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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the fitness of a conceptual model based on the prediction of marital satisfaction based on socioeconomic factors and personality traits with the mediation of lifestyle among the women in Tehran. The research method was quantitative-survey, and the statistical population included all the married women in Tehran, whose total number was estimated to be 2210287. From among them, a group of 384 women was selected as the research sample based on the Cochran formula. Data were collected using four questionnaires: the Walker Lifestyle Questionnaire, the Enrique Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire, the NEO Personality Inventory, and the researcher-made socio-economic factors questionnaire. The results revealed the fitness of the proposed model. Although the relationship between the socioeconomic variables and marital satisfaction was not significant, a significant relationship was observed between socioeconomic factors and lifestyle, personality traits and lifestyle, personality traits and marital satisfaction, and lifestyle and marital satisfaction of the women studied here. In general, considering the results, it can be concluded that marital satisfaction is a multidimensional issue and is influenced by many factors. Therefore, since marital satisfaction has both objective and subjective dimensions, it is strongly influenced by both psychological factors, especially personality traits, and sociological factors, such as lifestyle.

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In Iran, many studies have examined the effectiveness of the solution-focused (brief) therapy (SFBT) approach in the field of couples therapy, but no study has evaluated the effectiveness of this approach in an integrated, cohesive way. Hence, it was decided to conduct this study using the meta-analysis method to calculate the magnitude of the effect of this approach on couples therapy. First, from among the studies in this field which qualified to be included in this study, twenty research works conducted during the years 2006 to 2017 were selected and analyzed using the meta-analysis method. The research instrument was a meta-analysis checklist developed by the researchers. The studies that had investigated the effectiveness of the solution-focused group-counseling on marital satisfaction, marital conflict, marital fatigue, marital adjustment and intimacy, marital tension, quality of spouses’ relationships, and marital disloyalty were selected to be included in this research work. The results showed a mean effect magnitude of = 1. 1 which is indicative of a 59% effectiveness of solution-focused therapy on couples therapy. The results of the analyses indicate that solution-focused therapy is effective in settling marital problems, and the group treated using this kind of treatment showed a 59% improvement compared to the one who did not receive the treatment.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of spiritual training on the resilience and quality of life of divorced women. This research was carried out using the quasi-experimental method with pretest and posttest. The statistical population included all the divorced women supported by Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in District 9 of Tehran. Sixty women were selected using the purposive sampling method and randomly assigned into a control group (n = 30) and an experimental group (n = 30). The research instruments were the Conner and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire. Following the administration of the pretest on both groups, the experimental group received eight 90-minute sessions of a spiritual-therapy program. The obtained data were analyzed using the single-variable covariance analysis. The results revealed that spiritual training is effective in promoting the resilience and quality of life of divorced women (p < 0. 01). According to the results, it is suggested that psychologists and counselors help divorced women to pay more attention to spirituality and its components as one of the factors affecting life, so that they can increase their resilience against the difficult consequences of divorce and enhance their quality of life.

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The present research work aimed to study the effectiveness of the interventions based on cyberspace harms on the quality of marital relationship among married women. The research design was pretest-posttest with a control group. The statistical population consisted of the women in Isfahan who had referred to cultural centers and, based on the cyberspace harms questionnaire, were suffering from cyberspace harms. From among them, a group of 32 married women whose mean score on the cyberspace harms questionnaire were significantly higher than the average score were selected as the sample and assigned into the experimental and control groups. Then both groups filled out the Flickr and Bradbury Relationship Quality Questionnaire (2000), and the experimental group received ten 90-minute sessions of treatment on cyberspace harms while the control group received no intervention. Finally, both groups again completed the Flickr and Bradbury Relationship Quality Questionnaire (2000). The results of variance analysis showed that the intervention based on cyberspace harms had affected the quality of marital relationship among married women of the experimental group in the posttest and follow-up stages. Therefore, such effective interventions can be used to improve the quality of marital relationship among married women suffering from cyberspace harms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the early maladaptive schemas and negative perfectionism and the prediction of emotional divorce. It is a descriptive-correlational research work and enquiries were of prediction type. A group of 80 couples living in Bushehr, Iran were selected as the sample using the simple random sampling method. The data collection instruments were the Hil et al. Perfectionism Scale (2004), the Young Short Initial Maladaptive Schemas Questionnaire, and the Gottman Emotional Divorce Questionnaire (1995). The findings revealed that negative perfectionism and early maladaptive schemas have a significant effect on emotional divorce (F (2. 77) = 30. 75, p < 0. 001). This pattern explains 44 percent of the variance of couples' emotional divorce. Also, the results showed that the effect of negative perfectionism components on emotional divorce was significant (F (4. 75) = 10. 94, p < 0. 001). This pattern explains 33. 5 percent of the variance of couples' emotional divorce. The linear relationship between the negative perfectionism variable and the rate of tendencies and predictive power of emotional divorce was confirmed, and it was found that this relationship is direct, that is, with an increase in the dimensions of negative perfectionism, emotional divorce among couples increases (p < 0. 001).

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This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of the Gottman couples therapy (GCT) and emotion-focused couples therapy (EFCT) approaches, which have shown significant effects on the improvement of marital adjustment in recent studies worldwide, on the improvement of couples’ marital adjustment. Couples’ marital adjustment is one of the most significant factors in their families’ health and happiness. The design of the present study is quasi-experimental with pretest, post-test, follow-up, and control group. Forty-eight individuals (24 couples) referring to the counseling clinics affiliated to the Ministry of Education in Tehran were selected using the convenience sampling method and then were assigned into three groups: the Gottman group (n ₌ 16, 8 couples), the emotion-focused group (n ₌ 16, 8 couples), and the control group (n ₌ 16, 8 couples). Both Gottman and emotion-focused groups received ten sessions of treatment while the control group received no treatment. The Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier 1976) was used to measure marital adjustment. The obtained data were analyzed using the mixed ANOVA. The pretest-posttest results showed a greater effectiveness of the GCT than the EFCT in improving the dyadic adjustment. In addition, no significant difference was observed between the posttest and follow-up results (p > 0. 05), suggesting the stability of the intervention outcome with time. Hence, based on the findings, it can be concluded that the GCT approach is an effective approach for handling marital conflicts, and it can be used as one of the therapeutic or educational methods in couples therapy programs.

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The present research has been accomplished with the objective of developing a model for predicting the feeling of loneliness among adolescent high school girls in Tehran based on mothers’ attachment styles and emotional disorders and the mediating role of identity styles of adolescent high school girls. The statistical population consisted of ninth grade students (and their mothers) in the 2016-2017 academic year. The sample was selected using the cluster sampling method. The data collection instruments were the Russell Loneliness Scale (1984), the Collins and Read Attachment Style Scale (1990), the Leblond Emotional Disorders Questionnaire (1995), and the Berzonski Identity Styles Questionnaires (1996). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the research findings, and inferential statistics were utilized in order to develop a proper model of path analysis for predicting the feeling of loneliness in students. The results indicated a significant relationship between mothers’ attachment styles, emotional problems, and identity styles and the girls’ feeling of loneliness. The findings further revealed that loneliness appears when an individual experiences a safe or unsafe attachment style concurrent with the presence or absence of mothers’ emotional problems and the influence of this relation is so much that it provides a desirable or undesirable ground for the emergence of loneliness, lack of consistent identity, and proper emotions in adolescents’ lives.

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