Cardiorespiratory fitness tests have been always paramount and comprehensive evaluator for the different fitnesslevels. However, these are sophisticated techniques, time consuming, and usually expensive. Design andmanufacture of various sport equipments, especially in the field of cardiorespiratory fitness have exceptionalimportance. The aim of the present study was to design and manufacture a portable multifunction device forestimating the cardiorespiratory fitness for the Step Tests. 110 physically active young men (age: 18 to 22 years)have been chosen and divided into 11 experimental (Strand-Rhyming, Billi-Mirwald, Techomesh, Cotton, Queens,McArdle, East-Michigan, Hodkins-Scobik, OSU, YMCA, Harvard step test) groups and each group performed atest by the device. Microcontroller-based hardware was designed and programmed with the Basic language. In thisdevice, 11 different standard step test programs designed. In order to assess the agreement of the instrument duringthe different step tests, the estimated value obtained by the designed device and the routine method (manualprocedure and calculations). To assess the reliability of estimated values in different tests, the test-retest methodwas implemented. Results of statistical method using Bland-Altman and Intraclass Coefficient Correlation (ICC)showed that estimated cardiorespiratory fitness using designed device has very high agreement to the criterion(P≤0.001). According to the results, it can be concluded that designed multifunction device can be used as anaccurate portable alternative system for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness in Step Tests.