Abdallah Javadi Amoli is one of the contemporary thinkers who has been an expert in many different fields of humanistic-Islamic sciences, including political kalam. His scientific personality is worthy of analysis due to his relative comprehensiveness in theology, the processing of political kalam issues, and his entry into practical and theoretical politics in the realm of religious scholars. If we divide the knowledge-value currents into those in favor and against competitors, then in response to the question of the influential currents in favor, the hypothesis with the analytical-descriptive methodand Based on Skinner's hermeneutic framework and the subject of his mental contexts, it is based on the fact that the three streams of knowledge, Transcendent philosophy and Islamic philosophy, jurisprudence, and Quranicism, have been influential on Javadi Amoli's political kalam as a part of his mental contexts and formative of his political kalam. The influence of the subject of gradation of existence in the Transcendent philosophy and its reflection in issues such as the caliphate of man, Siraj and the discoverer of reason and the rule of the Sharia and its effect on political legitimacy and the preference of the majority vote over the minority; The impact of traditional and dynamic Tafaqquh in the sense of comprehensive theology on the type of reasoning in the subject of treaties and the indeterminacy of the Sharia of Wilayat al-Faqih and...; Also, the Qur'an as an interpretive method and not as a religious source; The "actual" and not absolute validity of the interpretation of the Qur'an by the Qur'an and its precedence over the Infallibles’ words and its impact on the analysis of human caliphate, human dignity, justice, and pluralism are among the findings of the research. Based on this, Javadi Amoli's political kalam is based on the duality of ʹAql and Naql and not Aql and Din based on comprehensive theology, comprehensive jurisprudence, and supremacy of Qur'anic attitude, which is reflected in the system of political and theological issues.