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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Purpose: Anxiety disorders is one of the most common psychological problems in children. To prevent and treat anxiety, a valid instruments is needed. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of accessing to the valid instruments to prevent, evaluate, and treat childhood anxiety sensitivity. Method: This research was carried out using the descriptive-survey method. The statistical population consisted of all 10-to-13-year-old, fourth-to-sixth-grade students in Kermanshah in the academic year of 1400-1401. From the target population, 592 students were selected as the study sample, using cluster random sampling method, and responded to the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (Silverman et al., 1991) and the Multidimensional anxiety scale for children (March et al., 1997). Data were analyzed in SPSS-22 and R-4. 0. 2 software. Result: The study indicates that the anxiety sensitivity scale has an acceptable internal consistency (α=0. 85),the correlation between the two implementations of this scale within two weeks was in the range of 0. 71 to 0. 92 (p<0. 01). Also, the results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the three-factor model of this scale has an appropriate fit in Iranian society. Conclusion: The Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index in Iran has appropriate psychometric properties and this instrument can be used to assess the degree of the childhood anxiety sensitivity.

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Background and Purpose: It is very crucial to study the issues related to adolescents. One of the behaviors that have caused public concern about adolescents' health is self-injurious behavior. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between motivational value characters and self-injurious behaviors in adolescents mediated by emotional regulation. Method: The present research method is descriptive and correlational. The sample consists of 200 female high school students in Rasht in the academic year 2020-2021 who participated in the study conducted by available sampling method through online calling. Data collection tools included The Self-Harm Inventory (SHI) (Sanson et al. 1998), Schwartz's Value Survey (SVS) (Schwartz, 1992), and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) (Gross and John, 2003). The data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using SPSS23 and Amos26 software. Results: The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between personal focus values and social focus values with reappraisal and a negative and significant relationship with suppression. There is a significant negative relationship between social focus values and self-injurious behaviors and a significant negative and positive relationship between reappraisal and suppression of self-injurious behaviors (P<0. 001). There was no significant relationship between personal focus values and self-injurious behaviors. The results also showed that the indirect effect of motivational value characters on self-injurious behaviors through emotional regulation is significant (P<0. 001). Conclusion: The present study emphasizes the mediating role of emotional regulation in the relationship between motivational value characters and self-injurious behaviors. Strengthening and internalizing effective motivational value characters and emotional regulation-based interventions may be effective in preventing or treating the symptoms of self-injurious in adolescents.

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Background and Purpose: A specific learning disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects not only individuals but also parents, teachers, and the educational system. The current research aims to study the correlation between hope, self-compassion, mental resilience, and school bonding in students with specific learning disorders. Method: The descriptive research method used in this study was of the correlation type. The statistical population consisted of students with specific learning disorders and their mothers in Tabriz city during the academic year 2018–2019. A total of 132 mothers and students were selected using the available sampling method, and data were collected using Snyder's Hope Scale (1991), Neff's Self-Compassion Scale (2003), Conner and Davidson's Resilience Scale (2003), and Mouton et al. 's School Bonding Scale (1993). Descriptive statistics methods, such as calculating the mean and standard deviation, were used to analyze the statistical data. Additionally, the Pearson correlation test and multiple regression were performed simultaneously using SPSS23 software to analyze the research hypotheses. Results: Also, according to the statistical results, school bonding has a positive correlation with self-compassion (p=0/001, r=0/338), hope (p=0. 001, r=0. 601), resilience, common humanity (p=0. 005, r=0. 050), mindfulness (p=0. 005, 231 r=0/0), and resilience (p=0/001, r=0/405), and negative correlation with isolation (p=0/001, r=0/338), and overidentification (r=0/005) p=0, r=0. 241), and there is no significant correlation between the self-kindness and self-judgment, with school bonding of students with special learning disorders. Additionally, the results of multiple regression analysis indicate that 47. 5% of the changes in the variance of school bonding can be explained by hope, self-compassion, and parental resilience. Conclusion: The presence of skills such as empathy, self-kindness, non-judgmental attitude towards failures, motivation, goal planning despite obstacles, and resilience in overcoming negative situations or traumatic experiences from mothers has been found to contribute to predicting the academic success of students with specific learning disabilities.

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Background and Purpose: One of the most controversial topics among researchers is to identify and introduce efficient and effective methods to improve human intelligence capacity in critical stages of development. Thus, the present study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of the growth mindset training program on the emotional regulation of adolescents with behavioral problems. Method: In terms of purpose, this research was practical. The method was quasi-experimental, and a pre-test, and post-test design with a control group and follow-up was used. The statistical population of this research included all adolescent girls between 12 and 16 years old who were studying in the secondary schools of Tehran in 1400-1401. Among them, 30 people were selected by the convenience sampling method and randomly placed in the experimental and the control group. The experimental group received ten one-hour sessions of growth mindset training,while no intervention was considered for the control group. The data collection tool in the present study included the scale of Adolescents Self-Report of Behavioral Problems (Eishenbach & Rescola, 1997) and The Emotion Regulation Checklist for Children and Adolescents (Shiltz & Sichi, 1997). The collected data were analyzed using the statistical method of mixed ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test by SPSS version 26. Results: The results showed that compared to the control group, people in the experimental group who received the growth mindset training program had higher emotion regulation scores in the post-test (p<0001) and this result persisted through the follow-up stage (p<0001). Conclusions: This intervention method, which is based on the mental flexibility principle, can be used to improve mental abilities. Therefore, using this treatment method is suggested to improve mental abilities.

