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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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It is my great pleasure and privilege to present to you the second issue of the Journal of Advanced SportTechnology (JAST). This new and peer-reviewed journal promises to make a significant impact upon thefield of sport technology. It is an international, open-access journal with a focus on cutting-edge findings inthis fast growing field of technology.JAST strives to quarterly publish the most recent articles in sport technology. Our goal is to provide thereader of JAST with a new, well-constructed, informative, and technological journal. I strongly encourageresearchers, industrial sector and universities to submit novel, innovative and scientific manuscripts tosupport the growing field of sport technology. If you wish to submit a manuscript or to view the journalhome page, please go to am grateful to the JAST motivated and qualified reviewers. I am eagerly looking forward to making JAST adistinguished and international journal in the field of sport technology.

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Cardiorespiratory fitness tests have been always paramount and comprehensive evaluator for the different fitnesslevels. However, these are sophisticated techniques, time consuming, and usually expensive. Design andmanufacture of various sport equipments, especially in the field of cardiorespiratory fitness have exceptionalimportance. The aim of the present study was to design and manufacture a portable multifunction device forestimating the cardiorespiratory fitness for the Step Tests. 110 physically active young men (age: 18 to 22 years)have been chosen and divided into 11 experimental (Strand-Rhyming, Billi-Mirwald, Techomesh, Cotton, Queens,McArdle, East-Michigan, Hodkins-Scobik, OSU, YMCA, Harvard step test) groups and each group performed atest by the device. Microcontroller-based hardware was designed and programmed with the Basic language. In thisdevice, 11 different standard step test programs designed. In order to assess the agreement of the instrument duringthe different step tests, the estimated value obtained by the designed device and the routine method (manualprocedure and calculations). To assess the reliability of estimated values in different tests, the test-retest methodwas implemented. Results of statistical method using Bland-Altman and Intraclass Coefficient Correlation (ICC)showed that estimated cardiorespiratory fitness using designed device has very high agreement to the criterion(P≤0.001). According to the results, it can be concluded that designed multifunction device can be used as anaccurate portable alternative system for estimating cardiorespiratory fitness in Step Tests.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the force of each component of the quadriceps muscles groupin different exercises and to determine the activity ratio of vastus medialis to vastus lateralis. For thispurpose, a 3-D model of the whole body was formed in the AnyBody Modeling System software. Thismodel that had muscle only in the legs was sitting on the chair and was performed knee extension.Muscular modeling in this study was achieved by using a simple model of the muscles. After creating anduploading model in the software, inverse dynamic analysis carried out, and the force and activity of eachquadriceps muscle component was obtained. The model was tested in three different conditions: (1) Notloading, (2) static training with maximum loading, (3) normal loading. Then the force and activity of eachquadriceps muscles were examined in gait test. To do this, walking in AnyBody model was used. In eachof these conditions, the force of each quadriceps muscle component and activity ratio of vastus medialisto vastus lateralis was calculated. According to the results, the rectus femoris muscle in not loading modehad the highest value (28%) in creating force. In the static, normal loading and walking conditions,vastus lateralis had the highest value in creating force that were 38%, 42% and 40%, respectively. Theactivity ratio of the vastus medialis to vastus lateralis in static training, normal loading and gait conditionswere 0.92, 0.85 and 0.87 respectively which in static training had the highest value. The results showedthat the force and activity charts of the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius hadexactly similar pattern and they were different from the force and activity charts of rectus femoris muscle.In total, it seems that the results are acceptable in some analysis and are not in accordance with previousresults in some others (i.e. not loading condition). Therefore, it is necessary to verify and assess theoutputs after modeling in this software.

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Introduction: Administration of proper tools and scientific approaches in sport talent identification willlead to rapid detection of sport talents for championships. These methods may prolong the duration ofathletic success as well as providing their maximum efficacy in worldwide competitions. Theinvestigations in this field are mostly based on defining effective parameters in talent identification ordetermining the norms of elite players.Objectives: The aim of this study is designing a smart model in volleyball talent identification based onmain and weighted criteria resulted from analytic hierarchy process of anthropometrical, biomechanical,psychological, physiological and technical variables based on fuzzy logic.Methods: In this investigation, important criteria were selected via analytic hierarchy process ofanthropometrical, biomechanical, psychological, physiological and technical variables. The norms of theelite volleyball players in the range of 14-16 years old in these variables were used throughout this study(as the comparison index). Thereafter, a smart model was designed based on fuzzy logic using MATLABsoftware.Results: The 14-16 years old volleyball player record in the previously mentioned variables wereconsider as input data After comparing these records with the norms of elites, the players werecategorized into different groups (output): Unmatched, Semi-matched, Matched, Brilliant and Rare.Discussion and Conclusion: The parameters including height and upper extremity length(anthropometrics), agility and power (biomechanics), self-confidence and motivation (psychology),special endurance (aerobic and anaerobic; physiology), spike and serve (techniques) were shown to be themain and weighted criteria by analytic hierarchy process. Our smart model analyzed these variables incomparison with elite norms and made a specific result of player’s talents. This model of talentidentification could be a reliable and useful method for selection of future volleyball stars in youngpopulation.

