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Investigation and confrontation of manuscripts and determining their level of correctness, originality and priority of manuscript in comparative codicology are among the main challenges of the editors that due to the long process of the confrontation and difficulty of final decision on criteria, a simplified resolution is considered for them. Hierarchical analysis, using mathematical and psychological techniques, can assist the editor in multi-criteria decision making and reaching the most logical goal. This research investigates the prescription of the quadruple substitutions of corrected Nafsatolmasdoor Zeydari-ye Nasavi, using Expert Choice 11. The criteria was developed out of the suggestions of Bengel and Griesbach and based on the categorization of the corrected Yazdgerdi substitutions, and paired scales and comparisons adjusted according to the expertized suggestions of Bengel and Griesbach and their criteria. The investigations showed that the quadruple prescriptions of this correction are derived at least out of two different origins, and expert choice hierarchical analyses showed the priority of the »C« prescription over the other three versions. Considering the kinship probability of the prescriptions »Hat«, »Kar«, »Mi«, the readings that are selected based on the text sameness of these prescriptions are problematic.

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Acronyming is one of the word-formation processes. In general terms, there are two types of acronyms; initialisms and word acronyms. An initialism is read and pronounced as a spelling or as a sequence of letters, while a word acronym is pronounced as a single ordinary word. Two-level word acronym is a type of word acronym used by organizations and social groups to suggest some aspect of their purpose or objective. Two-level word acronym expresses meaning on two levels, i.e., as an acronym and as a simple word. This research aimed at the introduction and analysis of some Persian two-level word acronyms whose application is increasing among Iranian organizations and social groups. Furthermore, in this paper, it is argued that the formation of two-level word acronyms which makes the written form and the pronunciation of an actual word and an acronym the same as each other, is a type of semantic extension in the form of polysemy.

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The verbal system of Kalāsuri dialect has some peculiarities and characteristics that put it in contrast with Persian language and other Iranian southwestern dialects. In some cases, they, even, make it distinct from relative dialects such as Harzani, Tāleshi, Tākestani, Chālestani, Eshthārdi, Sagzāri, etc. The above mentioned dialects constitute the northwestern branch of the Iranian languages which are probably all descended from ancient Āzari. Some of these characteristics that seem to be important in language studies could be mentioned here: firstly, in the verb system of this dialect, the present stem has been subjected to gradual decline and accordingly some present verb forms are constructed from past stem. Secondly, the indicative present and past progressive are constructed from infinitive. Thirdly, the intransitive simple past and present perfect are the same in form, but they are just distinguished by accent, and finally the present participle is used as future stem. These issues and some other peculiarities would be discussed in this article in detail f the »C«prescription over the other three versions. Considering the kinship probability of the prescriptions »Hat«, »Kar«, »Mi«, the readings that are selected based on the text sameness of these prescriptions are problematic.

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The argument structure of di-transitive verbs in Iranian languages has been studied less than what it deserves. A lot of studies in this concern have been devoted to two kinds of constructions containing di-transitive verbs in English, called double object constructions and double complement constructions. Studies in other languages have compared them with those of English. However, in Hawrami Kurdish, there are two sorts of these verbs called main di-transitive verbs and subsidiary double object constructions. The aim of this paper was to investigate the argument structure of the main di-transitive verbs in Hawrami with due attention to determining their categorization, syntactic structure and semantic realization. These verbs were divided into two kinds of possessive transfer and location transfer and then they were described. A sample of both kinds of verbs was analyzed under theoretical framework of Minimalist Program (MP) /Distributed Morphology (DM). The results showed that the argument structure of both kinds of verbs becomes compatible with that of low ApplP structure proposed by Pylkkanen with some revisions. Furthermore, there are more similarities and some differences between the argument structure of these two kinds of verbs, regarding their categorization, syntactic structure and semantic realization.

