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Abstract The building of Central Mosque of Azghad goes back to Shāhrukh Mīrzā. The wooden and stone decorations of this mosque joined with its paintings are the focus of this paper. We intend to introduce this mosque and its architectural decorations and also study the possible functions of this building. Through the analysis of its inscriptions and pictorial patterns on wood, stone and wall we would put forward the supposition that Ahle Fatian, who were one of the powerful minority groups in Sari’s society in 9th ….. , were effective in the decorations and patterns of this mosque. Ahle Fateian could impose their own ideological approach and preferences on the decoration of this mosque. There seems to be a relation between curved doors that have especial patterns and meanings with inscriptions made on the columns. We have analyzed the inscriptions from historical, social, religious perspective. Studying the possible functions of the building revealed that the mosque’s original function was mosque. There are wooden decorations with carvings of pictorial elements and carved inscriptions on the entrance door and columns, stone decorations on the basis of columns. Pictures and numbers used in the decorations like flower leaves, sun, bergamot, sevastika and cedar are symbolic elements that were readable at their own times. Such elements are most probably related to Fata’s minority groups. Also, we have found some fatah’s phrases and expressions on the columns’ inscriptions just in front of the altar. Besides, carved pictures of columns in the mosque, the variations of the forms and basis of the columns add to the beauty of this building. In this research, the mosque studied using qualitative, historical and analytical methods and we tried to analyze the pictures to understand the hidden meaning of the pictures and inscriptions. All pictures are taken by the researcher.

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Cities and urban areas have especial character and identity aside from the fact that they have independency. However, what people think of the cities in which they live is nothing but tall buildings, parks and streets. A city is a place wherein interactions take place and people have a sense of citizenship of the city. In other words, what makes a city is not tall buildings and parks but the people living in that city with all tastes and unique characteristics and their urban identity. Although identity has got an important role in people's lives and there is a mutual relationship between human identity and its effects besides the confirmation and the acknowledgements of the experts on this issue, it has not yet been thoroughly investigated. While the importance of this issue needs to be noticed as the most important factor of the mental balance by the urban management. This study aimed to assess factors affecting the urban identity and strategies at the local level, promoting more of these indicators. These factors are categorized under physical, operational and perceptional components. The research method in this study was descriptive and analytic and the data were collected through documentary methods and field observations. To analyze the data, we applied two-variable correlation method. Based on our findings and results, from the perspective of residents' Noghan zone, what affects a city first and foremost are the conventions, personality (0.742), construction, and a sense of belonging and character (0.684), and memorability (0.606) respectively are in the second and third priority which have got a great impact in promoting the identity of an area. Also, according to the experts' views on this field, components such as a sense of belonging, and memorability must be considered in order to improve the security of the identity of an area.

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Iranian architecture, established in the 8th century with its roots in the forms and buildings of Seljuk, was expanded and exalted during the Timurid period. In the reign of Shahrokh, very valuable historical monuments were built. Sultan Shahrokh Teymouri together with his wife gave rise to a kind of cultural renaissance through supporting art and attracting artists, architects, philosophers, and poets to their court. The existence of Imam Reza (A.S.)’s Holly Shrine in Mashhad and its proximity to Harat caused this city to draw bourgeoning attention during this period. In this regard a number of historical monuments such as Goharshad Mosque, Madrasa-i-Dodar, Madrasa-i-Bala-sar, Dar al-Huffaz, and Dar al-Siadah were established in the south and west of Imam Reza (A.S.)’s Holly Shrine. Shah Mosque or the Mosque of the 72 Persons, located in the south-west of Goharshad Mosque and along the former Zanjir Bazaar, is one of the magnificent monuments of the Timurid period in Mashhad. In recent years, subsequent to discovering some tombstones under the dome, the primary assumption that this monument had been a tomb and had mistakenly been introduced as a mosque grew stronger. In accordance, several research papers confirming this monument as a tomb were also published. However, given the changes made to this monument in different periods, renaming the shrine a mosque is rather debatable. Today, there is no consensus over either the function and nature of this monument or its construction date, founder, constructor, etc. Thus, in this study, the author attempted to address such ambiguities by investigating the historical documents and the existing inscriptions on the monument.The results indicated that, this monument can be considered as one of those tomb-mosques with an amalgamation of the two functions.

