Industrial activities on the environment, have led to many environmental problems, including earth warming, destruction of ozone layer and increase of greenhouse gases. Manufacturing companies to stay in the market and also gain competitive advantage need to pay attention to environmental issues. Customer’ s request and also some government regulations, companies lead toward green supply chain management. The power industry in the world as on of the most important and main sector of the industry, as a stimulus to all other industries, play an important role in creating environmental problems. The main purpose of this research, indentifying effective factors in managing green supply chain management and then ranking of companies active in the green supply chain management. The case study and field of research is related to Mazandaran Electric Power Industry. First by reading literature and books, internal and external articles, 21 indicators were obtained to achieve green supply chain management, In the next step, With the help of questionnaires provided to experts and whit considering limitation's, We reached the 9 final criteria. These criteria were weighted by the method of the fuzzy hierarchy process analysis and using a pair comparison questionnaire that was provided to experts and the weight of each indicator was determined. The results showed that indicators, ability to finance, increasing the height of the power transmission towers and also use of renewable solar energy, respectively, had the highest weight and the rest of the indicators were ranked next. Eventually, with using the fuzzy topsis technique, we ranked the five active energy companies in the field of green supply chain management. The rankings of these companies are relative to their level of performance in fulfilling the criteria set out in the previous step and companies were prioritized according to weightlifting indicators.