Sheikh Ishraq is one of the serious critics of the Genus-differentia definition, and in particular the definition upon essence. in his works, he introduces two different ways to define objects. In the first place, the definition of the beings require definition (compounds), upon their attributes and their properties (in his words, simples), and in the second, the definition upon conceptual essentials. Theory of Definition upon simples consists of seven components. In this paper, by analyzing these components, we explain the definition upon simples and some of its deficiencies. For Suhrawardi, the definition that does not lead to concepts derived from intuition (including sensory and supra-spiritual) is not knowledgeable. In view of Sheikh Ishraq the perception that belongs to accidents and, in his sense, the sensory simles, is intuition and the supernatural beings are the supernatural intuitions. In his view, the obvious presentations that other presentations should lead them are presentations derived directly from intuitive knowledge.