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The Lifestyle of the Appointed Agents reforms the public lifestyle in the Islamic Civilization. But, it can be an opportunity for effectiveness in the community when it is in accordance with a desirable lifestyle. This article evaluates the gap between the present situation and the desirable situation of the lifestyle of the Appointed Agents in the Islamic Republic of Iran by using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). The question is what damages and impairs the lifestyle of the Appointed Agents in the Islamic Republic of Iran? The answer is that Appointed Agents in the Islamic Republic of Iran have faced damages and defects in behavior and moral dimensions and have had fewer problems in ideological dimension.The findings suggest that although parameters such as the rejection of despotism, law abidance, consultation, fulfilment of promises, simplicity and contentment (in behavior dimension); the establishment of the Right and the elimination of the Wrong, sincerity in action, God-centrism in life, virtue and piety, chastity and modesty, being open to criticism and charity (in moral dimension); and also commitment and devotion (in ideological dimension) are very important to achieve a desirable lifestyle, the present situation of these parameters is not favorable.

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In spite of the fact that the Liberal Feminism and the Marxist-Socialist Feminism theories are basically different, since the two theories consider the freedom for women in their similarity to men, the two theories are alike! By ignoring the distinctive aptitudes between men and women, these types of feministic viewpoints are seeking positional similarities of the two genders in all fields. This positional similarity not only frees women from social limitations, but it also contributes to the humiliation of them. Not only are Radical feminists unaware of the gender differences between men and women, but they also deny the sexual differences between the two. The dignity of women as divine creatures who have benefitted human nature has no place in feministic viewpoints. By the very clear use of the Holy Quran, the intrinsic-based pattern is trying to provide a definition of “woman” that is not separate from “man”. In this pattern, the complementary relationship between men and women and the grandeur of the two are the existential necessities of both genders. Furthermore, in the intrinsic-based pattern, the dynamism of the tie between man and woman is based on the family institution whose existential principles are endangered due to the expansion of feministic theories.

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The following study scrutinizes the challenges and opportunities of constructing a cultural-recreational center in Qazi Al Saber Shrine; and in this regard, the interaction among The Cultural Heritage Organization, The Endowments Department and The Third District of Tehran Municipality to manage and construct a cultural-recreational complex next to a religious area is also taken into account. In this research, approaches such as qualitative anthropology, interview skills, episodic-narrative interviews, focus group and field study strategy have been applied. Moreover, to build a conceptual model, theoretical principles such as “decent ruling & social asset” and “free time & social merriment” have been contemplated.The results show that the construction of this cultural-recreational complex will contribute to: religion centralization and mosque-based activities, the integration of religious institutions, attracting the young to religious areas, increasing cultural uses, reviving local identity symbols, introducing the Shrine, increasing the funds, cultural cooperation & interaction, increasing Municipality’s social asset, increasing social exhilaration in the area, reducing the cost of cultural-recreational activities and renovating the run-down structure of the Shrine. However, this construction will face challenges like blasphemy, the destruction of regional identity, the destruction of the traditional architecture of the Shrine, the incongruity between the architecture of the Shrine & the cultural-recreational complex, and the congruity between the architecture of the Shrine & the precinct atmosphere.

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In the Era of the rule of development knowledge, different patterns of development were introduced that in their time permeated every supervising level & element of development administration and also had particular local-spatial consequences in the universal, regional, national, and territorial arenas. By the use of several experiences as well as the results of Western development patterns, third world countries, including Iran have come to the conclusion that the best pattern for development is the domestic pattern which is based on the Islamic-Iranian indigenous culture and belief. The objective of this study is the assessment of the present-time rural–development pattern in accordance with the Islamic-Iranian development pattern. The method used in this study is descriptive-analytic which has been analyzed via questionnaires and SPSS software. The results pinpoint the fact that the common and dominant pattern of rural-development planning is not compatible with the Islamic-Iranian pattern.

