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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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High resolution real time ultrasonography is a non - invasive, simple, and safe and has a high degree of accuracy for measurement of spinal canal diameter.Also diagnostic ultrasound can demonstrate the degree and extent of bony spinal canal steno sis. It may have value in preventive medicine, identifying the subject at risk. Measurement with this technique on segments of lumbar spinal canal revealed that the ultrasound echoes originated from boundaries between the dural sac and the surrounding tissues at the level of intervertebral disc.The width of lumbar spinal canal as reflected by the ultrasonic echoes was about one millimeter less than the normal width of the dural sac.The aim of this study was to find out the normal sagital and coronal lumbar spinal canal diameter. For this purpose research was conducted on the 400 patients, and carried out from (May 1998) through (sep. 1999) that referred for abdominopelvic ultrasonography to no I hospital of Kerman University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.A prospective cross - sectional and continuative study was done. In the research 182 female (45.8%) and 218 were male (54.2%). The mean sagital and coronal spinal canal diameter at (L4-L5) disc space level was (11.7+2 mm) and (15±2.8 mm) respectively.The mean sagital and coronal spinal canal diameter at (LS-S1) level was (11.7±2.1 mm) and (16±2.8mm) respectively. The significant difference between male and female was only at coronal diameter of (L5-S1).

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Subject: In this research the duration of lochia and its relation with a number of obstetric variables has been studied. These variables are parity, mode of delivery, gestational age, fetal weight, use of syntocinon before delivery, placental site and maternal anemia. Our purpose of lochia in this investigation is lochia rubra and serosa.This research is a prospective descriptive-analytic study in which five hundred and sixteen parturient women who were native of Tehran have been studied.They were recruited form four educational hospital in Tehran. Researcher used of questionnaire, interview with patients, medical files and documents for collecting information. Recruits were wanted to report the duration of their bleeding and spotting from first day of delivery until perfectly end of lochia. The criteria for end of lochia were seven consecutive days with out blood loss. Then 50 days from delivery, in follow up, patients were asked about the end of lochia and probably complications. Follow up was continuing every 2 weeks until be assured the end of lochia.The median duration of lochia was 38.16±14.38 days (range2-90days). Only in 5 percent of Women, lochia stopped until 2 first weeks and in most of them (51%) it lasted 5-6 weeks from delivery. Also findings shows its duration is only related with gestational age and fetal weight (p<0.0001).This duration was longer with increase fetal weight and shorter in preterm labor. Also among C-section women, the duration of lochia, in who had used of syntocinon before cesarean, was shorter than elective cesarean (P<0.05). Analysis of contemporary relation of variables shows that only fetal weight, without influence of another variables, has a direct relation with duration of lochia (P<0.0001).Obtained information of this research confirms a view that lochia persists for longer than is generally described in textbooks and in most cases prolong duration of it can be a normal process.

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Mosquito larvae produce Growth Retardant Factor (GRF) during quantity at high larval density that its result is reduction of abundance and activity in mosquito's larvae. In the study we eliminated of GRF larval environment Anopheles stephensi by two devised methods: Media replacement (method 1) and Common media (Method 2). Then we studied biological indexes transmit.In this experiment the biological indexes showed the following significant differences: decrease of larval and total mortality, increase of speed of larval development and survival rate with both GRF eliminating methods. While, increasing of sex ratio was only observed with second method (common media), the pupal mortality and body size indexes showed no significant differences.Therefore, with elimination GRF of larval environment, abundance and activity in mosquito larvae increased. Also, it was absorbed secondary method is more successful than first method for GRF elimination.

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View 1068

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Hepatitis B is an important infections disease in all worlds. It has a high incidence rate and about 350 million people around the world infected and in Iran we have 1.6-2.0 million (3.1%) infected patients. About 0.5% of these patients are going to die each year because of its complications.Nowadays and because of immunization based on EPI (Expanded Program on Immunization) program, more than 3 million infants' lives -are saved and got their optimum growth and development. In spite of all these efforts and EPI program, many infants were killed every year by these preventable diseases.This study designed to survey coverage of Hepatitis B vaccination and effective factors on it, in an eastern district of Tehran in Iran. Data has been gathered by referring to patients' homes and interviewing parents and after collecting information and filling forms, data was analyzed by SPSS and tests such as chi-square, independent sample T-test and Mann-Whitney.Subjects were chosen and studied by cluster sampling and 329 patients (47 clusters, 7 patients each) totally were survived in this study. 55% of patients were male and all patients were under 10 years (age mean 4.2±2.2 years).Hepatitis B vaccination coverage was 97.9%, 96.9% and 94.2% for first, second and third vaccination times, respectively. On time vaccination coverage were 77.5% in all these vaccinations. Decreasing of this coverage was 3.7%, comparing first and third vaccination.This study showed that there is a significant relation between knowledge state to hepatitis B vaccination, father's education and mother's job (P=0.000). There were no significant relationship between parent's jobs, sex, birth order, number of children and parent's education to on time vaccination (P>0.05).

