Volcanic cones are important and effective landforms, which have a close relationship with crust structures such as Faults, Folds, etc. "Buhluldaghi" Situated 20km north of Tabriz Based on tectonic units and situated in the Alborz-Azarbaijan subzone. The study area is one of the tectonically active regions with faults, earthquakes, landslides and particularly volcanic effects. Which indicate the susceptibility of this area to natural hazards? One of the requirements to deal with these risks is to the identify the forms of the earth surface in order to understand the nature, causes and its geomorphological effects, that can provide the basis for planning a better life for human beings. In this study, the nature, etiology, and the impact of Buhlul Dome on the morphology of Tabriz region was studied using fieldwork and library methods. In this context, the tools such as topography and geology maps, aerial and satellite images as well as experimental data were employed. The findings of the objective observations and library analysis has presented that stretching and compressional motions of the Azerbaijan active tectonic, which is due to convergence of Eurasia and Arabian Continental plates, especially in polio– Quaternary, resulted in deep breaking and intense faulting of the region, and provided the condition for magma exit from weak crust structured points. This dome is induced from fault lines which are drawn parallel to north Tabriz fault. This cone has not only changed the pattern of drainage area by with drawl of Miocene sedimentary layers but also acted as a resource for the production of downstream sediment such as Talus, Allusion, Rock falls, etc. Moreover, this mass consequence in tilting of horizontal sedimentary layers and their tending towards summits of the dome, which led to fragmentation and weak surface production against erosion systems and acceleration of the morphodynamic of the region.