Considering a damped wave system de ned on a two-dimensional domain, with a dissipative term localized in an unknown subset with an unknowndamping parameter, we address the ill-posed shape design problem whichconsists of optimizing the shape of the unknown subset in order to minimizethe energy of the system at a given time. By using a new approach basedon the embedding process, rst the system is formulated in variational form. Then, by transferring the problem into polar coordinates and de ning twopositive Radon measures, we represent the problem in a space of measures. Hence, the shape design problem is changed into an in nite linear one whosesolution is guaranteed. In this stage, by applying two subsequent approxi-mation steps, the optimal solution (optimal control, optimal region, optimaldamping parameter and optimal energy) is identi ed by a three-phase opti-mization search technique. Numerical simulations are also given in order tocompare this new method with level set algorithm.