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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The construction industry is a major water consumer using the main portion of potable water. Building structure system is one of the water consumption effective factors. It is important to select a structural system which not only has necessary structural features but also is optimum in water usage in construction phase. This paper intends to assess the optimum building structural system in terms of water consumption in the Yazd typical houses where is faced with water crisis. Therefore, first of all a typical house in Yazd with barrier wall system was selected while the water consumption of structure constructing was calculated by a quantitative method. Water consumption of material production process as well as water consumption during the construction process in the project site were included. Next, the structural system was redesigned through two other common systems in Yazd: concrete and steel system while water consumption was calculated again considering structural system is dependent on changes like dimensions of foundation, beams, columns and the thickness of the walls. The result of the calculations and studies shows barrier wall system uses less water among the other common systems in Yazd by decreasing use of steel. However, further survey of the LSF system as a dried system becoming popular in Yazd recently completed the conclusion that this system is the best in terms of water consumption in comparison with other common systems used in Yazd.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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There are many empty traditional homes in historic districts of Yazd while; the horizontal size of Yazd city is going to be bigger than past to provide new houses to people. So the question of research is to know about if existing old houses space programs have adaptability to be reused as contemporary habitations. In other word, would old houses be reused in these days? To evaluate this goal; the article tries to know about intersections and differences between those two kinds of residence space program. The research method which is descriptive-analytical divided in to two ways: deep observations and library survey. Also, the author as one of the dwellers of Yazd city during more than 15 years, in both ancient and new districts of Yazd, did her analytical descriptions. The study shows that space program of traditional homes contains three parts: open spaces, closed spaces and half-open spaces while new dwelling in Yazd, has just limited to closed spaces and personal open spaces and half-open ones have been deleted to some extent. Also, in traditional houses, there are spaces to do house working but new ones forgot doing work at homes. In addition, old houses had relation to neighbors but new kinds don’ t good relationship to neighbors. There are some strong points to traditional homes which are: quality in personal open spaces(yards) to gather family and they have affordance to do several activities in them. Instead, in flats, there are some strong points: stable structures, good security, suitable car access and coherent closed spaces. To avoid of gentrification, and to reach to sustainable rehabilitation of Yazd, and through knowing about two kinds of space program of houses in Yazd, and notice to have a culture of renovating homes to reuse as homes in past Yazd culture, it seems there is affordance in space program of traditional homes to accept and adapt to new life. But some conditions must be changed to do so which some of them are in micro decision and some of them are in macro scale. Some goal group are suggested to dwell in adapted traditional homes: young couples, university students who needs dormitory, province bosses, professors, noble and ancient families of Yazd who needs weekend homes to gather, foreign or Iranian tourists who needs hustles, … Reach to the aim, has two aspects: one of them needs people motivation and the other one needs motivation of decision makers in macro scale. Each of them must do their best in parallel way so that conditions could be better during the time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Society of Iran has experienced the passage era from traditional society to modern very fast and without creating the necessary infrastructure especially in the field of construction, therefore, to achieve a worthwhile construction must look at the latent patterns of the past constructing and attention to the cultural and social needs of the community today. The present article an attempt to Perceive “ arrangement the spaces of the house” with analytical model “ Space Syntax” and the main question of this article is that with study “ Spatial communication three periods houses Qajar, Pahlavi and Islamic Republic” with the method space syntax, how is the change in the arrangement spaces of the house. Though another study has been done in this area but this research is trying so according to model “ Space Syntax” this perception was achieved, because if this perception arranged in the form of an analytical model, will be achieved predictive fields possible behaviors in the desired spaces of the houses period Qajar, Pahlavi and the difference is with the houses period Islamic Republic. Research method in this article is descriptive – analytical that is done with a process of "component to whole" and use of softwares “ A-grath” and “ Depth map” . The research findings indicate that arrangement the spaces of the house has been persistent in the Qajar period until the early Pahlavi and the culture of society has an important role in shaping the spaces and how they are organized, but by changing the way of life and the appearance of modernity and lack of time to fit into the needs of the community was created an eclectic impression of the thoughts of other cultures. Therefore, a deep gap was created between the new samples made in this period with the previous samples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The combination of mass and open space is an integral part of any architectural space. However, it was addressed differently for different building types. Different levels of this combination is used in Iranian residential architecture based on necessity and need. Based on prior categorizations, we