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To classify lexical items, Lieber (2004, 2009) proposes seven semantic features, i.e., (» material«, »dynamic«, »IEPS = inferable eventual position or state«, »Loc = Location«, »B = Bounded«, »CI = Composed of Individuals« and a principle called »Co-indexation Principle«. In this theory, each lexical item has onesemantic skeleton (composed of one/more primitives and one/more arguments) and a semantic body (composed of encyclopedic knowledge of the speaker about the lexical item). Co-indexation is a device to tie together the arguments of the parts of the compound or derived items. The purpose of this study was to study and classify the Persian parts of speech based on Lieber’s semantic theory. Following Lieber, this research, based on the »material« and »dynamic« features, classifies the semantic category of Substance/ Thing/Essence in Persian into four sub-categories, based on »dynamic «, »IEPS« and »Loc« features classifies the semantic category of Situations into six sub-categories and based on »IEPS« and »Loc« features, classifies the semantic category of Relations into four sub-categories. The results of the study on Persian showed that various syntactic categories e.g. verbs and prepositions or verbs and nouns have common semantic features, as well and this outcome supports Lieber’s semantic classification.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (2)
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This paper aims to provide a typological account of nominal and predicative possession constructions in Taleshi. It follows the typological framework of ‎ Aikhenvald (2013), where different attested strategies for the expression of nominal ‎ and predicative possession along with their corresponding functions are touched on. As far as nominal possession constructions in ‎Taleshi are concerned, four strategies are used to exhibit the relationship of ‎ possessor and possessee in a noun phrase: a.juxtaposition, a possessor ending in a ‎vowel precedes the possessee; b. possessor can be marked by number-sensitive oblique case-markers (i- for singular and -u for plural), or alternatively, replaced by ‎ six different possessive pronouns, c. marking the possessee with a pronominal ‎ pertensive clitic along with related information on number and person of the possessor; d.‎ both possessor and possessee may be marked. This is done by replacing the possessor with the suppletive pronoun of ǝštan and the attachment of a pronominal ‎pertensive clitic to the possessee. Just like nominal possession, predicative possession in Taleshi is also expressed in different types of constructions, including ‎ native existential and copular constructions where the characteristics of the so-‎ called H-constructions are evident. In Mâsâli, a borrowed possessive verb of dâšte' to have' is also attested.

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The colloquial couplets consisting of four lines are the most common Iranian poetic form. They are considered as the reminiscent of Sassanid era syllabic poem. Historically, the couplet has been associated with music and this also indicates its antiquity. Couplet, which is also called ‘Fahlaviat’, has an exoteric language, simple rhythm, and fluent structure. It is tied with emotion, thought, and life of peoples. Therefore, through studying the couplets of any people, the intellectual, spiritual, lexical, and linguistic atmosphere of that people could be discovered. In this article, a sample of twenty-four couplets which were selected from among four hundred collected couplets of people from southern Talesh was studied from aesthetic, linguistic, and content perspectives. Most of the couplets have been the material for music and singing, and they have changed linguistically; so that the old words and phrases are seen less among them.

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The Rudbari dialect of Tati is among the dialects of Tati which is spoken in some areas in Rudbar (Guilan province). Stilo (1981) grouped the Tati dialect of Rudbar along with all Tati, Taleshi, Vafsi, Alviri and Vidari dialects in one group called Tatic, but he believes that the Rudbari dialect of Tati is transitional to Guilaki which is one of the Caspian languages. The goal of this article was to use some morphological and syntactic characteristics of Rudbari dialect of Tati to show how this dialect is different from other dialects of Tati and how it is transitional to Guilaki. The Juboni version of Rudbari dialect of Tati was chosen for this study. This dialect is nowadays spoken in the Jubon village which is located in the Southern Rostam Abad in the central part of Rudbar district. This study showed that Juboni has different morphological and syntactic characteristics from other dialects of Tati.

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The dominant word orders in the tāti dialct of Gifān, spoken in Bojnourd (Northern Khorāsān province) dialect, which is basically an Object/Verb (OV) variety, and the correlation of the word orders as well as the object / verb order are not easily explained according to Dryer's views. In other words, findings showed that, considering the correlation with the four word orders except a noun and its qualifying adjective (Mosuf and Sefat), the tāti dialct of Gifān behaves like the minority of languages in Dryer's sample, which have a smaller percentage, comparing with those languages that exhibit the significant correlation with the mentioned word orders and the VO one. Since some of the aforementioned word orders are used freely in the tāti dialct of Gifān, the correlation between these pairs of elements with the basic OV order and non-basic VO order is relative. In general, it seems that due to variety in the VO order in this dialect, there are variety in the other sequences of head and their determiners.

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