Extended Abstract: Islam is the second largest religion in the world in terms of the number of impersonators. The spread of Muslims around the world covers all continents, but what is known as the Islamic world and the Muslim-majority lands and countries include a vast expanse of space from the Atlantic coast to western China along the southern latitude to West-Northeast. Islamic lands in demographic, geographical, economic, geopolitical, geostrategic, geo-economics, geo-cultural, etc. dimensions have outstanding and almost privileged positions, and the utilization of these opportunities, power-building and empowerment resources are provided to Islamic countries and the Islamic world. It allows them to have far better conditions than in other parts of the world. But it is clear that the Islamic world, despite having the resources of power in terms of population, space and area, political power, military power, access to the three great oceans, routes and sea lanes, access to the four continents of the world, reserves The world's vast energy resources, fertile fields, freshwater resources, hydropower resources, important mineral resources, diverse climatic patterns, access to a variety of agricultural and horticultural products, etc, face many problems in various dimensions. Among all the features that can be mentioned for the Islamic world, it has several important features: "common threats against the Islamic world", "common religious and belief values", "common sense of Islamic identity", "common underdevelopment", "functional sharing in It is the "International Economy" and "the existence of regional convergent institutions", each of which can play an effective role in the convergence of the Islamic world. But one of the most important problems in the Islamic world is the domination of the atmosphere of tension, differences and divergences. This has exacerbated the problems of Muslims and is an important and influential component in the underdevelopment of Islamic countries. From the past decades and years, the need for unity and convergence in the Islamic world and between Muslim countries and nations has always been emphasized, but despite the measures taken in this regard, the problems remain. In fact, the situation of the Islamic world in terms of cohesion, unity and convergence is not in good condition for various reasons, and despite significant commonalities, differences and divergence in the Islamic world continue to seriously damage the convergence, progress and development of Muslim countries and nations. Just as various issues and problems are the cause of divergences in the Islamic world, on the contrary, there are appropriate capabilities and capacities in this geographical and human area that can provide a general outcome, the context of convergence, unity and behavioral cohesion of Muslim countries. The main purpose of this article is to identify and examine the most important capacities and capabilities available for the realization of convergence between Muslim countries and nations. So The present article seeks to examine and analyze the capabilities and capabilities of convergence in the Islamic world through a descriptive-analytical method and using library resources. The results of the studies show that the Islamic world, despite the divergences it faces, has significant capabilities and capacities, among which, in this article, some important capacities and capabilities in the Islamic world have been discussed. Threats to the Islamic world from these three sides of the threat are in the cultural and identity spheres, territorial integrity, independence, sovereignty, and so on. This issue can bring Islamic countries together to face serious threats and by creating a coherent mechanism in the field of cultural, security, political cooperation, etc. while repelling the threat, provide the ground for the unity of Islamic countries and societies. Many other nations that later embraced Islam also played a role in the development of this civilization, and during the process of its realization, nations became more civilized and developed. Therefore, unity and convergence, relying on common religious and doctrinal values, can continue to pave the way for the progress of the Islamic world. Accordingly, Muslims define themselves against other religious and cultural structures of the world and set mental and real boundaries between themselves and others (them). This issue has a very important and influential role in creating the convergence and unity of Muslims, and the component of feeling the common Islamic identity can be used as an important capacity and capability for convergence in the Islamic world. The situation of the Islamic world in terms of cohesion, unity and convergence is not in good condition for various reasons, and despite significant commonalities, differences and divergence in the Islamic world is still a serious blow to the convergence, progress and development of Muslim countries and nations. Just as various issues and problems are the cause of divergences in the Islamic world, on the contrary, there are appropriate capabilities and capacities in this geographical and human area that can provide a general outcome, the context of convergence, unity and behavioral cohesion of Muslim countries. Among all the features that can be mentioned for the Islamic world, it has several important features: "common threats against the Islamic world", "common religious and belief values", "common sense of Islamic identity", "common underdevelopment", "functional sharing in It is the "International Economy" and "the existence of regional convergent institutions", each of which can play an effective role in the convergence of the Islamic world. In general, given the divergences in the Islamic world and the need for this cultural-geographical structure to unite and converge between Muslim countries and nations, it is necessary for countries to emphasize the existing capacities and capabilities in order to achieve this. In this regard, the contexts that have been mentioned and analyzed are the effective and grounded capacities and capabilities in creating convergence in the Islamic world that can be considered and processed. In this regard, all those who are concerned about the convergence of the Islamic world, including civic and popular, governmental and governmental, elite and authoritarian, intellectual, institutional (political / social / cultural), and most importantly religious scholars of all Islamic religions, they have a decisive and important role.