split Iranian traditional houses with one courtyard into four categories: houses which contain mass all around the courtyard, houses which contain mass on three sides of courtyard, houses which contain mass on two sides of courtyard, and houses which contain mass on only one side of courtyard. Given the fact that there was no prior studies on quantity and quality of privacy of such types in literature, we analyzed the spatial structure of these categories from privacy perspective. Our main purpose was to investigate influences of house configuration on private and public areas to provide visual privacy. A quantitative method and a descriptive data analysis were used in this research. Also we used the space syntax technique and other graphical analysis tools to help understanding the arrangement of Iranian house. Results showed that privacy, as one of the basic principles in Iranian – Islamic culture, was established in all types; however, there were some differences in its quantity and quality between different types of houses. In houses with higher levels of mass to open space ratio, the degree of privacy was increased and with lower levels it was decreased. There are different techniques to investigate different types, among which the interconnection techniques, depth, circularity, hierarchy, the angle of view, and appropriate location for space are often used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the history of art and architecture, there are various ways of classifying works to understanding them better. Occasionally they divide art events into different styles, sometimes into periods, schools, and movements. Each of these methods has its benefits and forms part of our understanding of the truth of architectural history. Style in the most general sense is the distinctive or distinctive patterns or attributes of a work or works that are entirely dependent on the work of art, and stylistics is a method of classifying works into a given context based on their similarities. The emerging fields of artistic work that lead to the formation of different styles are, in the traditionalist views, often the social and cultural context of the periods in different regions, within the framework of a tradition that is a collection of current facts and principles from a divine source. Given the fundamental differences between Islamic architecture as a part of traditional architecture and other types of architecture, its particular methodological style should be identified. The research is based on a fundamental goal and essence and the research method is content analysis, which, with an analytical-comparative view of traditionalists' views on style and stylistics, seeks to explain a model for Islamic architectural stylistics. A common feature of all Islamic architecture is the transcendental and extraterrestrial of its principles and content, but these principles, given the subjective experience of the period, when experiencing different historical periods or appearing in different geographical areas, depending on the subjective experience of past historical periods or the architectural and technical proficiency of those areas, they find their own form. Thus, the two variables of history and geography in different architectural applications as independent variables, are obtained the formal features and hence the recognition of the style of the works, from the shape data processing and the analysis of the effects of these two variables on the types of uses of Islamic architecture works can be possible. Now, historical stylistics based on the study and analysis of different types of architectural applications in different climates, in different historical periods, as well as geographical stylistics based on the analysis of different types of architectural applications in historical periods, occurs in various climatic and geographic regions. In fact, the common features of historical styles, geographical styles, and types of works styles reflect the stylistic characteristic of Islamic architecture and the differences in different historical, geographical and typical styles create the Islamic architecture stylistics based on history, geography and genre.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The archetype concepts have a special place in the framework structure of civic indicator works. The mosque allocated a main place to itself in the framework of Islamic architecture. The purpose of the current study is to compare the geometry of two indicated works of Iran and Ottoman civilization domain in warm and dry climate which based on the archetype knowledge concepts. The concepts of archetype that are the constructor of mental imagination of different symbols, hidden in the collective subconscious and can be analyzed in order to find the relationship between the geometry of two buildings according to comparative comparisons. From historical aspect the best mosques have been built in Isfahan during the Safavid period that Imam Mosques is one of the most important samples, at the same time in the Istanbul, Ottoman government made important mosques such as Suleymaniye Mosque. The content of this paper is qualitative, its base is historical-descriptive survey and the analytical-comparative approach with coding has used to collect the obtained information. The main question of research is the state of relationship between the geometry of Suleymaniye and Imam Mosques on the basis of archetype contents. For this purpose, the most important archetype symbolic concepts were identified first, then, studied and analyzed by axial coding in the mosque's spaces. The results show that one form of archetype transmitted to the studied mosques because it was identified to Safavid and Ottoman people and its continuity as a pre-accepted sacred form that despite appearance and underlying difference in Imam and Suleymaniye mosques’ geometric patterns, illustrates affinity and segregated dimensions of forms’ application. The continuity in the transmission of a ritual shape from pre-Islamic architecture to the Safavid and Ottoman periods and utilization of this tool in the structure of Imam and Sulaimaniye mosques, indicates the permanent presence of archetype patterns in the geometric pattern of mosques.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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