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View 1096

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Jaundice is one of the symptoms. of G6PD deficiency. The physicians who are caring for jaundiced and healthy neonates always wonder whether they should perform measurement activity of G6PD in these babies or not?This study was done over 33 months by 2000 infants with jaundice that admitted to two University Hospitals. 89 of 2000 jaundiced newborn had G6PD deficiency.Thus the incidence was 4.45%. The male/female ratio was 10.1. Mean minimal Hb Concentration and mean Reticolcytein two groups were similar. Thus there wasn't hemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency.In conclusion G6PD deficiency should be considered in the differential diagnosis of icter in spite of normal concentration and recommended measurement in admitted jaundiced newborn for diagnosis of etiology of icter and exchange transfusion prophylaxis of favism.

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This research is a quasi - experimental study that was performed in Jamaran hospital.The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of two non-invasive procedures (Therapeutic Touch and Relaxation Therapy) on anxiety and vital sign and cardiac dysrhythmia in cardiac catheterization female patients. The non random sample consisted of 80 subjects that 3 cases were omitted for some reasons. 77 patients were randomly assigned to 3, groups; Therapeutic touch (26), Relaxation therapy (26), and Control group (25). The group of Therapeutic touch was received Therapeutic touch for 10-15 minute (in 4 hours before catheterization and repeat for 4 times). The relaxation group was educated about Muscle Progressive Relaxation Therapy and done it for 20-25 minute and repeated .every one hour for 4 times and control group was not received any therapy.Basic data collected by Spielberger anxiety test, check list of cardiac dysrhythmia and paper of record vital sign at before and during of cardiac catheterization.Analysis of data was computerized adopting SPSS package software. Finding of this study indicated both Therapeutic touch and Relaxation therapy causes to reduce state anxiety (P=000). No effect on trait anxiety. In addition both therapies were effective on systolic blood pressure (P=0/002), pulse rate (P=000) and respiratory rate (P=0/0014) during catheterization and effective on cardiac dysrhythmia (only on sinus tachycardia) (P=0/005).Results suggest that both relaxation and Therapeutic touch are effective palliatives to anxiety in stressful situations.

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Rodents are the biggest order among mammals and are one of the successful groups among animals. They are able to transmit more than 35 diseases to human and cause huge damages on economical situation of many countries.Therefore exact identification and application of appropriate control measures of rodents in each locality are essential. This study was conducted to identify species composition of rodents in Lorestan district from June 2002 till April 2003.Sample collections were carried out at 24 fixed and a new random localities each month and each time 3 different Sherman traps (30-50) were used. Specimens were killed by chloroform, weighed and morphological characters measured and then they were subjected to autopsy taxidermy and identification methods.Total number of rodents was 168, which belonged to 2 suborder, 3 family, 3 sub families, 9 genus and 9 species. Meriones persicus with 38.09% was the most prevalent and Sciurus anomalous with 1.19% was the rarest species among specimens. Results showed that number species or biodiversity was at highest level 7 species at 1800-2000m latitude in Zagheh region, where at least diversity 2 species was seen at 800-1200m latitude in Waysian and Chegini regions.These differences weren't significant when analyzed by Cochran (P=0.088, a=0.05) and Freedman tests, but when analyzed by Pearson regression rate (P=0.89, a=0.05). There was a positive and significant relation between latitude and biodiversity. These results should be that confirmed by further studies in other regions with different climates.

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The output X-ray spectrum characteristics is one of the required data used in radiotherapy planning dosimeter system of medical linear accelerators (linac).The purpose of this research was to propose a method for calculating the bremsstuhlung spectrum and the x-ray yield off the target of the medical accelerators.For this purpose, three different materials of Br, AI, and Pb, as the linac target materials, were exposed to a 15 MeV electron beam and their output bremsstuhlung spectrum at three different angles of 10, 30, and 60 degrees from the central axis of incident electron beam were calculated using the MCNP4B Monte Carlo code. The Thickness of the targets was assumed equal to 110% of the range of the incident electrons.The calculated Bremsstuhlung spectra were in a very good agreement with the relevant measured spectra for all the studied target materials at all the investigated angles, except for the Pb at an energy range below 300 keY for which a significant disagreement was observed. At the second part of this research for every target material the total output production and the output x-ray yields were estimated at the base of a pyramid resulted-from a 120 degree solid head angle using the Monte Carlo simulation method with the MCNP4B code.Using a suitable number of track histories the Monte Carlo statistical calculation error for the calculation of the output production yield was reduced to 1%.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2068

