One of the hallmarks of any country's economic development is the completion of development plans optimally at the lowest cost and most profit. The goal of success in residential projects is to reduce costs and time, increase quality and customer satisfaction. The method of data collection was library-based. Then, by reviewing the research background and interviewing the contractors, the factors affecting the success of Mehr Housing Projects were investigated. Residents were also considered important factors in their view. This set of data was analyzed to determine the factors affecting the success of these projects and then the importance of each of these indicators and their correlation was shown in the success of these projects in order to develop a proposal for future housing projects such as Present a national action plan to achieve their success. Outputs from the statistical analysis of this study show that from the contractors' point of view, indicators such as project financing guidelines, labor supply, materials and machinery, senior management support, and project team members qualifications., The presence of responsible, experienced and expert people Employer idleness is more important in issuing approvals and approvals and enforcing contractual obligations. Also, from the point of view of residents, features such as timely delivery, consideration of project site conditions in natural disasters (floods, storms, etc. ) provide Making the necessary divisions, adapting the infrastructure to the family population, and ease of access are more important.