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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Improving the quality of life in a particular place or for individuals and groups has always been thefocus of planners' attention. In recent years, studies on quality of life have focused mainly onurban nature, and the debate on the quality of urban life has become widespread among empiricalresearch and studies. Today, with the increase of immigrants to major cities, they are resorting tothe marginal areas of cities and informal settlements in order to achieve a better job and a bettereconomic situation due to the inability to reside in formal urban areas. In this part of the cities, there is no necessary urban infrastructure and residents of these areas do not have a good quality oflife. This problem exists in the metropolis of Tehran in different places. Therefore, in thesesettlements, the quality of life satisfaction has been investigated and the most important causes ofdissatisfaction have been identified and addressed to resolve these issues. In this research, adescriptive-analytic method has been used. For data analysis, SPSS software has been used usingone-sample t-test and Chen linear regression. The results of the research show that the mostdissatisfaction with the economic and security factors in the neighborhood is. Analyzes also showthat physical, service and access factors have the greatest mental impact on quality of life.

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Quality of life is a concept used to chart the welfare of the community, and promotingquality of life is one of the most important goals of governments and governmentsaround the world. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to examine thedifferent dimensions of quality of life within the unofficial tribal area of the Islamabadneighborhood of Tehran. The research method is descriptive-analytic and correlationbased on the primary data. Initial information gathering was done by survey and using aquestionnaire. Collected data was processed using SPSS and Smart PLS software. Theresults of this study indicate that quality of life is based on the results of the T test in theunofficial settlement of Islamabad, Tehran, at an average of 2. 33 in the Likert scale. Also, based on the results of PLS path modeling and multivariate regression test, thefactors and indicators of social, economic, physical, and services are more effective andsecurity index has less effect on the level of satisfaction of life in non-resident Theofficial Islamabad is that with the planning in order to upgrade these components, youcan increase the level of satisfaction with life in this area.

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The method used in this research is descriptive and analytical approach to the use oflibrary and documentary studies and field surveys is. The population studied old localresident Sultan Mir Ahmad and drab-e-Esfahan in the Old Textures Kashan. In thisregard, a total of 150 questionnaires among residents of these areas in order to identifyproblems and socioeconomic problems and effects on skeletal state-space tissuedistribution. To analyze the results of the questionnaire Structural equation modeling(SEM) techniques with the use of software Amos and chi-square method (chi Tow)through the SPSS software and to get the required maps from GIS software is used. Inthis context, the purpose of the study also examined the hypothesis that the firsthypothesis seeks to answer the question of whether poverty has increased residents inQuarters with spatial failure? Based on the assumption that effects of income andeconomic sub-criteria and sub physical space were analyzed using structural equationmodel The results show that the loss of income and economic indicators increasedphysical failure and the space Quarters level. The second hypothesis is trying toinvestigate the cause of settlement residents together a hypothesis based on Chi-squareanalysis was one-way The results show that the main reason for people to live in theQuarters, with other neighbors in terms of the level of financial and economic.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this regard, this study aimed to identify the factors affecting social participation withan emphasis on neighborhood belonging sense in Nourabad Delfan. This wasdescriptive-analytical research. A questionnaire was used for collecting the data. UsingCochran formula, the sample size was estimated to be 384. Based on comprehensiveplan for 2011, the Nourabad was divided into 3 districts and 14 neighborhoods. Usingsimple random sampling method, 2 neighborhoods from each district and totally 6neighborhoods were selected as sample. The questionnaires were equally distributedamong participants in these neighborhoods. Then, the data were analyzed using SPSSsoftware. The findings showed that there was significant correlation betweendemographic variables (gender, age, education, occupation, income, and duration ofresidence in neighborhood) and willingness to participate. There was also a significantrelationship between sense of belonging to neighborhood, neighborhood security, andwillingness to participate; the sense of belonging to neighborhood makes peopleresponsible and ultimately, ready for participation.

