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The present study was aimed at examining verbal violence in the comments on popular Iranian Instagram pages. In the initial stage, the official Instagram pages of Iranian celebrities (who lives in Iran) with at least one million followers at the time that the present project was approved were identified. Then, the followers’ comments were analyzed in terms of verbal violence. In the present study, the Brown and Levinson's politeness theory (1978 & 1987) and the Impoliteness theory by Culpeper (2011) that are focused on the concept of face, and are related to the Goffman's theory of dramaturgy. The qualitative method of thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Finally, analysis of 1500 comments with verbal violence revealed 9 Global themes as follows: Celebrity’s personal and professional life, Welfare, Sexual, Gender, Politics, Religion, Ethnicity and Social concerns. In the next step, a thematic network of the global themes as the main and repeated patterns of the textual data was drawn, and subsequently, two other levels of themes, i.e. the Basic and Organizing themes were categorized, described, and analyzed in 9 tables.

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In the era of information revolution, social Sphere in general and political Sphere in particular have been deeply mediatized. In addition to the diverse interpretations that have been made so far, this article is based on a specific notion of mediatized politics, in which the expansion of the presence and role of the media in the political Sphere of societies provides the conditions for unofficial and ordinary persons to act az political actors. This research seeks to answer the question of whether mediatized politics affects all societies in any way, irrespective of their specific capacities and contextual characteristics equally or it is a contextual phenomena that brings different and diverse outcomes in different societies. In this regard, two cases of Joe the plumbers in the US presidential election of 2008 and Mirza Aqa in the 12th presidential election of 1396 as unofficial pesons, which provided the media with the opportunity to turn them into political activists, were the subject of a comparative study. Relying on cultural sociology as a theoretical framework, the comparison of these two cases in three indices of the dynamics of political subjectivity, typology of the media, and the survival of political subjectivity showed that mediatized politics is a contextual phenomena that in democratic developed societies yields maximum dynamic and long-lasting of political subjectivity in the context of all levels media, but in developing societies and pseudo-democracies, has minimal dynamics of political subjectivity only at the level of the micro-media and limited to elections campaign time.

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In this article we try to examine rap-e-farsi beyond its musical borders. Rap-e-farsi is not reduced to production of music. Based on the Iranian cultural policy and by considering its underground and unofficial characteristic, rap-e-farsi cannot be seen in the official media but the cyberspace so as to fill the gap between itself and its audiences. Then, for rap-e-farsi Instagram is as a platform to reveal itself beyond the usual expectations. In Instagram, we find a lot of uploaded photos which form the visual culture of rap-e-farsi. Iranian city does not allow rap-e-frasi to be seen, thus it has emigrated to the cyber-streets of Instagram. This emigration proves the importance of visual aspect of rap-e-farsi besides its audio part. Therefore, this article analyzes the visualization of rap-e-farsi. We study images from specific popular pages about rap-e-farsi, personal pages of Persian rappers and pages of some audiences who dedicate their pages to beloved rappers. Consequently, the process of image circulation in Instagram managed to production of news and circulation of news which have turned rap-e-farsi into a subject to think and to debate.

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According to the socio-technical changes of Tehran information society, the domestication of ICTS has led to facilitate the idea of human and technology mutuality in some aspects from cognitive to acting levels. Teenage social actors are of more adaptability with the new technologies in the dimension of everyday actions, in so far as the intensification of dependency to up-to-date technologies provides the setting of technology and human’s agency incorporation. Researchers seek to analyze some aspects of the family life concerning the mentioned matter according to teen’s (as the new generation) and also parents’ attitude. After the preparatory assessment of Tehran metropolis atlas, applying both purposive and typical sampling and adopting the method of semi-structured interview, the authors interviewed 120 teens and 20 cases of parents. The theoretical approach has based on the dichotomy of the structure-agency for human and technology and multi-step coding analysis besides typification have been used. The results show that a spectrum of diverse attitudes, such as the triplet of technicists, conservationists, and humanists, between teens and parents is identifiable. One of the key themes in analysis of the subject and possibility of the agency corporation is the idea of “technology as power source” for teens. A kind of “the new anthropology” is forming to interpret teens’ action due to their connexion to the gadgets and new technologies, in as much as it implies a certain level of merging actor with new emerging technologies. In this perspective, attention to the concept of the “power exhibition” is of significance.

