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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Spiritual health, as one of the aspects of health, has recently been considered by Western researcher and led them to mention some definitions for it. Since the need for this dimension of health has been arisen from a secular society and secular society requirements are different with the real human needs to health, it seems that paying attention to "pure life" (Hayat Tayiba) mentioned in the Holy Quran is helpful to address the spiritual health. "Pure life", is a word in the Qoran which commentators have described it as a clean life. The "pure" word is applied in some places in the Quran."Taiba word: clean word" (Surah Ibrahim / 24), "the Taiba descendant: good offspring" (Surah Al ' Imran / 38), "city of: Clean City" (Surah Saba / 15), "Taiba ancestors: good fathers" (Surah Ibrahim / 24) and "Taiba (pure) life: clean life" (Surah an-Nahl / 97).The Quran, in Surah An- Nahl Verse No 97, says: (Whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, while he is a believer - We will surely cause him to live a good life).According to this verse, two types of life can be considered for human including the material life (natural) and human life (pure life). The features of natural life are eating, drinking, sleeping, desorption and absorption, reproduction and overall attention to the instincts and satisfy them. In this kind of life, there is no respect to human values. In contrast to this life, Quran refers to pure life. Perhaps this pure life is interpreted as a reasonable life. Allameh Jafari (RH) believes that the feature of this life is transition from natural to pure life and in this way, all internal capacities which God endowed human beings, are manifested so that at some points, man finds the merits as a caliph of God on earth. Obviously, who have a heart and mental health can reach several stages of humanity and from the perspective of Islam, it is interpreted spiritual health.It seems an appropriate definition of the spiritual health and its features can be achieved with understanding of reasonable life. This definition of life defines the spiritual aspects of health and simultaneously covers human natural health.

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Background and Objectives: Religion as a key element of the culture of any nation gives back identity and unity to the society. One of the effective religious rituals in the treatment of mental disorders is a pilgrimage that can have an important role in mental health. The purpose of this research has been studying the relationship between the Pilgrimage of Imam Reza (AS) with a feeling of happiness and life satisfaction.Materials and Methods: The method of this research is descriptive-Correlation. The study populations are the pilgrims and Neighbors of Imam Reza (AS) shrine.382 people are participated in this study through the method of choice available. In order to evaluate pilgrimage, we used the research made questionnaire, which consists of 20 questions about attitude and practice to pilgrimage. This questionnaire is divided as four degree Likert scale (from strongly disagree to strongly agree) from1 to 4. The overall range of scores is from 20 to 80. Also for evaluating happiness and life satisfaction, we got use of Oxford Happiness and life satisfaction diner questionnaires, respectively. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and two variables regression analysis and SPSS software.Results: The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the attitude and practice to pilgrimage and happiness, life satisfaction, (p<0.001). The pilgrimage is a significant predictor for a happiness and life satisfaction (p<0.001) and its effects on happiness and life satisfaction is Beta=0.66 and Beta=0.49, respectively.Conclusion: As a result, the pilgrimage of Imam Reza (AS) is a religious ceremony in the Shia community that can affect people's psychological feelings and provide the field of happiness and life satisfaction.

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Background and Objectives: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and in addition to the physical complications, caused multiple mental and emotional challenges for patients. Present study was performed through phenomenological qualitative approach in a sample of Iranian women to deep exploration and better understanding of coping ways that patients use when face with cancer, with a focus on methods based on religion and spirituality based.Materials and Methods: Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews with 27 eligible patients. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using Van Manen thematic approach. Data collection and analysis were carried out simultaneously. In addition, Maxqda (Ver10) software was used for data management.Results: The mean age of participants was 50±8.77 years, ranging from 32 to 68 years. About 22% of these patients had Lumpectomy (remove part of breast tissue) and others (78%), mastectomy (remove of all breast), respectively. By analyzing and extracting the primary codes from the interviews, the final codes were extracted and divided into 6 sub and 2 conceptual categories, and relation between the conceptual categories led to emerge of the study main theme "Transcendence-oriented effort to adjustment".Conclusion: Breast cancer patients in this study predominantly employed dynamic processes and coping strategies to deal with the reality of disease that had been formed from their religious and spiritual beliefs. Therefore, it is necessary to health care providers, while maintaining respect for patients and considering their spiritual and religious beliefs, make available religious counseling in order to providing spiritual health promotion for patients.

