This investigation intends to analyze the present process of talent identification in wrestling in Iran. In addition to studying and analyzing findings of the previous investigations, in the present study the writer tried to examine the viewpoints of wrestling coaches. The results show that a majority of coaches believe in a need for some conters to identify talents in wrestling. There is a meaningful difference in the priorities of the three anthropometrical, physical motor abilities, and psychological criteria. They think for each criterion, there are six important factors including anthropometrically being muscled and having wide shoulders, in biometric abilities being strong and fast, and psychologically being rival seeking and tactically intelligent. To compare two groups (supreme and nonsupreme) of wrestlers, it became clear that the supremes had wider shoulders, longer arms, bigger mesomerfical dimensions and lower percentage of fat. Also, they had significantly stronger arms and legs, more endurance in shoulder and abdominal muscles and better in agility. In addition, the supreme wrestlers were emotionally stable, practical and hard-working, self-sufficient, fearless and brave.