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At the beginning of the third century AD, Iran was facing a new chapter in its history. Time which have been named Iranian Renaissance and had creative works and was a great rich. The period studied in this research, the Samanid era. Khorasan was the center of culture in the Samanids period and also Samanids was the major focus Renaissance Iran. Together, they founded the civilization that Iranian culture will be infinitely indebted to them. During this era, art is much improved and textile much improved in Khorassan, especially in Nishapur. The main goals of this research are study designs of patterns Samanids and The introduction of this era textiles. Method for this research is Historical-Analytical. Research tools are library, scientific sites and museums. To search for fabrics Samanid era, The following examples are studied: 2 samples of fabric Samanids, 14 samples of pottery remains of Samanid era, A sample of Samanid mural and 6samples of soqdi period murals And a soqdi fabric sample Designs based on human, animal and plant patterns. Features fabrics of this era are: Symmetry in designs, The presence of geometric, plant, animal and human designs, The presence of arabesques plant designs, Using the element if life of tree, Using kufic, Human and animal motifs drawn from the front, Importance to the edge of the fabric, Continuity of textiles of Sassanid, As well.

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Most traditional motifs have rooted in the cultures, religious be lifes or mythological stories which are implemented on a variety of synthetic arts by passing through the filter of the designers’ minds. Talking tree is an inscription that has been created from the combination of human and animal forms with plant motifs. In most books written by Muslim geographers it has been referred to tree or is land of Vaq the eastern regions such as China and India. However, some researchers believe that after the conquest of part of India by Ghaznavi rulers, this inscription has been entered into the decorative arts of Iran due to the Iranian scholarssuch as Abu Rayhan Biruni and Abolghasem Ferdowsi, since with the arrival of Islam to Iran and portrait painting sanction, the traditional motifs designer shave been looking for a way to display the human and animal forms. The first time talking tree was used in metal working art in 6 and 7centuries AH/ 12 and 13 centuries AD. The main research question is “How the talking tree has been used in the middle ages metal works? The aim of this study is to seed if ferent types of talking tree in metal working art in the middle ages. The methodology in this articleis descriptive – analytical and the data collection method is also library and attributive research. After the classification and analysis of the existing works, it can be said that the inscription of tree and talking have rooted in 6 and 7centuries AH /12 and 13 centuries AD in the decorative arts of India and has been entered to the decorative art of Iran by Khorasani artists.

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Undoubtedly, Sultan Husayn Bayqara’s reign (1469-1506 C.E.) is considering as the splendid period of art and literature in the Timurid era. During his ruling, Herat, the capital of his kingdom, became the most important center of art and literature at that time. With the using of descriptive-analytic research method and focusing on the coins which were minted in the Sultan Husayn Bayqara’s reign, this research is intended to study the social and cultural changes in the late of Timurid dynasty. The results show that, the political instability and the absence of a central political power in the reign of Sultan Husayn Bayqara had led to weaken the economy of his kingdom. As the consequences of this situation, the weights and the fineness of the coins in this period were changed constantly. However, the coins which were struck in the Herat and Estarabad provinces, due to the political and religious stability of these places, had much better quality in some key features like weight, fineness and design. After all, the religious texts on the coins show that the common religious of that time was Sunni (Hanafi sect). On the other side, as most of the coins which were minted in Estarabad province had Shiite religious texts, people were followers of Shiite in this city.

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The plain valley of Jam is the one of fertile plains in Khorasan Razavi province that has long been considered due to the placement of communications Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. Moreover, a good position agriculture and desirable landscape militarily and economically is the other factors that led to the importance of this field. The City of Torbat-e-Jam is the largest human settlement in the valley that in Jamroud Littoral and is formed in the middle of this plain. This city dates back to the Bronze Age on the evidence available to it. In addition the city of Torbat-e-Jam, we can name more villages and settlements that shaped in this plain and often engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. In 2011 A.D, during a personal survey in this plain (by the authors), two hills famous to Anbazak was identified and study potteries collected from them. The study that was based on a survey of field and library studies, the twin hills of Anbazak for the first time accurately was described and detailed analysis. The samples of potteries as the only cultural findings of this hills have an important role in providing a chronology and the beginning and doing about this study. Prove any of the assumptions related to exploring the scientific and methodical exploration hill without any comment on the matter only faced with the possibilities, but it should be noted that if approved any of the assumptions for the first time in the plains of the period and recognized in future studies on the important hills special. This time in the neighboring areas, including plain Dargaz, Nishapur, Merv, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan relatively well-known and widespread and systematic survey conducted in plain may be acceptable to the Conclusions on the situation in this Plain and consequently reached the status of archaeology in Khorasan during this period.

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