiritual and psychological well-being in developing coping skills, stress reduction program.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: As far as medical science is concerned, abortion is classified into four categories: spontaneous, induced, traumatic, and criminal. In spite of increase in the quantity and quality of contraceptive techniques and the rising level of public awareness of this issue, unwanted pregnancy is still a problem. When women face unwanted pregnancy, they might resort to criminal abortion.Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive research study. Researcher-made questionnaires were given to women with a history of abortion in the last 10 years, referring to health centers selected by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.369 subjects were randomly selected. The results were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS (Version 17).Results: The results of the study indicated that 26% of women were aged 26, and the educational level of 41.8% of them was diploma at the time of abortion. Financial and family problems accounted for 20% and 15% of abortions respectively, and were the most prevalent factors. Spouses were the most influential encouraging factor in about 50% of the units under investigation.29% and 17.5% of abortions were committed at 8th and 7th weeks of pregnancy respectively.42.4% of individuals considered abortion as a religiously prohibited action and only 4.3% women having abortion did pay for their child’s blood money.and viral diseases accounted for the reasons of abortion by 19.5 percent and 3.6 percent of women respectively. As for encouragement for abortion, the frequency distribution of the subjects revealed that 55.3 percent of women had abortion at the suggestion of their husbands and 0.3 percent did it due to their working conditions and because of others. The results of the study show that only 4.3 percent of women having abortion did pay for their child’s blood money.Conclusion: Abortion is a controversial issue, which can be considered as a social or jurisprudence-associated issue; thus, it is necessary to take it into serious consideration in the Iranian-Islamic society. Results of this study indicated the financial problem as the most prevalent factor and spouse’s opinion as the most encouraging factor. Additionally, individuals had a frail attitude and ideology towards abortion.

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Background and Objectives: Spiritual health is a dimension of human health which can grow in various contexts. These factors can be extracted from Islamic texts particularly from Nahj al-Balagha. Social factor is one of the growing factors in spiritual health. This study aimed to investigate spiritual-growing social factors from Nahj al-Balagha perspective.Materials and Methods: This content analysis study is based on personal and social teachings of Nahj al-Balagha through focusing on spiritual-growing social factors. In this study, Islamic documents and texts including Nahj al-Balagha Islamic sciences software were examined. Moreover, 500 articles were reviewed in the country's publication websites using "Nahj al-Balagha" keywords. From the corpus of the study, 97 articles were replication and the rest were related to various social, moral, literary, educational text-types. Among the reviewed articles, the subject of four articles was health and four articles were related to spiritual issues to some extent. Only one article was about the spiritual health in Nahj al-Balagha which was used in this study.Results: In this study, it was found that the rule of religious and society's leadership has an influential role in directing people towards moral and ethical values. In addition, the fight against poverty, the society's relative welfare, deterring discrimination and social inequality, and executing justice, will lead the society to moral values.Conclusion: According to what was said, it can be concluded that as spirituality has individual aspect, it can have social aspect too. In other words, it is possible to talk about spiritual society and materialistic and unspiritual society as well. Religious behaviors are crucial for the development of spirituality. Accordingly, the spiritual society is established when religious behaviors are pervasive in our society.

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Background and Objectives: In recent years, health is paid attention to base on different aspects of physical, mental, social and spiritual health. To recognize spiritual well-being, it is necessary to identify the indices of a healthy person.Materials and Methods: The present systematic study is based on searching English and Persian databases, search engines, religious books of Avesta, the Bahagavad Gita, Gata, the Upanishads, the Bible, Torah, Quran and Islamic texts, hadiths, the narratives and texts of the creed of Buddha, Confucianism and Shintoism, using the keywords of health, human, spiritual well-being, spirituality, healthy individual, the characteristics of healthy individual, the traits of healthy individuals, the indices of a healthy person since January 1996 to December 2016.Results: There are various definitions of spiritual well-being in different religions and creeds. By studying the texts, the primary indices of religions and creeds were derived. Then, they were reviewed over and over and the codes were compacted and 124 final indices were determined. Spiritual well-being is a range in which a man is moving; on the range, the more a person goes to greater indices, the more he will enjoy spiritual well-being and the more he goes to weaker indices, he will enjoy less spiritual well-being.Conclusion: The indices of spiritual well-being are a set of cognitive behavior or emotions having internal and external aspects and they are related to the aspects of human life. According to the findings of the present study, it can be admitted that the indices of a healthy person in different religions and creeds include common and different aspects.

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