In order to increase the strength of vehicles body as well as reduce the fuel consumption, usage of Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) as raw materials for producing car body parts has been increased significantly in the automotive industries during the recent years. From the other aspect, higher strength of these steel types in comparison to common deep drawing steels leads to higher contact pressure on tools faces (dies) and work pieces (steel sheets). This issue has caused lower tool life. Galling, as a state of adhesion corrosion, is one of the main reasons that increases the die maintenance costs and tool scrap rate. In this study, the galling wear of Peugeot 405 door production die has been investigated in which DC04 steel sheets are formed. Considering the international standard tests for galling wear and professional metal forming software, galling resistance of common deep drawing steels are compared with the advanced high strength steels. The effects of different parameters including chemical composition of sheet, heat treatments and rolling process, blank holder pressure, and hardness and roughness of die on galling wear are determined. At last, the proper solutions for decreasing the wear of the die including changing the chemical composition of initial blank, coating the forming tools, and changing blank holder pressure are proposed.