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Because of inhibitory effect, selected probiotic lactobacilli may be used as biological preservative, so, the aim of this study was to present some data on lactobacillus as probiotic bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from sausage. Each isolate of lactobacillus species was identified by biochemical tests and comparing their sugar fermentation pattern. Antibacterial activities were done by an agar spot, well diffusion and blank disk method. Enzyme sensitivity of supernatant fluid and concentrated cell free culture after treatment with α-amylase, lysozyme and trypsin was determined. The isolated bacteria were Lacto. plantarum, Lacto delbruekii, Lacto. acidophilus, Lacto. brevis. The isolated bacteria had strong activity against indicator strains. The antibacterial activity was stable at 100°C for 10 min and at 56°C for 30 min, but activity was lost after autoclaving. The maximum production of plantaricin was obtained at 25 - 30°C at pH 6.5. Because, lactobacilli that used to process sausage fermentation are producing antimicrobial activity with heat stability bacteriocin, so, these bacteria may be considered to be a healthy probiotic diet. Lactobacilli originally isolated from meat products are the best condidates as probiotic bacteria to improve the microbiological safety of these foods.  

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The liver fluke Fasciola hepatica causes fascioliasis, a liver disease in most part of the world and particularly in north of Iran. Diagnosis of the diseases is anchored in coprological manner but serological methods are preferable due to some obscurities. In this study, sera obtained from human patients infected with Fasciola hepatica were tested by the enzymelinked immunotrotransfer blot (EITB) technique with the parasite s somatic and excretory-secretory (ES) antigens in order to evaluate the diagnostic potential of the assay. The study included sera from 40 patients infected with F. hepatica, 20 infected with hydatidosis, 6 with toxocariasis, 10 with strongyloidiasis, 10 with amoebiasis, 5 with malaria and 30 normal controls. By this assay, most pf the serum samples from humans with fascioliasis recognized two antigenic polypeptides of 27 and 29 kDa using both antigens. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for somatic antigen were 91.0%, 96.2%, 95.2% and 92.7% respectively, while these parameters as for ES antigen were 95.2%, 98.0%, 97.5% and 96.2%, correspondingly. Totally, two cases of reactions for the first antigen and one for the latter were verified. The study suggests that the 27 and 29 kDa bands for two antigens in EITB test could be considered for the immunodiagnosis of

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Mutations in the GJB2 gene encoding Connexin 26 (Cx26) protein are a major cause for autosomal recessive non syndromic and sporadic deafness in many populations. In this study we have investigated the prevalence of the GJB2 gene mutations using nested PCR pre screening strategy and direct sequencing method. Two hundred and sixty autosomal recessive non syndromic and sporadic deaf subjects from 199 families in two provinces of Iran (Gilan and Khorasan) were studied. Altogether 14 different genetic variants were identified from which 2 were novel variant (327delG+G109G and 431insC). Eight GJB2 mutations including 35delG, 235delC, W77X, R127H, M34T, V27I+E114G, L90P and delE120 were also found in 54 of 199 families (27%). Four polymorphysms V27I, S86T, V153I and G160S also were detected. Thirty two of 199 families were observed to have GJB2 mutations in both alleles (16%). The most common mutation was 35delG so that 43 out of 55 GJB2 mutations (78.2%) contained 35delG mutation.

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Improving the soil quality with organic matter content and presence of elements such as N, P and K are some of sewage sludge benefits. Adjusting carbonaceous materials such as plant wastes to dewatered sludge compost increases its moisture and improves C/N ratio. So dewatered sludge has low C/N ratio and should be mixed with bulking agents. This study was performed in a three months period of the year 2002, in laboratory of Chemistry of Water and Wastewater in the School of Public Health of Isfahan University of Medical Science, to determine the C/N ratio and heavy metals concentration of bulking agents in sawdust, leaves, rice hulls and dewatered sewage sludge. The results showed that concentration of chromium and cadmium in the mixture of dewatered sewage sludge and bulking agents was lower than the standard level. Means of cobalt(115.44 mg/kg),nickel(57.44 mg/kg)and zinc(273.48 mg/kg) concentrations were maximum in dewatered sludge but mean concentration of cobalt (25.66 mg/kg) in rice hull samples and mean zinc( 8.99 mg/kg) and nickel (5.106 mg/kg) concentrations in sawdust samples were minimum. The optimal conditions sewage sludge composting, each kilogram of sludge needs 350 grams of saw dust, 470 grams of leaves and 388 grams of rice hull. Amount of heavy metals present in the bulking agents is lower than the amount mentioned for the compost.

