This study aims to assess ecosystem diversity of Rotifera of the floodplain lakes (beels)of the Brahmaputra river basin with reference to faunal diversity of the taxon in wetlands ofconservation areas of India. We observed 141 rotifer species, belonging to 31 genera and 17 families, from three beels of the Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve (DSBR) of Assam, northeast India (NEI)with high total richness (117±2 species) in individual beels. One, two and three species are new tothe Oriental region, India and Assam state, respectively and 21 species are globally interesting. Thediverse Lecanidae>Lepadellidae>Trichocercidae; the paucity and scarceness of Brachionidae andBrachionus spp. in particular; and rare nature of Keratella, Filinia, Asplanchna, Polyarthra, andConochilus are salient. The monthly richness and community similarities affirmed heterogeneity inspecies composition in individual beels while this study exhibited overall rotifer homogeneityamongst beels. The richness followed monthly oscillations in the three beels and lacked significantvariations amongst beels. The peak richness of 76 species during summer (May, 2014) from No.11beel is one of the richest rotifer assemblages known in single date collection from an aquaticecosystem of South Asia. Our results explained little influence of individual abiotic factors whilecanonical correspondence analysis endorsed high cumulative influence of 17 abiotic factors onrichness in all beels.