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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The present article is an attempt to study and classify object metaphors in 26th (from the beginning of Sura Ahghaf) to 30th parts of the Quran with the aim of determining most important target domains of object metaphors and their cognitive justification and also their frequencies in above-mentioned parts of Quran. Metaphorical concepts have been arranged into four groups; namely human relationships with God, himself, nature and other people. Based on the four above introduced groups, target concepts of each kind of relationship, their related mappings and their frequencies in the context of each verse/ chapter have been recognized and analyzed. Considering object as one of the image schemas, roots in Santibá ñ ez (2002) which is the basis of analysis in the present research as well. Object image schemas play a direct and basic role in forming Event Structure metaphor in the Qur’ an. Causation, states and motion events are three important aspects of Event Structure metaphor and object image schema has the main role in conceptualizing these three aspects. 17 target concepts with the total frequency of 34 cases have been recognized and analyzed in this investigation. Torment, Ayeh, occurrence of Resurrection, evil, actions, calmness, and time were the most used concepts in the last five parts in the Holy Qur’ an which are metaphorically conceptualized through object schema.

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    2 (16)
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Analysis of critical speech as a new approach of speech analysis is a significant method in detecting the speech-based cosmology. Neon Van Dupek, one of the prominent theorists of critical speech analysis, emphasizing on this fact that speech-based cosmology (ideology) which has the capability to reflection in the language presents the quadrate theory of ideology. The term "ideology quadrate" composed of four sides emphasizing on our positive characteristics, negative features, paling our negative characteristics and other positive characteristics, makes clear the opposite characteristics of speech and justifies the polarization in the societies. Through descriptive-analytical method, in the present paper, it has been tried to study and analyze the conversation between Moses and Pharaoh which is a representation of Quran's data in order to detect the ideology reflection of conversation parties in the internal and external texture of text and deeply recognize the text layer as well as test the testability of this theory in Quran. The results of this study imply that the discourse of Pharaoh tries to distort the other-Moses-through applying various language forms. It is in contrast to Moses who presents a discourse based on my enhancement.

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    2 (16)
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Halliday's functional grammar underlines the significance of function and meaning and deals with language for its function in social interactions. The present research aims at exploring the transitivity structure of chapter 12(Joseph) in order to reveal the frequency with which different processes are used and their function in forming the specific style of the narrative. In doing so, we studied all clauses used in the story and described all processes, participants, as well as circumstantial elements in the clauses. Results indicated that material processes outnumbered other processes. A text narrating important events in a prophet’ s life is naturaly expected to use more material processes. However, after material processes, verbal processes were the second frequently used ones. The high frequency of verbal processes could be explained with reference to the fact that the story of Joseph is narrated in the form of a set of dialogues where characters converse one another. This is to believe that while narrating events in material processes, the Quran pays much attention to the speech acts performed by characters in the narrative, making the whole narrative proceed in a dialogical style.

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    2 (16)
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As a literary book, Qur'an is a text that consists of many contiguous layers of meaning which donate unity of meaning, while abounding with words. So it is substantial to reach this domain of meaning unity, yet deep meaning layers. Symbol as an indicator of celestial matter descended to man from higher worlds, is represented in words to conjoin man with the celestial meanings. Accordingly, semantic paradigmatic in the sense of conceptual replacement on another concept under similar conditions can be the first key to the discovery of symbols in the text, which is the same as the metaphor in the next stage. The Holy Qur'an, by establishing the correspondence between the existence of man and the components of the universe, accompanies his audience with the changes, features, and states of the components of the universe and depicts his path to growth and excellence in harmony with the components of the universe. In this research we analyze the relationship between man and the universe. This correspondence results from the creation of a substitute relationship between man and the universe and, in some cases, other components of the universe.

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ZARE ZARDINI AHMAD | Lessani Fesharaki Mohammad Ali | Khalili Meysam

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    2 (16)
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One of the newest topics of Quranic study is the discourse genres in the language of the Holy Qur'an which can be examined from different perspectives, one of them is to recite the efforts of Traditional scholars. For example, study about Rokuat that includes verses related to an issue and is an old divisions of the Holy Qur'an and identified with« ع» in codices of quran. By studying the ordering of the verses in rokuat as a part of the revelation of a surah, we can extract the patterns of texturing and the text structure of the Holy Qur'an. The present article analyze surah al-baqara as a case study. Surveys show that the discourse genres in surat al-baqarah are as below: general patterns including semitic rhetoric (parallel construction, ring composition, mirror composition ), numerical pattern, oppositional discourse (dual confrontation between faith and disbelief), the sequential pattern (the order of giving blessings to the Israelites), the logogenesis with example, the expression diversity(the response to the resurrection in the form of mention Three stories), stylistic patterns include the same expressive way in the verses of bowing (commands) and the beginning of the common verses of bowing; the patterns based on the speech genres contained narrative genre (the story of Adam and the narrations of the Talut and Goliath), and the legal speech(jurisprudence).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (16)
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Among the agents of polytheism (shirk)-which is the imitation of the fathers, following of suspicion and caprices, caprices play a pivotal role. The most dangerous part mentioned in Holy Quran-in the verses 43 of furqā n and 23 of jā thiyah-for caprices is divinity. It is explained in the words of commentators in two ways: choosing of god or religion by the will of the caprices and obedience of the caprices. The present paper with the analytical-critical method first evaluates the views of commentators in this regard, and then presents the criterion's perspective. This view uses both ilah and hawā (caprices) in its original meaning without having to carry them metaphorical expressions, or deleting or adding a term.

