Shahkoh range is located in northwestern part of Kermanshah province. It possesses ample water resources as well as fertile soil and climatic variations.The major objective of this article is to investigate the morphogenetic characteristics of the drainage system and more specifically to propose its quantitative relationships with lithographic and geomorphic specification of the region. Since, drainage locational patterns are being shaped by lithographic and topographic characteristics, faults, and climatic peculiarities. Drainage systems are inherently divided into some qualitative sub-divisions among which parallel, radial, divergent and convergent types received considerable attention.This study deals with quantitative investigation of this drainage system within its corresponding sub-basins and more specifically to determine the impact of litho logy and climate upon its development.From methodological stand point, geographical information system which supports digitalization of corresponding maps along with spss technique, and compilation of the relevant information banks containing length and rank of each branch proved to be useful. This is followed by calculation of length and conjunction angles of each branch within sub-basins. Statistical methods were used in order to determine degree of similarity between sub-basins taking into account their conjunction angles. It is argued that wherever two basins are close enough, there develop a cluster relationship in which their center acts as a gravity point. The degree of their combinations known under the concept of even succession and could be shown through fully branched diagrams.According to the relevant computations, basins numbers 8, 9 and 12 considered to be unique. It is argued that groups 9 and 8 with regard to possession of high drainage index and group 12 due to possession of relatively poor hydrographical net works are noticeable. The distribution of the drainage density index regarding the other basins is such that accommodate all of the other 17 basins in one big group. Drainages other than their classification capability are also being divided according to their conjunctions' angles. Sub-basins 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 are closely spaced. These clusters were carved out in limestone. Their lengths and elongations are among some of their specifications, which need considerable attention. Their prevailing processes include, mechanical weathering, snow avalanches, debris avalanches, and dissolution. Consequently, as such sub-basins 20, 16 and 17 fell into one group. This is explained by its very fragile litho logical composition as well as its limestone arrangement layers which is subjected to high degree of erosion. This situation is intensified by long annual duration of frost. Steep slop arrangement along with probability of alignment of south-east-north west fault may enhance conjunction angle of sub-basin 20. This study proved the existence of fault, even though; the geological map did not report it. Drainage networks in some places imposed on the litho logy. However, in some other regions, this situation paved the way for drainage expansion and development. It is concluded that in some sub-basins snow avalanches were determinant upon drainage development system. However, dissolution of carbonate stones and the existence of karstic-formation well supported poor drainage. Last but not least, steep slopes of basins 20, 17 and 18 have been led to great amount of debris accumulation.