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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Nowadays, among communities and government, progress is considered as the issue of progress. In other words, the emergence of progress, the conditions for achieving progress, achieving progress and finally achieving maximum national interests through progress patterns can be considered the most important daily issues. Progress and its essence, the ultimate national interest, is one of the issues which attracted the attention of scholars and politicians, and everybody has looked at from his or her own lenses. The main purpose of this study is to highlight the importance of national interest position in Islamic-Iranian model of progress by thoroughly examining it as a prerequisite for achieving a desirable progress, which at the end can operationalize the requirements and capacities of the indigenous model of progress to maximize national interests in the country and provide the opportunity and motivation to move towards a new Islamic civilization with a clearer and more precise view. The method of this research is descriptive (survey). The data were collected through semi-structured interview with 22 experts in the field of Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress.

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In the view of sustainable development, and consequently the information society resulted from devlopment, the rules of planning and development policy have changed in the world, and under the influence of communication variables, many opportunities have been created. Therefore, a fundamental look at communications at the macro level of development programs is very necessary. This requires analyzing and pathologizing previous programs and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. This paper aims at analyzing the communication materials of the Fourth and Fifth Development Plans using the content analysis approach in order to get access to the organizing and inclusive themes embedded within the programs. The results show that in the above two programs, the technical and quantitative aspects of communication are more highlighted and its qualitative and content aspects such as futures research, policy making, planning, new media, social networks, virtual life, freedom of information and dissemination as well as movement towards knowledge-based society has received less attention. Based on these findings, the paper through a critical view explains the role of communication in formulating development plans so that in the new developmental plans through looking inside the country and based on indicators of Islamic Iranian identity a more foubdemental attention is paid to planning for communications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Designing a “ Transformational Leadership Model” is regarded as one of the most important steps that should be followed up in the process of achieving the Islamic – Iranian model of progress. The model of transformational leadership wants to provide necessary conditions for the fundamental, systematic and transcendental transformation in different levels from the status quo to the desired state. Since each of the models and methods proposed to create change and/or transformation is naturally formed based on the theoretical foundations and intellectual paradigm accepted by their designers, the requirements and characteristics of the Islamic – Iranian model of Progress require providing the “ Transformation Leadership Paradigm” at first which conforms to the requirements of this model and then to design a transformational leadership model based on it. With due observance to the abovementioned cases, this paper attempts to present the “ Transformation Leadership Paradigm” as a theory based on the conception of Quranic verses with a subject-based approach and based on a qualitative research approach designed for this purpose, so that its results have been introduced within the framework of 30 principles. Addressing the subject of “ Paradigm” and “ Baseline Theory” rather than presenting a model without considering the paradigm and its basic theory, making utmost effort to provide necessary conditions for the creation of transformation at all levels as well as the concept of transformation considered in this research is one of the most important innovations in this paper.

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Despite the implementation development programs within the several decades in Iran, we see a decline in positive economic indicators, a sharp decline in human, social indicators, and a one-line pattern of development. The institutional school of development through focusing on the local needs and demographic characteristics and emphasis on the optimism and multidimensional analysis internalized institutional changes and historical analysis method, has been emphasized more than other conventional approaches and models of economics. The aim of this paper is to provide an example of the model of new Institutionalism and the possibility of employment and applicability for Iran to demonstrate the effectiveness of its theoretical system in response to the dilemma of the development of Iran. The main question of this paper is how well the New Institutionalism literature is able to provide a solution to exit the bottlenecks that govern the political economy? The hypothesis of the study is that the idea of anti-rational logic is spent on quantitative theories and pivotal economy, problems relating to social well-being and moving from the concerns of neoclassical economics, the concern of the organization and control of the economic system, seeking to design a model for development and qualitative development based on the elements of transparency, good governance, government oversight, and avoidance of rentierism.

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Good governance is a topic that has attracted the attention of scholars in recent decades. Research suggests that the model of good governance is developed in accordance with the needs of countries (political, cultural and religious factors). The purpose of this study was to present a good governance model from Nahj-Balaghe's point of view as a step towards explaining the Iranian Islamic model of progress. This study, using a qualitative approach, explores the indicators of good governance from the points of view of Ali (AS) in the form of sermons and letters of Nahj al-Balagha, and then presents a model entitled Karima government and compares it with current models of good governance. Thus, parts of the Nahj al-Balagha, selected on the basis of keywords related to governance, were analyzed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding which resulted in the extraction of 606 codes, 86 concepts, and 24 categories. The results showed that good behavior as a central phenomenon through interaction with other factors lead to Karimeh government as a good governance model from Nahj al-Balaghi perspectives. How these factors interact is illustrated at the end of the paper.

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The Islamic-Iranian model of progress by taking advantage of the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and being able to understand and analyze the realities of society and to understand national and indigenous values, seeks to respond to the material and spiritual needs of society. This model has epistemological, ontological and anthropological foundations that are rooted in the revelation and doctrinal teachings of Islam. Therefore, its content is based on monotheism and resurrection and the indivisibility of the world and the hereafter. The process of political progress in the Islamic-Iranian paradigm is based on divine and Islamic divine education and the historical, indigenous, and cultural conditions of our country, which are realized in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Numerous models have been presented for the modernization and development of our country, most of which have encountered obstacles due to their non-indigenous nature and lack of attention to the historical, cultural and religious conditions of Iran. The purpose of the present study is to emphasize the necessity and importance of political development in the context of the Islamic-Iranian model of progress and to outline the principles and how it can be achieved. This study, by explaining the underlying indicators of political development, seeks to find out how the will of the community is realized. The strategies used to analyze the data in the present study are based on qualitative and descriptive-analytical methods. The results of this study show that the indicators of political progress in this model are in accordance with the shari'a and by commitment to justice in the community policymaking area; the desired political development is achieved.

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Islamic-Iranian model of progress must have balanced sections in terms of growth and progress. One of the needs of the new era of social life is the extensive and interconnected communication between governments and international institutions. Each state, based on its absolute and relative advantages, sets its own development policies and programs. In today's world no activity is done without using energy. Naturally speaking, our country also has rich oil and gas resources, which because of two vital energies is ranked the first in the world. The development engine, on the other hand, relies heavily on the international trade of these two strategic products. Therefore, it is essential to anticipate any developments in oil and gas contracts which may be associated with our national interests. This paper, with this macro approach, analyzed and studied this issue and after assessing the general terms and concepts, based on an analytic-descriptive approach, previews the Iranian law and legal doctorines in this area, and offers solutions for optimizing disputes settlement in the economic area of energy in light of Islamic-Iranian model of progress and arbitration as the most important factor in theinternational law. It seems that it can be realized, with regard to new issues such as determining and explaining arbitration agreements, constitutional reform, and the effort to create an independent arbitration body in the oil industry.

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