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The musculoskeletal disorders cover a large percent of occupational diseases; therefore, in order to protect workers from such disorders, there is a need to evaluate workers positions at work in different industries. In a major furniture manufacture located in Tehran, 500 workers were examined. These workers were divided into fourteen working groups, including production lines of water-heater, air condition, electromotor production line, dunnage making hall, plastic hall, smithery, restaurant, store, engineers and supervisors, facilities, transportation, assembly of absorptive refrigerator and drivers. The results from Nordic Questionnaire and performing the evaluation method showed that, there was a significant relevance between outbreak of back pain and workgroups (P=0.005) and between the outbreak of pain in neck and workgroup as well. A significant relevance of P=0.005 indicating that, the working in the above mentioned work-place causes pain in both back and neck. Between other parts of the body and workgroup no significant relevance observed. Among workgroups, there was a significant relevance between the water-heater production line (P<0.005) and pain in the back, and there was also a significant relevance among the work in air–conditioning production line and the plastic injection (P=0.002), causing pain in the neck. The results from Quick Exposure Check (QEC) in one hundred working posture have shown that 10% of them fall into first and second level and 90% of them were categorized in third and forth levels.

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Amoebiasis is one of the most important human diseases in many countries especially in tropical and sub-tropical regions. This study was carried out from August 1999 to February 2002 in order to determine the ratio of Entamoeba histolytica / Entamoeba dispar in some regions of Iran. A total of 16,592 stool samples were randomly collected from different agegroups in central, northern and southern Iran both from urban and rural areas. The samples were examined by direct and formalin-ether concentration methods. Two hundred and twenty six samples (1.36%) were positive for E. histolytica/E. dispar cyst (C.I = 1.18-1.54%). The prevalence of infection with E. histolytica/E. dispar was 0.78%, 3.9% and 4.6% for central, northern and southern part of Iran, respectively. The minimum rate of prevalence was 0.6% in Tehran, Yazd and Ardekan (central Iran), while the highest rate (8.3%) was seen in rural areas of Ahwaz (southern Iran).The study showed that ratio of E. histolytica /E. dispar was higher in southern regions (tropical and subtropical) than other regions. It seems that more sanitary facilities and health trainings are needed in different parts of the country, especially in southern Iran, where the rate of infection is high.

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In this article a very brief history of violence against women in domestic settings is developed. On the whole, 18 Focus group discussion (FGD) (including 4 pilot FGDs), were conducted in southern part of Teheran Capital of Iran among different groups of people (literate, illiterate, married, unmarried, male, female). Further, 30 individual interviews conducted with violence and family affaire experts such as police, forensic medicine experts, psychologists, social-workers, authorities, judges, and sociologists. Findings demonstrated a very traditional problem-solving approach to violence and violence-based issues. Moreover, violence is sometimes justified by natural superiority of men to women. It is also considered as a necessity for some purposes and therefore, it is accepted and may continue to exist among families and community for coming years. Public and private spheres are almost genderly divided and formal institutions and organizations are tried to be kept away from family violence related issues. This is mainly because of a belief that domestic violence belongs to private sphere rather than public one.

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Limited studies have been made on the cercariae from freshwater snails in Iran. This study was conducted to determine the cercariae fauna of Bellamya (Viviparus) bengalensis and evaluation of their zoonotic importance in Khuzestan province, south-west of Iran. For this purpose, 1143 Bellamya snails were collected from Ahoudasht region in central areas of the province during 2002-2003. Bellamya snails were examined for cercariae with shedding or crushing methods, and identified by systematic key references. Findings showed that 5(0.4%) Bellamya snails were infected with Xiphidiocercariae belonging to Plagiorchiidae helminth parasites. The zoonotic importance of these cercariae and life cycle of Plagiorchiidae helminth (Trematode) parasites are discussed.

