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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    3 (7)
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During the last few decades desire to deal with land-use issues has been increased among rural planners. It seems that a functional transformation of villages is an effective factor on such debates. In general, land use desirability means allocating rural lands for those activities which are more suitable with the rural environment and are important for development and sustainability of rural settlements. Recognizing different types of land use in each area requires proper evaluation of spatial capacities of that area. The present study tries to investigate land use desirability in Jajroud section in Pardis county located at east of Tehran where recognized as a rural area with high levels of immigrants. Based on aim, the present research is an applicable research, and based on nature; it is a descriptive-analytical study. Statistical sample which includes 4 villages were selected using a snowballing and random method. Questionnaires and interview were used to collect field data. Totally, 74 households were selected to interview and completing the questionnaires. An Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) method was applied to analysis the data. Results of the present study showed that the rate of demand for land use change is very high in SaeidAbad village. The results also indicated that all studied villages are faced with functional transformations and their lands have functionally been transformed into second houses or workhouses. The rates of such changes were higher in KhosrowAbad and SaeidAbad compared to Kamard and Targhiyan villages.

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    3 (7)
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Land Surface Thermal (LST) is a key variable to control the relations between different types of radial, latent, and sensible thermal fluxes in urban areas. For analyzing and understanding dynamics of LST, it is necessary to recognize its relations with changes created by men. Recognizing such relations is a requirement for modeling and predicting environmental changes and also for urban policies. On the other hand, increases occur in vegetation cover is an effective strategy to reduce the effects of urban microclimate. The present study analyzes the trends of surface thermal changes and its spatial correlations with vegetation cover in Tehran metropolitan during 2003 to 2016. Free clouds satellite images of Tehran by Landsat8 (August 2016) and Aster (August 2003) were analyzed using Envi software. Different algorithms of remote sensing were applied to convert LST and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) indicators into spatial patterns. Spatial outcomes of the present study indicate that during a decade the minimum amount of surface thermal and the average amount of LST have decreased 3.67°c and 0.47°c respectively. In contrast, the average amount of NDVI was increased from 0.06 to 0.10. Also, the estimation of spatial correlation between LST and NDVI indicators showed an amount 0.02 reduction in 22 urban regions of Tehran metropolitan during the last decade. Such a reduction indicates that increasing functions of human activities have affected the rates of thermal and energy of urban surfaces. Therefore, to reduce energy consumption in the city, it is evident that different patterns of physical development should be applied for the city.

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    3 (7)
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The physical environment form of a settlement is an effective factor in formation the security sense for its residents. The current study was aimed to investigate the effects of sprawl on the sense of physical security in rural settlements of Binaloud county based on CPTED approach. Based on aim, the present study is an applicable, and based on methodology it is a descriptive analytical research. Statistical sample includes 190 rural households selected from all 5766 households resided in 8 villages of Binaloud county. The sample was selected by stratified random method. The results showed that road quality index with a mean of 3.05 had the least effect on creating the sense of security among the villagers. In contrast, the indices of vegetation (with a mean of 3.35), grading and density (with a mean of 3.26) and natural or informal monitoring (with a mean of 3.24), had a greater impact on promoting the sense of security among the residents. According to Pearson correlation results, there is a significant and indirect relationship between the sprawl and the sense of physical security with a coefficient of -0.2. The results of the path analysis indicated that spatial-physical index with the coefficient of influence of -0.354 had the greatest direct impact on sense of physical security. Subsequently, we calculated the indirect coefficients of the independent variables on the main dependent variable in the four stages of path analysis and investigated the total direct and indirect effects. As a result, the spatial-temporal index with the coefficient of influence of 0.354, and then the social index with the coefficient of influence of 0.142 and the environmental index with the coefficient of influence of -0.129 had the greatest effects on developing the sense of physical security respectively.