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Purpose: This study aimed to develop a device capable of converting human treadmill for the rat’sexercise space on with all the conditions of rodent’s treadmills, so that the cost of studies would bereduced.Technical and Experimental Information:Specification of the device :1)Running space: 15 × 52 × 10 cm. 2)50 v Shock panel separately for eachdevice. 3) The width of devise is 80 cm. 4) The length of devise is 60 cm. 5) Separate roof for each line.6) Adjustable to treadmills with different width. Twelve Wistar rats in three groups exercised on this newrodent’s treadmill in order to evaluate the performance of the device. To standardize rodent’s (or you canalways say rat’s treadmill) treadmill compartment, the device, in this study, were tested totally for 50hours and its problems were resolved, and as a result, a rat treadmill compartment was developed. Withrespect to the novelty of the device and design, researchers registered the device and obtained theinvention registry certificate from industrial Intellectual property center of Iran state organization forregistration of deeds and properties. (Registry number: 029656 A.89; date: 02.03.2014).Conclusion: The designed device can be placed on any human treadmill, and it is connected to the bodyof the treadmill due to the preserving Aluminum base installed on every four corner so the device canstand firm and stable. Based on the width of the device, it can have 3 to 5 lines, each of which benefitsfrom a separate roof and shock panel. All these conditions may provide a standard environment forexercising rat.

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Using treadmill and cycle ergometers are the best methods of endurance training and choosing besttraining intensity is very crucial in endurance exercise training. According to more than one decade of ourresearch experiences, it is possible to determine optimum personal training intensity based on estimationof person's anaerobic threshold. A hardware and software has been developed to monitor the heart rateand control the treadmill speed and slope. Software provided utilities to record the individual information(e.g. name, age, gender, weight and maximum and resting heart rate) and graphical curves of treadmill(speed, slope, work, power) and real-time heart rate. In this method, heart rate was used to draw the heartrate-time curve during an exhaustive graded maximal intensity exercise to find the best treadmill speedand slope in his/her anaerobic threshold. In this study, ten male athletes (19.3±1.7 years; 88.50±4.43 kg;182.0±3.7 cm) recruited. Validity and reliability of this method have been evaluated by gas analysis every5 seconds to determine anaerobic threshold and compare it with the Heart Rate Deflection Point (HRDP)calculated by the software on a standard Treadmill protocol during two sessions with one week rest.Bland-Altman and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) was used to find any agreement between thetwo methods and Test-Retest was used to prove the reliability of the method. There was a very highagreement between two methods (±1.96; 95% CI = -16.5 to +37.5 b/min) and calculate anaerobicthreshold had a positive and significant correlation (r=0.932; p<0.001). Feasibility of design a hardwareand software and validity and reliability of estimated individual anaerobic threshold ascertained. It is areasonably low price hardware and software recommendable to implement in future treadmillmanufacturing.

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The aim of this study was to assess the muscle architectural parameters in skill and non-skilled Karateplayers. Material and method: For this purpose 30 Karate players were assigned into skill (mean age of22.03 ± 1.25 years, mean height of 1.76 ± 3.47 m and mean weight of 63.0 ± 1.01 kg) and non-skilled(mean age of 20.08 ± 2.04 years, mean height of 1.73 ± 1.44 m and mean weight of 59.01 ± 3.25 kg)groups. Muscle thickness, pennation angle and fascicle length in 50%, 60% and 70% of biceps andtriceps length sites was measured using ultrasonography images. Independent t-test was used for dataanalysis.Result:The results of independent sample t-test showed there was a significant differences betweenMuscle thickness of triceps in skill and non-skilled Karate players (p0.05). There was also a significantdifferences between pennation angle of triceps in skill and non-skilled Karate players (p0.05). Otherresults of this study showed there was a significant differences between fascicle length of triceps and alsobetween muscle thicknesses of biceps in two groups (p0.05).Conclusion: it seems practicing karate at high levels can cause changes in muscle architecture parametersand with impress some parameters associated with length and muscle tension, provide areas forimproving motor function in karate special techniques.

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In recent years there has been a great advancement in molecular biology techniques, which enabled the researcheson influence of genetics on human performances in particular athletic performance. The role of genetic in sport hasbeen discussed and ethical issue is considerable for every one that uses this technology to enhance sportperformance. Talent identification, injury susceptibility and success in this field are the positive role but there ischallenge to detect gene cheating. This report is a big question for technology developer to understand the end ofthis field and preventing any abuse of science in gene doping.

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