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Background and Purpose: About %20 of all babies in their first year of life show signs of severe crying, sleep problems, and nutrition, often referred to as regulatory problems. The purpose of this study was to identify the nature and strength of the relationship between primary adjustment disorder during infancy and behavioral problems in childhood and preschool. Data Sources: According to the specialized keywords in internal databases, i. e. Academic Jihad Scientific Database and Noor Specialized Magazines Website between 1390 and 1401 and Islamic world and foreign databases Google Scholar, PubMed, PsycINFO between 2000 and 2022. The findings and information considered to achieve the research goal were reviewed. Methods: In this regard, through a systematic review study, all selected articles were reviewed by two of the research authors, and duplicate articles were removed. 76 published articles were reviewed by considering the inclusion criteria and quality assessment using the PRISMA pattern. Then, based on the final qualitative evaluation, 17 articles were selected and examined to answer the research questions. Inclusion criteria included the existence of regulatory problems in the first year of life, the specificity of the scale of measurement used, the expression of statistically accurate measurements, prospective and longitudinal studies with at least one follow-up assessment. Results: Out of 76 articles, 17 articles were related to the input criteria of this study, each of which considered one, two or more variables of regulatory disorder. In this regard, out of 17selected research papers, nine articles were reviewed and the relationship between sleep disorders and behavioral problems, 13 articles on severe crying problems, six articles on nutritional disorders, and five articles on combined regulatory disorders. 13 articles reported a significant relationship between neonatal adjustment problems and behavioral problems in childhood. Conclusion: Regulatory problems in infancy can increase behavioral problems during childhood. Parents with multiple risk factors show more negative outcomes than other children in outbreaks and hyperactivity, especially if they have multiple regulatory problems in infancy.

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Background and Purpose: Learning disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that leads to difficulties in learning and performance of reading, writing, and mathematics. Transcranial electrical stimulation is one of the recent interventions that has been used in this group. The current paper aimed to systematically combine the findings of the existing studies to find the effectiveness of these brain stimulation interventions in improving the executive functions and mathematical performance of individuals with learning disorders, as well as the possible moderating variables using the meta-analysis method. Method: The statistical population of the research was all published studies including scientific articles and theses. The systematic literature turned 21 studies in the meta-analysis, and 64 effect size Cohen’s ds were extracted and analyzed using CMA3 software. Results: The findings showed a significant moderate combined effect size in both fixed and random effects models. Moreover, the effect size of the transcranial random noise stimulation was shown to be larger than the transcranial direct-current stimulation and transcranial alternating current stimulation. In addition, the meta-regression showed that age is a significant predictor and moderator with a better effectiveness in younger individuals. Conclusion: These findings reveal that transcranial electrical stimulation, especially random noise method, as one of the effective interventions in improving the executive functions and mathematical performance of children with learning disorder.

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Background and Purpose: Attention is a cognitive process, and its importance in the learning process is self-evident. One of the ways to improve the attention of these children is music therapy, specifically rhythmic and coordinated movements. This study aimed to investigate the effects of rhythmic movements on the attention of students with intellectual disability. Method: The present study was a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The study population included second and third-grade students with intellectual disability in Tehran during the academic year 2020-2021. A sample of 20 intellectually disabled was selected from the mentioned population using a convenience sampling method, considering entry and exit criteria, and they were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups (each group consisting of 10 students). The data collection was conducted using the fourth edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale. Then, interventions based on teaching rhythmic movements were carried out in eight one-hour sessions for the experimental group, while the control group received only regular school interventions. Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in the SPSS-25 software. Results: The results of the analysis of covariance indicated that the rhythmic movements intervention program had a significant positive effect on the sub-scales of omission (F=96. 94, p<0. 001, η²= 0. 58), decoding (F=12. 84, p<0. 001, η² =0. 38), selective attention (F=14. 44, p<0. 001, η² =0. 46), shifting attention (F=15. 67, p<0. 001, η²=0. 42), and divided attention (F=12. 95, p<0. 001, η² =0. 39) in students with intellectual disability. Conclusion: Attention to the individual needs and specific characteristics of each child, alignment with their age level, and presenting activities in the form of play and recreation can facilitate the improvement of children's attention and cognition. To enhance children's attention, rhythmic movements must be performed regularly and coordinated with age-appropriate content. Additionally, creating a calm and suitable environment for these movements can contribute to increasing the concentration and attention of children.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Purpose: From a linguistic perspective, reading is a written receptive language that has two components: Decoding and Comprehension. Orphans and Vulnerable Children are at risk of reading disorders due to poor linguistic deprivation and exposure to low-stimulation environments. So, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of linguistic Play based on phonological skills enrichment on reading skills of orphans and vulnerable children with Specific Reading Disorder. Method: Two boy students with a specific reading disorder, in the first and second grade of elementary school from Sixth District in Mashhad Department of Education, were selected. The research method was a single subject with baseline/intervention/follow-up. To diagnose the Specific Reading Disorder (SLD), the Nilipour and Sima-Shirazi Diagnostic Reading Test along with a clinical-educational examination were done. To examine the normal IQ, the Revised Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) was used. In conditions of intervention, the subjects were trained in 10 sessions for 60 minutes. Results: The results showed that linguistic play therapy based on the enrichment of phonological skills had a positive impact in improving the reading skills of subjects and this learning has remained stable over time. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, linguistic play therapy based on enriching phonological skills increases reading skills by reducing the reading errors of Orphans and Vulnerable Students.

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