The present article is an attempt to study and classify object metaphors in 26th (from the beginning of Sura Ahghaf) to 30th parts of the Quran with the aim of determining most important target domains of object metaphors and their cognitive justification and also their frequencies in above-mentioned parts of Quran. Metaphorical concepts have been arranged into four groups; namely human relationships with God, himself, nature and other people. Based on the four above introduced groups, target concepts of each kind of relationship, their related mappings and their frequencies in the context of each verse/ chapter have been recognized and analyzed. Considering object as one of the image schemas, roots in Santibá ñ ez (2002) which is the basis of analysis in the present research as well. Object image schemas play a direct and basic role in forming Event Structure metaphor in the Qur’ an. Causation, states and motion events are three important aspects of Event Structure metaphor and object image schema has the main role in conceptualizing these three aspects. 17 target concepts with the total frequency of 34 cases have been recognized and analyzed in this investigation. Torment, Ayeh, occurrence of Resurrection, evil, actions, calmness, and time were the most used concepts in the last five parts in the Holy Qur’ an which are metaphorically conceptualized through object schema.