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    3 (7)
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Realizing structural characteristics of the urban street network has a crucial role in understanding dynamic and transforming events in a city. One of the most effective structural characteristics of street network is street network centrality which regarding former studies has a substantial effect on some events namely, distribution of activities along streets especially commercial and service activities that have a significant effect on the formation of motorized and pedestrian traffic flow throughout the city. Thus, considering street network centrality strongly improves the outcomes of urban land use and traffic planning. The current article aims at explaining the relationship between street network centrality and location selection of commercial and service activities. Firstly, it reviews key concepts related to street network centrality; specifically, focuses on metric centrality in the urban street network.Secondly, street network centrality of Qom city is modeled using Multiple Centrality Assessment (MCA) method in terms of centrality indices of intermediary, global and local closeness. Finally, datasets of street network centrality and location of activities transform to one scale unit using Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) to calculate and analyze the degree of spatial correlation between them. Correlation between mentioned variable layers is measured using Pearson’s correlation coefficient as well as spatial correlation index (SCI) which defined by the authors.Results indicate that there is a direct and high correlation between the selected street centrality indices and location selection of commercial and service activities in Qom. The highest correlation coefficients are for intermediary and local closeness centrality respectively. Global closeness centrality has the third place in terms of the correlation coefficient. As a conclusion, findings of this paper confirm that street network centrality has a significant effect on location selection of commercial and service activities in Qom city; the activities choose locations with better network centrality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (7)
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The sense of security is one of the important factors in the dynamics and healthiness of the living environment which is necessary to be considered at the process of planning, designing and managing of human settlements. During the last decades, the implementation of various programs and actions has provided the context for transformations in rural areas. Among these programs was the grant of housing-strengthening credits in rural areas. The present study investigates the effects of such credits on the sense of security of rural households. Based on the type, the present study is an applied research and according to the nature of research it is a descriptive-analytic study. The applied method for data collection was a combination of documentary and field study (questionnaire and interview). The statistical sample of the study is 811 households recipients of credits for the period of 2005 to 2015 in the rural district of Mojezat located at Zanjan county. Based on Cochran formula, 231 households were selected as samples to be interviewed. Both descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (paired t-test and Wilcoxon test) were applied to analyze the data. Findings of the research show that there is a significant relationship between the sense of security of rural households and its dimensions before and after receiving the housing-strengthening credits. The sense of security increased after receiving the credits (t-test: -42.365), and had the most impact on the sense of financial security (t-test: -44.282). Findings also indicate that other sense of security indicators are improved after receiving such credits.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (7)
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Geographical diffusion theory deals with description and explanation of quality and expansion of a phenomenon in a spatial extent and temporal span. It tries to explore the reasons and factors involved in diffusing and expanding the events and phenomena from a region to the others. It also tries to examine the role of such diffusions in physical development of rural areas. On the other side, there is a concept named entrepreneurship which is closely related to some other concepts such as: innovation, risk, creating or renewing socio-economic structure, self-sufficiency and independency. As entrepreneurship can be interpreted as an innovation, it interacts with diffusion theory and might be examined by the mentioned theory. The purpose of the present study is to understand the processes by which an entrepreneurship-distribution occurs based on the Hägerstrand’s diffusion model. The study area includes a rural district (Dehestan) named Souleghan in northwest of Tehran province. Based on its aim, the present study is an applicable research and based on its nature, it is a descriptive-analytical one. Statistical sample includes 82 rural households in Souleghan who were recognized as entrepreneurs in field of plant and flower growing. Data collection was based on both methods of documentary and field study. Applied techniques to collect the data comprise; interview, field observation, and a questionnaire based on Likert range. Findings of the present study indicate that the current diffusion of entrepreneurship in souleghan rural district is in accordance with the second stage of diffusion wave's profile. It also is matching with the intermediate step in the direction of S-curve of Hägerstrand’s diffusion theory. The results show that some characteristics of the mentioned enterprenuership (such as; simplicity, attractiveness, profitability, and economic features) are compatible with the experiences and financial needs of rural people. So, it can be considered as an effective factore to accept an innovation and diffusing it by innovators. It has also had spectacular effects on the physical improvement of houses, pathways and public spaces of villages in the study area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (7)
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Like other biosystems, rural settlements are subject to varying dynamism and transformations due to their spatial positions and locations. They are affected by their spatial-locational positions and have always undergone changes over time. But the question is whether this transformation has been commensurate with the needs of the rural community? In the present study, not only the changes in the pattern and performance of rural houses are considered, but also it analyzes the role of spatial-locational factors affecting the typology of rural housing. Attention is also paid to the extent and scope of such structural changes in accordance with today's circumstances. Since the current study is based on a futuristic approach, it is considered as a development-oriented research in order to emerge a new thought. Both documentary and field methods were applied to collect required data and information. For the first, relevant books, articles, reports, documents, annual reports and other sources of information were reviewed, and for the second, 10 villages of a rural district namely western Kayar were selected as samples in Chaharmahal-o-Bakhtiari province. After completing the questionnaire, the data were processed using SPSS software. Findings of the present study suggest that: from a spatial-locational viwpoint, socio-cultural and economic components have more influence on the type of rural housing than the natural-ecological components. It also was confirmed that spatial processes have different effects on different places. The results show that, due to the profound functional transformations in rural houses in the study area, the adaptation to the natural environment has largely been replaced by adaptaion to urban plans. Therefore, There is a need to introduce a proper spatial-locational pattern to be in accordance with environmental characteristics and cultural features of the region. Such a pattern can deal with the heterogeneities and abnormalities that overwhelm the texture and pattern of the villages.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (7)
  • Pages: 

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The issue of privacy has always been regarded as an essential criterion in designing and constructing Islamic cities. Since the existing pattern of house-building in Tehran tends to neglect the privacy principle, there exists a necessity to reintroduce it in modern Iranian architecture and culture. The present study aims at investigating the issue of privacy in houses located within traditional parts of Tehran via analyzing typology. This would help the residents of those areas to renew and reapply the privacy principle at their residential apartments. In the present study a functional approach was adopted accompanied by a descriptive-analytical method of analysis. Using maps and field observations, houses from both traditional and modern era were selected in two quarters of Sanglaj and Imamzadeh Yahya in Tehran. The process of typology of entrance spaces was conducted based on the hierarchy of entry. The research findings indicate that there exists a kind of hierarchy of entrance in traditional houses based on the needs of their residents which is missing in modern houses, because it is neglected by the designers. Through creating such spatial features in entrance spaces, not only privacy is enhanced but also a proper definition of private and semi-private spaces can be achieved. Privacy enhancement will be effective to prevent the interruption in functions of other spaces. Accordingly, recognizing the spaces of entry can lead to providing a more appropriate pattern for enhancing privacy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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