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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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According toIslam viewpoint, human is an outstanding and selected creature and because of this, the crown of "Honored" and "preferred" is put on his head. He is the vicegerent of Allah, prostrated by angels, the carrier of Allah's trust, having monotheistic nature and being informed of Allah's names. But all of these virtues are because of God's compassion breath that is called "the soul". Soul is an important issue in Islamic culture. The soul health and protecting it against diseases, damages and pestshaveserious and great importance; the health of soul and spirit has higher priority than body health. Because of its importance in Islam, this research investigates the factors and obstacles against the health of soul and spirit according to Islamic viewpoint.

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Introduction: The whole member of remedy specially nurses in terms of professional and ethical responsibility for the spiritual care of patients. Spiritual intervention along with other nursing interventions are to stimulate the balance between body, mind and spirituality, which sometimes will order a comprehensive health. Identification of spiritual intelligence and the factors influencing it especially nursing students as health care providers in the near future is important to determine.So this study aimed at determining to the spiritual intelligence and its influential factors in nursing students at Qazvin University of medical sciences in 2015.Methods: In this cross sectional study, 185 students are studying in the third to eighth semester undergraduate using the census. Data were collected using Abdullah Zadeh’s spiritual intelligence Questionnaire and demographic form after questionnaire content validity and internal consistency reliability was used (a=0.87). Finally, data were used using Spss16 software.Findings: Average score of spiritual intelligence in nursing students was 116.18±15.19 which showed high levels of spiritual intelligence. Through demographic variables only interested in nursing profession had a significant and positive relationship (P<0.05).score of spiritual intelligence was high in female that did not report statistically significant (P>0.05) Conclusion: The high level of spiritual intelligence among nursing students is one of the strengths and desirable points for nursing care in this profession; other hand interested to nursing is an effective variable that can promote the level of nursing care by nursing students as future nurses.

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Introduction: Suicide as one of the problems of mental health in recent decades has been increasing. Identifying the predicting and effective factors in suicidal thoughts of students can be helpful in understanding their positive aspects and adaptive behaviors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship of quality of life, spirituality and resilience with suicidal thoughts in students of Kermanshah Razi Faculty of Social Sciences.Methods: The study was descriptive and correlational. The study population included all students of Faculty of Social Sciences University of Kermanshah and 200 students were selected among them using cluster-sampling method. Different scales such as Beck for Suicidal Ideation, Quality of Life, Resilience, and Spiritual Experiences were used to collect data. For data analysis, statistical indicators, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used.Findings: The results showed that quality of life spirituality and resilience had significant negative correlation with suicidal thoughts. Multiple regression analysis indicated that predicting variables could predict the thoughts of suicide.Conclusion: So, it can be concluded that identifying the psychological problems play an important role in understanding the suicide and its related thoughts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Fasting with a variety of effects and benefits is one of the most important Islamic practices and Muslims for a month doing it. Fasting has many spiritual, educational, social and physical aspects which was not investigated and only its physical aspect was considered in the current study. Islamic traditions have increasingly mentioned the role of the fasting in health and treatment of physical suffering. The Prophet has said "Fasting is the health factor". Medical science and nutrition have confirmed the impact of fasting on human’s health and discussed on this issue.Methods: This review study was performed through searching some sites like Google scholar, SID, Iranmedex, Pub Med with keywords of fasting, dietary restriction, Ramadan, fasting and cancer, molecular changes, food restriction, intermittent fasting and energy restriction and finally, 20 related articles were evaluated.Findings: Fasting has been performed for thousands of years, but recently, some studies have been done on its role and impact on immune system cells by reducing oxidative damage and inflammation, regulating energy metabolism and sustaining the protection of body cells. Dietary restriction increases the longevity in some eukaryotic cells via a change in metabolism and in others, it may prevent diabetes, cancer and heart and nervous system disease. In humans, fasting can help to reduce the blood pressure, obesity, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.Conclusion: Fasting has potential in delaying aging and help to prevent and treat disease by minimizing its side effects through appropriate diet.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Due to the role of spirituality in mental health promotion, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between spiritual well-being and religious beliefs with a life expectancy of diabetics.Methods: In this descriptive study, the population was type II diabetes patients referred to medical centers in Ardabil in 2015 and finally 104 patients were selected using availability sampling method. To collect data, the scales of spiritual well-being (2015), religious belief (2007) and life expectancy (1991) were used. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression methods.Findings: The results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between spiritual well-being and religious belief (religion r=0.485 and the belief in God r=0.345) of diabetics. Also, there was a significant positive correlation between spiritual well-being (r=0.521) and religious belief (religion r=0.556 and the belief in God r=0.634) with life expectancy of diabetics (P<0.05). Beta coefficients indicated that spiritual well-being (23%) and religious belief (religion 35% and the belief in God 36%) had significantly predictive capability of life expectancy in diabetic patients (P<0.05).Conclusion: It can be concluded that spiritual well-being and religious belief are considered as the variables related to life expectancy in diabetic patients and have its predictive capability.

