In this regard, this study aimed to identify the factors affecting social participation withan emphasis on neighborhood belonging sense in Nourabad Delfan. This wasdescriptive-analytical research. A questionnaire was used for collecting the data. UsingCochran formula, the sample size was estimated to be 384. Based on comprehensiveplan for 2011, the Nourabad was divided into 3 districts and 14 neighborhoods. Usingsimple random sampling method, 2 neighborhoods from each district and totally 6neighborhoods were selected as sample. The questionnaires were equally distributedamong participants in these neighborhoods. Then, the data were analyzed using SPSSsoftware. The findings showed that there was significant correlation betweendemographic variables (gender, age, education, occupation, income, and duration ofresidence in neighborhood) and willingness to participate. There was also a significantrelationship between sense of belonging to neighborhood, neighborhood security, andwillingness to participate; the sense of belonging to neighborhood makes peopleresponsible and ultimately, ready for participation.