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The present research is a quasi-experimental (case-control) study, which is carried out in 1380 in order to evaluate the efficacy of health education program on the rate of Tinea capitis affected male children in Chabahar primary schools.Tools and data gathering methods used in this research include: questionnaire, check list and laboratory samples of skin, hair and nail (direct slide exam-culture in specific culture media for 20 days). Data have been gathered in two periods.At the beginning of research, regarding to the previous information two third classes (35 graders in each class) from two primary schools apparently similar from economical, social and illness point of view, were selected as experimental and control groups. Prevalence of Tinea capitis in both groups was equal to 20%.After pre-test according to the data obtained, educational program and context were prepared and then the educational intervention was performed in experimental group. Post-test was done after 2 months. It must be mentioned that in both pre-tests and post-test, related exams confirmed clinical findings of Tinea capitis cases.Based on the results of this study, the statistical analysis (Paired t-test) showed a significant difference for the effect of health education program on increasing health knowledge, attitude and behavior of experimental group students (P<0.0001). When comparing morbidity variation between groups before and after education, the statistical analysis (Mc.Nemar Test) showed a significant variation in control group (P=0.06). Incidence rate in both groups was determined (I.Re=1/28, I.Rc=5/28) and by calculation of relative risk (RR=5), we can conclude that morbidity risk of Tinea capitis in control group is 5 times more than that of experimental group.Thus, health education program has had positive effect on prevention of Tinea capitis and may have an effective role in decreasing Tinea capitis incidence rate in school children.

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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease and an important aspect in self care of chronic patients that is the assessment of their quality of life (QOL). The goal therapeutic care is promotion of patient's QOL. Nursing theories can be used to promote QOL, decrease financial burden and finally correct patient's QOL.Among nursing theories Orem's self care is a model that is used in chronic illness. In this study Orem's theory is used and there were direct and indirect relationships between variables. Therefore using through Path Analysis is advised. This analysis was used in this study and its application in self care model was used to determine the influencing factors on QOL and patient's metabolic condition.This study had a quasi- experimental design .The sample consisted of 137 NIDDM patients who referred to diabetic educational center in Tabriz city.After 6 months follow up, 59 patients were analyzed data were gathered through filling questionnaire and interview. The subjects answered a five part questionnaire which covered: socio- demographic data, self care need assessment and ability of self care, health related Q OL, specific Q OL and assessment of metabolic condition and sick leaves.Coding of variables was done in order for Path Analysis and then researcher's model was determined, from the variables examined by researcher, only age was effective. On the other hand, from extraneous variables, there was a significant relationship between age and forces (-0.359), and age and elimination condition (-0.329) and there was a negative significant relationship between age and metabolic condition (-0.14) and QOL (-0.405).There was a positive significant relationship between forces and metabolic condition (0.04) and QOL (0.06).

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Passive smoking increases the risk of coronary artery disease up to 20-70%, so the main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between passive smoking and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and it's main risk factors such as plasma levels of fibrinogen (FG) and lipid profiles disturbances in coronary patients and healthy people.This was a case-control study which carried out in 1994. The case group was composed of 164 patients aged 30-69 who suffered from AMI and hospitalized in coronary care unit (CCU) of university hospitals in Isfahan. In order to have well matched control group, 200 men and women who were living in the neighborhood of case samples and matched according to age and sex were selected. An interview was done from all samples to obtain data related to their smoking habits. After 14 hours fasting period, total cholesterol (T.Cho), triglyceride (TG), LDL-Cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL-Cholesterol (HDL-C) and fibrinogen (FG) was measured. T.test, chi square and Pearson correlation tests were used to analyze data.FG of passive smokers (PS) was more than nonsmokers (NS) in patients and healthy people (P<0.05). Also the serum lipids level of PS was significantly higher than NS in healthy persons; however in patients only LDL-C of PS was more than NS, There was a relation between serum lipids level and PS in healthy people (P<0.05).As there is a significant relation between FG and serum lipids especially in PS persons and also effect of passive smoking on FG and serum lipids, we conclude that these risk factors have synergism effects and smoking banning in general place is most important.

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