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Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between religious attitude and mental health and marital satisfaction is mediated by resiliency.Materials and Methods: The research is a descriptive-correlation study.60 samples were chosen randomly among Chenaran prison staff. Study Tools were Baraheni Religious Attitude Scale, Connor and Davidson Resiliency Scale, GHQ-28 mental health and ENRICH couple scale. The research data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS and Pearson correlation coefficient, Regression and ANOVA analysis.Results: Our findings indicate an inverse significant relationship between religious attitude and mental health Score (P<0.01), as well as positive significant relationship between religious attitudes and marital satisfaction (P<0.05). In addition, there is not a significant relationship between resiliency and mental health, but there is a significant positive relationship between marital satisfaction and resiliency (P<0.01). ANOVA analysis showed that religious attitude and resiliency as a complement predict 43 percent of to marital satisfaction.Conclusion: Research findings indicate the relationship between religious attitudes and resiliency, with components of mental health and marital satisfaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Religious attitudes and emotional intelligence of students can be changed under parenting styles. Propose of this study was to investigate the effect of perceived parenting styles on religion attitude and emotional intelligence of high-school girl students in 2014.Materials and Methods: The statistical society of research was the high-school girls in 2014 in Arak city, 87 of them were selected by multistage cluster sampling. Participants answered the two questionnaires including emotional intelligence, religion attitude (Baraheni) questionnaires. The mothers of participants replied to parenting styles questionnaire, Baumrind questionnaire. The data were analyzed by multi-variety regression and Pearson correlation.Results: The results showed permissive parenting style had negative significant correlation with religion attitude and emotional intelligence. In addition, authoritarian parenting had no relationship with the emotional intelligence, while the authoritative parenting style had positive correlation with emotional intelligence and religion attitude of students.Conclusion: The findings revealed that the authoritative parenting leads to more emotional intelligence and religion attitude of students that facing the problems life while in the case of permissive parenting is the opposite.

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Background and Objectives: Religious beliefs play an important role in the social and psychological life, Students as the spiritual resources of society and Social capacities, are selective in terms of talent, creativity and perseverance. Having comfort and peace of mind in all aspects are essential for academic achievement and successful life, as well as attention to other interventions affecting the learning environment. This study from the psychological point of view has explored the relationship between religious beliefs and mental health of students.Materials and Methods: Method of this study was Descriptive-Correlation to examine the relationship between religious beliefs and mental health among students. The sample consisted of 183 students (88 men and 95 women) which were selected using random sampling among engineering students of Bonab University. Data collection techniques for Practical Commitment to Religious Beliefs and mental health are Golzari 2- Mabad Questionnaire and General Health questionnaire (GHQ- 28), respectively. Data using were analyzed using SPSS (Version 22) software and descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation).Results: The data showed a negative significant correlation between Religious commitment and physical and mental disorders. Linear regression analysis was confirmed predictive role of religious commitment in mental health and its components (P<0.05), so that the practice of religious beliefs was explained 23% of the variance in mental health, and 23% of the variance in somatization, 19% of the variance in anxiety and insomnia, 27% of the variance in social dysfunction, and 2% of the variance in depression.Conclusion: Religious commitment result in promotion of mental health in students. With regard to the positive impact of religious beliefs and practices in mental health, the use of this capacities are recommended for planning mental health activities, particularly for the students.

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The definitions of health and disease are some controversial among medicine philosophers. Some of them consider the concept of telos of life in their definitions. Among these conversations, The Islamic sources regarding the end of life are rich and usable for health definition. Obedience and move towards Allah is the ultimate goal of human life which is stated in the Qur'an. The realization of this objective requires some preparations which obtaining cognition is the first and most important of these arrangements. In this conceptual framework, health is defined as the status of body and spirit in which the effective cognition can be achieved and consequently the ultimate goal of life, worship may be provided. On the other hand cognitive functions must be assessed during observation of human behaviors and adaptation of them with defined codes of behavior explained by Allah in the form of religion instead of common psychometrics and cognitive assessment techniques.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, according to the words of Imam Ali (as) in Nahj al-Balagha is attempted to achieve a sense of spiritual health. For this purpose, it was focused on the use of the health word in this collection and found physical (physical) and spiritual health is considered. Since the word "spirituality" was not used in Nahj al-Balagha, inevitably we referred to the words of the Nahj al-Balagha commentators and found this term is commonly used in the mystical, moral and religious aspects. And partly this application can be seen in the words of non-Islamic researchers, then in the end, it is likely that spiritual health, a set of "true beliefs with respect for moral values" have been augmented.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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