Celebrity is a new form of fame in contemporary world, which has risen under influence of social changes such as mediatization of society, decline in organized religion, the decline of the authority of traditional reference groups and commodification. Five specific characteristics of celebrity distinguish it from traditional forms of reputation, include media-driven, audience-driven, gain reputation quickly and scope of reputation, diversification and migration. For achieving this goal, a survey research has designed. The main aim of this research was to investigate the tendency of Farsi Instagram users to the celebrity culture, from sociological point of view. The statistical population of the study was all Persian Instagram users. 384 users were selected by simple random sampling. The results of the research show that, the mean of the tendency towards celebrity culture in the studied population is 46. 39 out of 100, and most respondents (49. 2%) have a moderate tendency towards celebrity culture. Comparison of means tests shows that in gender category, women, in age category, 20-29 years old audiences, and in educational category Bachelor's degree audiences, have the most tendency toward celebrity culture. Inferential statistics shows negative relation between religiosity and tendency toward celebrity culture, and positive relation between independent variables consumerism and tendency toward media with dependent variable, tendency toward celebrity culture.