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Locating and selecting sites for residential, industrial, and other places is basically anissue related to urban planning. In this study, the site selection and establishment of theMehr Housing Project in Kazerun city was reviewed and analyzed from urban planningperspective. The research hypothesis states that the site selection and establishment ofthis project in Kazerun city conforms to the criteria of urban planning. Research type isapplied and its method is descriptive-analytical using hierarchical analysis process(AHP). To do this study, first, the 16 sites proposed for project implementation werespecified on the map. Then criteria and sub criteria of residential locations wereidentified and weighted using specialists’ opinions. After comparing each of the 16 sitesbased on weighted criteria, the weight of each sites were calculated. Then the combinedpriority weight of each site was obtained respectively, and finally, the final score wascalculated for each of the sites. Thus, the sites that obtained the most score in terms ofurban planning were identified. These include sites number 10 (Dashtak lands) and 12(the lands next to the College).

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    2 (11)
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between poverty and the spreadof various types of urban violence in the neighborhoods of the city of Yazd. Accordingto the objectives of the research, it is a practical research and its method is descriptiveanalytical. The statistical population is 43 criminals convicted in the neighborhood of thecity of Yazd. Research indices included seven indicators of poverty as independentvariables and 12 indicators of urban violence as dependent variables. To analyze the dataand evaluate the relationship between variables of inferential statistical tests such asmultivariate regression coefficient and path analysis, as well as the nearest neighbors’ index were used to rank the level of violence in Yazd city Neighborhoods. The findingsshow that most neighborhoods that have the highest poverty rates often have moreviolent hotspots. In this regard, based on the path analysis model, it was also clear that inthis relationship indicators of income rate and education level are most effective and theindicator of access to services is the least effective impact. In connection with directeffect, component of literacy level has the least effect and the component ofunemployment rate has the greatest effect in the increase of urban violence, and themultiple correlation coefficient with value of 0/741 confirms the relationship betweenthe spread of poverty and increase in the level of violence and reducing the rate of thefeeling of security in the Yazd neighborhood. Finally, some strategies for the eliminationof poverty and reduction of urban violence in the neighborhoods of Yazd are presented.

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    2 (11)
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Social housing refers to a particular type of housing mainly build by national or localgovernment in order to provide houses for low-income groups. Qom, one of Iran's majorcities need attention in the housing sector due to its high population one of the mostimportant factors in the development and construction of residential projects is theoptimized site. One of the methods of decision-making through weighting to the criteriais hierarchical method of AHP. Based on this method, criteria and sub-criteria are rankedand options for selection of optimized locations are specified. This applied study is adescriptive – analytical research and relies on library resources. Effective criteria andsub-criteria in locating the residential areas are introduced and the hierarchical tree isdrawn. These criteria are set in the form of a questionnaire and distributed among urbanand housing experts in the municipality of Qom and in order to calculate the averageweight given to each criteria and sub criteria paired comparisons have been used. Afterdoing the calculations in the analytic hierarchy process, the output results were in such away that District 8 is the most suitable area for the construction of social housing. Districts 2 and 3 are a priority after district 8. In this regard, districts, 5, 6 and 7 of themost improper areas in locating and constructing of the project.

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    2 (11)
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The growth of the city as a dual process of spatial and physical development. Each ofthese two methods can be different and separate from the body of another cause. Theurban population growth, urbanization and increased attention to urban issues for urbanplanners and personnel is essential. This research is descriptive and analytical the subjectis discussed. To study the subject in statistical methods Holdern and Shannon entropyanalysis of the distribution and density of the urban population has been used in differentperiods in order to analyze the and mapping of the software GIS, SPSS, Grafer andExcel use. The results show that the basic structure of city of Yazd in the northern partof the neighborhood has been Fahadan. Space systems are not organized grouping ofcities and urban spaces on the first floor and top floor, there is no point matrix Even withthe entropy index, Yazd province in the years 1996-2011 shows that the balance of citiesin the urban middle classes, so that the entropy index has fluctuated in 1996(-0. 37) and in 2011 (-0. 23) is obtained. Finally, the model was determined Holdern. Thecity is only 8/54 of the growth in population growth between the years 1966 to 2006 and45% of physical development and physical growth of the city.

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