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Traditionally, Television have had an important role in the world’s elections. This has always been the case until social media emerged. Today all kinds of social media have a great influence on elections. In Iran using social media in recent years has been widespread. So studying these media and knowing about its impacts on political behavior of people. This research has been conducted to study about social media in elections in Iran. Because of some features that they have like pluralism, possibility to hear and look at numerous and diverse views, Lower formalism than official media and so on, experts believed gradually they will be replaced with traditional media. They believe some problems like distortion of source credit or dedicating to distribution role would be solved With the advent of groups and individuals who play the role of intellectual authority. Also these media can play the role of Habermas public sphere.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Political culture in Iran as a cultural space that manifests the way people relate to the political system has affected in recent decades various phenomena such as revolution, the structure of the political system, government agents, and so on. In this cultural context, the phenomenon of virtual social networking has left many works in recent years. But the phenomenon, and in particular the Twitter and Facebook networks, have been able to affect the political culture of university professors as other historical phenomena as the most exploitative of these two social networks, the issue that the present study aims to answer to a case-to-face approach And at the descriptive-analytical level. This study, using the views of the humanities professors of the universities of eight metropolitan areas of the country in a survey method, and then analyzing the data obtained using the Tao Kendall test, concluded that three functions of development of regulatory capabilities, convergence of social communication and the valuation of Twitter and Facebook The sum of the six components of the eight components of the political culture of political users in Iran has been effective, including all three functions of the critique of the political system; two functions affecting distrust, alienation, and the superiority of religious values and only one function on extremism and self-rule, and extra-judicial behaviors Intellectual absolutism also does not affect these functions.

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Nowadays, there is a dramatic increase in the excessive use of mobile social networks such as Telegram, Instagram, etc. This is while enough attention has not been paid to the social impacts of the long term use of these social networks. These mobile social networks have quickly turned into a form of addiction among many teenagers and young people, and have exacerbated some social problems. Everyday life of the younger generation is tied to mobile social networks. For this reason, the present paper studies the relationship between the use of mobile social networks and the changing lifestyle of Iranian youth aged 15 to 29. To this end, utilizing the multi-stage cluster sampling method, a researcher-made questionnaire was distributed among 384 young people aged 15 to 29 years living in Tehran. The results revealed that there is a relationship between the amount of time spent on mobile social networks, and the components of lifestyle, such as how they are dressed, their eating habits, their make-up styles, their choices of decoration and home furnishings, their style of shopping, their leisure and leisure practices and their face to face interactions and communications. As the hours of using these networks increase, changes in each of the components of lifestyle also increase.

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In this day and age the media have provided positive means for developing human values and promoting peace throughout the international society. The other side of the story is, however, not very positive as due to limited control over the media and its unfettered reach radical jihadi groups have turned it into a propaganda machine for the spread of their inhuman values and measures which are clear violations of human rights. The Middle East has been the main target of these groups whose negative campaigns and activities have turned the region into the eye of the storm in a global crisis. Thus, in order to study the issue the current article’s main question is to find answer to ‘What role do the media play in strategies employed by salafi groups, especially, Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and what impact did these activities bear upon the social lives of the Middle Easterners?’. As a matter fact, jihadi groups, namely the two terrorist groups of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, have pursued a distinct and peculiar media strategy mainly based upon attempts at recruitment, spread of violence, legitimization and disseminating their messages to friends and foes. Furthermore, these groups have turned the Middle East into the main scene on which their destructive acts of violence are staged to the extent that nowadays the menacing shadow of terrorism and jihadi ideology is putatively engulfing the entire region.

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