Focused ion beam method (FIB), as one of the most powerful equipment, has a wide range application in the field of sample preparation, inspection and processing of equipment and machining in various fields such as semiconductors, metals, ceramics, polymers and life sciences. On the other hand, scanning electron microscopy is one of the strategic tools for advancing, analyzing and investigating researches especially in the nano fields. By studying morphology, topography, phase structures and chemical compounds, it can provide comprehensive information on the types of samples. Nowadays, in order to improve the efficiency, it is possible to investigation three-dimensional structures on the micro and nano scale, the possibility of studying on the site, the possibility of preparing sequential films and the ability to create images and control all the machining and preparation steps of the samples, a combination of these two techniques in the field of research, the technique of focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) has been presented. Due to the expansion of Nano scale research and industrial projects and the increasing need for advanced equipment to investigate and analyze them, the FIB-SEM technique, as one of the most fundamental diagnostic devices It is very important. Therefore, in this paper, the structure, function, and some of the applications of this technique are investigated.