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Sepsis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates. The most common pathogens of bacterial sepsis and antibiotic sensitivity patterns vary in different parts of the world. The aim of this study was to determine the most common pathogens and outcome of neonatal sepsis and also antibiotic sensitivity patterns of Klebsiella species. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out. The study was performed at a neonatal care unit in Kashan between October 2000 to October 2003.Only those neonates with positive blood culture were included. Patients with Klebsiella septicemia were categorized into two groups of early and late-onset sepsis. Patterns of the antibiotic resistance of the bacterial isolates were studied by disc diffusion technique. Frequencies and Fisher’s Exact test was used to compare the early-onset outcome versus late –onset outcome. One hundred and thirty –six neonates had positive blood cultures out of 453 cases. The most common pathogens were Pseudomonas, Klebsiella and coagulase negative Staphylococci respectively. Overall crude mortality rate was 39% (Pseudomonas was the predominant cause). All Klebsiella species were resistant to ampicillin. Twenty-three percent of Klebsiella species were multiresistant considering our most common etiologic pathogens of bacterial sepsis and the significant number of resistant bacteria to ampicillin and gentamicin; it seems prudent to consider revising the present choice of empirical antibiotic treatment.

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Membrane technology is used to separate water or solvents from salts or pollutants. This technique could be used for water treatment. For using of Polyether sulfone (PES) hollow fiber membranes in water treatment processes, the PES hollow fiber membranes were prepared by dry-wet spinning method and heated in an oven at: 120°C, 150°C and 180°C. The effect of heating on performance of membranes was investigated in a test module with five hollow fibers, each 15 cm long, were potted at both ends with epoxy glue. Then polyethylen glycol (PEG) and polyethylen oxide (PEO) with different molecular weights were passed through hollow fibers. It was found that the membrane shrank by heating, which was evidenced by the reduction in flux and increase in solute separation. The best results were obtained when the hollow fibers were heated at 150°C. A further investigation was made on the effect of heating period, while the temperature was fixed to 150 °C. It was found that heating period affected membrane performance only little.

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Fibrillin is a large glycoprotein synthesized in the tissues involved in Marfan syndrome, and known to be involved in tissue elasticity. The syndrome is corresponded to fbn1 gene and is characterized by cardiovascular, ocular, and skeletal abnormalities. N-terminus of fibrillin 1 binds to microfibril-associated glycoprotein 1 (MAGP-1) in a calcium-dependent manner. In this study, the amino acid sequence of fibrillin protein of a patient with Marfan syndrome (accession No. XM- 034890) has been compared to the amino acid sequence of normal fibrillin (accession No. P-35555). In this patient, mutations causing a Gly (267) to Thr and Tyr (532) to Cys amino acids changes have been occurred. Method of Garnier was used to predict the secondary structure of the proteins and probable N-glycosylation sites were searched. Results of these analyses show no significant structural difference between the mutant and normal fibrillin proteins. Although in some cases characterization of the binding requirements has shown that a folded, secondary structure of fibrillin was necessary for binding, our results are in agreement with those findings that at least in some cases, fibrillin gene defects are not sole determinants of Marfan phenotype.

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Trichomoniasis, a worldwide prevalent infection, is a perfect example of interplay between the infecting parasite and the host, on which the presentation of disease depends. To study the pathogenesis, animal model is required for establishment of infection. In this study, by using strains of Trichomonas vaginalis isolated from vaginal swabs and/or urine samples and maintained in axenic form from 10 symptomatic and 10 asymptomatic female patients, the infections in BALB/c mice have been evaluated. Based on parasitic load, experimental peak infection in vagina of estradiol and L. acidophilus treated female BALB/c mice was observable on 5th post infection day. This was significantly higher in mice infected with isolates from symptomatic patients in comparison to the other group. Gradual increase up to day 5 followed by decline in parasites, polymorphs and vaginal epithelial cells was observed in mice infected with isolates from symptomatic subjects in contrast to mice infected with asymptomatic patients’ isolates or control animals at all time intervals.

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