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The reasons for the decline of the Islamic Civilization" is a topic which has attracted many intellectuals and a lot of theorists have asserted various views to elaborate the subject. Morteza Motahari, one of the Iranian thinkers, had been preoccupied with the issue for years and had depicted a thorough roadmap to study the subject. He believed that reforming an attitude is prior to reforming an action, hence to improve the function of people in society, it is essential to transform their attitudes. Furthermore, the beginning of this reformation depends on people, because any reformation originates from the public and then moves towards the ruling class and the elites. Accordingly, Motahari wrote Dastan Rastan [1] to address the youth to the reformation of their views. The present study, through the method of qualitative-content analysis is seeking to extract the concepts that the philosopher was conveying to his young audience. Moreover, this study is trying to scrutinize the amount of conformity between the mentioned concepts of the work and the idea of the roadmap which Motahari illustrated for the revival of the Islamic Civilization.The findings of this study prove the issues achieved by the content analysis of the book are intensely in agreement with the philosopher's theory about the reasons of the decline of the Islamic Civilization.

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In the history of Iranian-Islamic urbanism, the urbanization elements such as unity, balance, harmony, beauty, symbiosis with nature and sustainable urban development have been taken into consideration. One of the features and goals of the Iranian-Islamic Utopia has been the human presence and its social-cultural interaction in urban areas including urban sidewalks that have an important role in the liveliness of cities. The objective of this research is to answer how it is possible to organize the uses of Imam Hossein Square and Hefdahe Shahrivar sidewalk in order to improve the quality of urban areas. The method the research uses is the descriptive-analytic approach and the statistical population of the area which is 442 shopkeepers in the sidewalk boundary. The method of collecting data has been a survey that uses a combination of SWOT and AHP techniques. The results obtained in regard to the matrix show that at the present time, there are certain uses such as Imam Hossein Mosque, the Municipality of region 12 building and the historical structure with the weight 0.178 and the economic position which includes markets located in the margins of Imam Hussain and Bazarche Shahrestani in an area with the weight 0.166 contributing to the prosperity of the sidewalk. But the aforementioned uses cannot lead to the liveliness of the whole area of the sidewalk. The results indicate that the economic, transportation and accessibility and the social-cultural factors are considered to be the most important ones in improving the quality of the sidewalk. The most important strategy in improving the quality of the sidewalk is the consideration of the economic role and in the later stages, the accessibility and the social role. Therefore, in order to achieve the liveliness of the sidewalk area, the integration of some land uses and changing them into business uses and attractive travel services such as cultural, educational, administrative, touristy, welfare, and so forth must be taken into account.

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This study represents the role of the Ebad Theologue Jihadi Group as an indigenous and religion-based NGO in the development of the aforementioned community-based villages underlining the capabilities of this group to resolve the forthcoming challenges of this aspect of development.In the conceptual framework, the concepts of community-based development and its forthcoming challenges and also the non-governmental organizations have been taken into account. This study is a probative and qualitative research that has been conducted with a qualitative approach in which the required data has been collected through profound interviews, and the observation and evaluation of photos, documents and papers. Then, while the data is codified as the primary and secondary themes, the findings by the use of thematic analysis have been analyzed. The research findings show that Ebad Group has not restricted its promotional activities to religious rituals; so by the expansion of its activities in social and educational fields and also by deepening its ties with rural communities, it has been the main source group in the rural areas of Doroh in Sarbisheh district in Birjand.Additionally, other capabilities of the group to resolve the forthcoming challenges of the development of the rural, social-based communities that are worth mentioning are: the ability to inform and provide consultation to local authorities, the ability to help people understand and solve their common social concerns, the ability to create community coordination, and finally the ability to create an independent community-based group.

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This article is aimed at answering two basic questions through adopting the critical-discourse analysis: Over the past three decades after the Islamic Revolution and with respect to the change in the social status of women what discourses are formed in administrations in Iran? And according to the recognized discourses, what is the status of women in them? Based on analytical results, the discourse of “the construction period” should be named“ developmental surveillance-center discourse” because it has been a surveillance-centric and consumer-driven approach to women. The discourse of“ reformation period” has been named “liberal-based participant-center discourse”, because by adopting a liberal approach, it has been trying to develop women's social participation. And finally, the discourse of “justice and compassion period” has adopted a discourse that can be named “task-driven populist discourse”, because on the one hand, it interprets the social participation of women in the social mass and on the other hand, by adopting a reactionary approach, it repeatedly reproduces the tasks of women like motherhood and wifehood which are relevant in association with men.

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