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Introduction: Studies show the relationship between religion and the mental and physical health of individuals. Some studies indicate a positive relationship between religious orientation and general health, but others reject this relationship. Also, the role of religion in the health of the elderly has been less studied. Few studies have investigated the relationship between demographic characteristics and the religious orientation of the elderly. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of religious orientation (internal or external) in general health and socioeconomic factors of elderly people in Babol city.Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive analytical study was conducted on 316 elderly people aged 60 years and older in Babol city. The instruments used were Alport Religious Attitude Test for Measurement of Religious Beliefs and General Health (GHQ), which was completed along with the socio-economic profile for each person.Findings: External orientation had significant relationship with the total score of GHQ (P<0.02) and its subcategories such as physical dimension (P<0.01), dimension of anxiety (P<0.01), social dimension (P<0.001) and depression (P<0.02). No significant relationship was found between internal orientation and GHQ. Internal religious orientation was significantly higher in the elderly living in the village, the elderly with at least one illness and in the illiterate people than others (P<0.001).Conclusion: The amount of external orientation was higher in elderly people living in the city and with more literate. Religion has a deterrent effect in the face of problems and injuries, because with the more external the orientation, the general health as well as physical symptoms and social health decreased and signs of depression and anxiety increased. Therefore, religious aspects are emphasized in elderly health education. It is also necessary in the spiritual support of the elderly to consider the teachings of inner religion more seriously in mental health education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Islam has always stressed on the importance of health and wellness, and Muslims have recognized the value of a good and healthy life. Health-oriented lifestyle is considered as a multifactorial phenomenon, multi-dimensional and multi-indication. Therefore the purpose of this study was to explain the Islamic life style on nutrition.Methods: This review study investigated the practical strategies of Islam for achieving Islamic life style in nutrition through access to reliable sources in the form of a descriptive article. To do so, data were collected and the central research question was addressed using appropriate keywords and electronic and manual search in reliable Islamic and medical resources.Findings: Based on the results of the reviewed studies, instructions and ideas of Islam on recommendation of good nutrition have practical implications. If there was commitment to Islamic nutritional commands and Islamic lifestyle, maybe, the diseases related to nutrition (obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and so on) would not develop.Conclusion: Due to the availability of resources and valuable nutritional instructions in Islam, these instruction can be used to prevent and fight against diseases related to nutrition. Hence, Islamic instructions can be presented to the world as practical strategies for achieving to good health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Divine religion and leaders have considered the health of the human body in all times. It has been made several recommendations in traditions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad in religious books and his life. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the Medical sciences' agreement with some of the prophetic sayings on the effect of herbs, fruits and nutritional habits on health.Methods: In this review study, the Prophet sayings on the plants, fruits and nutritional recommendations mentioned in various sources of traditional medicine and books of medical sayings were studied and confirmed with the present scientific results in several resources including Pub med, SID, Scopus, Medicinal Plant and Science Direct from 2003 to 2014.Findings: Several studies indicated that many recommended plants, fruits and nutritional habits have scientific aspects in Islam and prophetic sayings and today, the humane achieves to them in medical sciences so that they are very close to the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and Quran.Conclusion: Finally, it can be concluded that the humans, especially the Muslims, can take advantage of traditions and biographies of the Prophet Muhammad to achieve significant scientific results and grantee the health of body and soul.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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