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    2 (16)
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Holy Qur’ an is the book of guidance for human. It employs several ways to communicate with its audience. One way is to use ‘ oath’ , a style by which suspicions and doubts among readers are attempted to be removed. Despite the fact that the ‘ word of God’ is ‘ right’ and that there should be no doubt about it, nevertheless, it becomes more effective in guiding when it is accompanied with ‘ oath’ . In every chapter (sura) that starts with an oath, God has taken an oath using objects or things that are not irrelevant with the vows included in the content and meaning of that particular sura. This study tries to investigate, as an example, the semantic relations between the ‘ oath’ statement and the subjects included in ‘ Fajr Chapter’ . This is done to claim that, in other chapters with oaths, there are ‘ meaningful harmony’ and ‘ congruence’ between ‘ oath’ and subjects.

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Aseh Javad

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    2 (16)
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Interpreters have presented one or more aspects from among a variety of E’ rabi aspects of a word due to some reasons. The author of the book “ الاثر العقرر ” believes interpreters’ E’ rabi and syntactic justifications of discursive signs have a root in their discursive beliefs. Hence such justifications have been criticized. In this article, through a descriptiveanalytic method, the author’ s justification of the book “ الاثر العقر ” as well as the relevant interpretation has been criticized.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (16)
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The language is the main means of human communication that plays a key role in creating this relationship, and is a sign of a better understanding of the speaker's intentions. Occasionally, Ava has an inherent intrinsic meaning of what is known as onomatopoeia. The Holy Quran has used the high standard of speech in communicating its message to Al-Qa'ir and Saddamnah's vocals whose songs contain a certain meaning in their minds. The purpose of this study is to analyze the derivatives derived from the voices based on the theory of Ibn Jenni in the derivation and relying on the case study (H, R, M) and the relationship between the lexical semantic relation of "voices through analytic descriptive. From the findings of this research, we can refer to the Ava's spiritual miracle in addressing the audience, along with the miracle of minimizing it in the conception of abstract concepts with minimal sound, since the derivatives with the same phoneme have related meanings. For example, in the combination of voices "H, R, M " in all material movements it means Heat, plurality and strength.

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No doupt that the Scientists Paid attention to Holy Quran since coming off the Prophet (pbuh ) and the topic that they placed great care is Quranic system and its relationship with miracle that peaked when Abd _ alghaher Al _ Jorjani whome drew from all springs which preceded and called for system idea and Philosophized it by his Logical approach and Conscious Thought. Therefore this research aims to study this theory in Zomar Sura, using descriptive analytical approach, referring to the definition of the systems and the most important views of the scientists, meditating in the three parts of the systems, namely: the words, compositions, meaning. The results of the study revealed that compatibility is clear in Sura in its different levels such as Words, compositions, and meaning. And there is Complete Harmony in Using different Styles As Well As The presence of Eloquence imagery Combined with the exact Expressions.

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One of the prominent features of a language is the Semantic opposition which has been developed in the modern structural semantics. Semantic opposition is one kind of the conceptual relations at the level of words, by which as well as other conceptual relationships, the semantic field of the vocabulary can be obtained. Recognition of the antonyms of each word is effective in making the exact meaning of the word clear. Discovering the semantic field is based on one of the accepted and practical oppositions in semantics. Regarding the meaning of Haq (=right), there are dispersed works in the field of law, whereas no independent research has been carried out with regard to its semantic oppositions. Hence the present study as an independent one is conducted. The current paper has been carried out through a descriptive-analytic method to explain the semantic opposition of Haq and Batil (right and wrong) in the Holy Koran on the basis of lexical semantics. By making a distinction among the semantic components of Haq and Batil separately, it concluded that the word Haq has 3 antonyms in the Holy Koran. Haq is in complementary opposition with such words as لطاب, کلب, and لعل. It is in lexical opposition with the expression بغیل الحل implicit opposition with such words as ظن, ش ک and ظلم.

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Quran is a book which its revelations and truths are limitless. It considers itself, “ TIBYANAN LI-KULLI SHAY-IN” ; a clear explanation of everything. But the question is, how can a limited book explain everything? This study puts forward a new perspective based on Holism Theory in interpreting TIBYANAN LI-KULLI SHAY-IN, using a descriptive-analytical approach and electronic resources. Holism Theory generally refers to the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, a thorough understanding of individual elements in this universe is only possible after one has understood the whole universe. This holistic understanding is what enables one to see the true role of individual elements of the universe. Science is responsible to give us understanding regarding individual elements and the Quran gives us the holistic picture which tells us what is the true role of these individual elements concerning one another. Therefore, the Quran is the ultimate source of explanation for everything.

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