This study aimed to evaluate the effects of aflatoxin-contaminated diet onhistopathological alterations of the gill, liver, kidney and intestine tissues in common carp. Fish wererandomly distributed into 15 tanks, i.e. in five experimental groups; (I) control fed with normal dietwithout solvent and aflatoxin, (II) positive control received feed with only solvent, and (III-V) fedon diets containing 0.5, 0.7 and 1.4 mg kg-1 of aflatoxin, respectively. After 21-days, 12 fish pertreatment were randomly caught, anesthetized and euthanized. Then, histological sections of thetissues were prepared. The main aflatoxicosis symptoms in the gills were fusion and disorganisationof the secondary gill lamellae, shortening of the secondary lamellae, inflammation of mucousmembranes, and exfoliation of the gill epithelium. Liver of the infected fish indicated cloudy swellingof hepatocytes, cellular hypertrophy, formation of vacuoles in the cytoplasm, and necrosis of liverparenchyma. Expansion of Bowman’s space, necrosis of urinary tract, exfoliation and degenerationof the urinary tract epithelium, expansion of the urinary lumen and dilation of the urinary space wereobserved symptoms in the kidney. Changes in the intestine of the aflatoxin-treated fish were; expansion of goblet cells, necrosis of mucous layers, exfoliation of the mucous epithelium, andbleeding in the intestinal wall. The results indicates that feeding common carp with dietscontaminated with aflatoxin, even in low concentrations (≤ 1.4 mg kg-1 feed) can causehistopathological damages and disturb their physiological balance.