One of the image processing applications is feature extraction for recognition purposes. Due to the fact that neonate has been in amniotic fluid inside mother's uterus at least for six month, upon birth, would have no fingerprints recognizable. So to clearly recognize a neonate, footprint pattern can be used. This pattern consists of lines in different directions and in some position contains cross lines. In this paper, for each right footprint image of neonate, these lines after brightening, by using Radon Transformation would be recognized and with clustering in the Radon space, lines with higher value would be selected and then in spatial space it would be back projected along with initial brightened image. At the end, by using Eucleadin distance of points according to lines in the Radon space an unknown image among the existing images in the bank would be recognized. To the best knowledge of the authors, this research is first being carried out on neonate footprint and usage of some new algorithms of feature extraction, this proposed method can be used by relevant institute for recognition.