A natural resource of each region is God-given gift and a vital capital that can pave the way for growth and pervasive sustainable development, provided that market and non-market values is correctly identified and suitable ecosystem services should be avalable. Functions such as production (including food, raw materials, genetic resources, sources of medicinal and decorative resources and cosmetics), regulatory functions (including atmospheric gas regulation, climate regulation, prevent disruptions, water regulation, supply water, soil preservation, soil formation, nutrient regulation, operation of waste disposal, pollination and biological control, habitat functions (including the sanctuary and the treasurer) and information functions (including aesthetic, ecotourism, cultural inspiration and artistic, religious, historical information and scientific and educational information) are the natural resource functions. Specific method for determining the economic value of each of these functions is proposed. According to studies, the forage production market value only includes 24% of of total value of the rangeland ecosystems and 76% of remaining economic value related to the water conservation, soil conservation, carbon sequestration, oxygen production, ecotourism, soil fertility and reduce the deposition.