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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Biofiltration has shown to be a promising technique for handling malodours arising from process industries. The present investigation pertains to the removal of hydrogen sulphide in a lab scale biofilter packed with biomedia, encapsulated by sodium alginate and poly vinyl alcohol. The experimental data obtained under both steady state and shock loaded conditions were modelled using the basic principles of artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks are powerful data driven modelling tools which has the potential to approximate and interpret complex input/output relationships based on the given sets of data matrix. A predictive computerised approach has been proposed to predict the performance parameters namely, removal efficiency and elimination capacity using inlet concentration, loading rate, flow rate and pressure drop as the input parameters to the artificial neural network model. Earlier, experiments from continuous operation in the biofilter showed removal efficiencies from 50 to 100% at inlet loading rates varying up to 13 g H2S/m3h. The internal network parameter of the artificial neural network model during simulation was selected using the 2k factorial design and the best network topology for the model was thus estimated. The results showed that a multilayer network (4-4-2) with a back propagation algorithm was able to predict biofilter performance effectively with R2 values of 0.9157 and 0.9965 for removal efficiency and elimination capacity in the test data. The proposed artificial neural network model for biofilter operation could be used as a potential alternative for knowledge based models through proper training and testing of the state variables.

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Underground railway systems, can generate heat from their operations to raise the temperatures of carriages and the station substantially. This may lead to passenger discomfort and complain especially in warm weather conditions that prevail in Tehran if underground environment is not cooled. Transportation air conditioning Committee of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and air-conditioning Engineers proposed the Relative Warmth Index for thermal comfort design and investigation in subway environment. In this research, thermal comfort at Tehran metro stations and carriages of lines 1 and 2 has been studied using this index. The measurements were taken during two periods of September 2006 and July 2007 at different zones of stations. For this purpose, temperature, relative humidity and air velocity were measured at different times. The status of the air-conditioning systems together with passenger traffic was also recorded. A total number of 231 measurements including 114 and 117 measurements were carried out in September 2006 and in July 2007 respectively. The measurements in September 2006 did not exceed the thermal limit. However, it did exceed in July 2007. In comparison, with thermal comfort level of metros all over the world, Tehran Metro stands in an acceptable condition, while the maximum capacity of air-conditioning systems was not used, if so the thermal comfort condition would be better.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the treatment efficiency of a gravel contact oxidation treatment system which was newly constructed under the riverbed of Nan-men Stream located at the Shin Chu City of Taiwan. The influent and effluent water samples were taken periodically for the analyses of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, five-day biological oxygen demand, NH4+-N. The results showed that the average removal rates of five-day biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids and NH4+-N were 33.6% (between -6.7% and 82.1%), 56.3% (between -83.0% and 93.4%) and 10.7% (between -13.0% and 83.3%), respectively. The calculated mean first order reaction rate constant for five-day biological oxygen demand was 4.58/day with a standard deviation of 4.07/day and for NH4+-N was 2.15/day with a standard deviation of 5.68/day. Therefore, it could be said that this gravel-contact-oxidation system could effectively remove biological oxygen demand, total suspended solids, and NH4+-N in river water at a relatively short hydraulic retention time, although its pollutant treatment efficiency was not quite stable. However, to reach better or more stable treatment efficiency, aeration might sometimes be necessary to increase the dissolved oxygen in influent river water. And, longer hydraulic retention time of the system might also be required to increase NH4+-N removal efficiency.

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    3 (19)
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While transesterification is well established, there remain considerable inefficiencies in existing transesterification processes. In this study an alternative energy stimulant, ‘‘microwave irradiation’’ was used for the production of the alternative energy source, biodiesel. The optimum parametric conditions obtained from the conventional technique were applied using microwave irradiation in order to compare both systems. The results showed that application of radio frequency microwave energy offers a fast, easy route to this valuable biofuel with advantages of enhancing the reaction rate and improving the separation process. The methodology allows for the use of high free fatty acid content feedstock, including used cooking oil; hence it helps to reduce the cost of production which constitutes a major hurdle towards widespread commercialization of biodiesel. The study also showed that the optimum reaction time for microwave-enhanced biodiesel production should be highly respected. Exceeding the optimum reaction time will lead to deterioration of both biodiesel yield and purity. This paper also reported the performance and exhaust emissions from a diesel engine when fuelled with a petroleum diesel fuel and two different biodiesel fuels; one obtained by the conventional technique and the other by microwave irradiation. It was concluded that microwave-enhanced biodiesel is not, at least, inferior to that produced by the conventional technique.

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    3 (19)
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The release of the wastes containing polybrominated diphenyl ethers into the environment is a worldwide major concern. Investigation of spatial and temporal variations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers concentrations due to different factors, especially the transport of these species between air and water as well as between air and soil is the purpose of present research. A model was developed and solved using the methods of finite difference and lines. Simulations were implemented for three dimensions of width, length, and height and also time for the air compartment, whereas for the soil and water compartments, variations were considered only with respect to height and time. Transport between water and soil was disregarded for simplicity at this stage. Vancouver’s landfill was considered as a case study. Lower concentrations in air and higher concentrations in water at the interface show that these pollutants tend to diffuse from air to water. Concentrations of all four pollutants decrease near the interface in soil as time passes, but they are predicted to be almost constant at other levels.

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    3 (19)
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The growing trend of industrialization has marked impact on the atmospheric chemistry around the globe. Such impacts are also predicted for developing countries like India. Acid precipitation due to secondary pollutants is one of them. The present investigation was conducted with an aim of studying the precipitation chemistry over Asansol city, India during the monsoon season. The rain water samples, collected on event basis during the period of June to September 2006, were analyzed for HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-, NH4+, K+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and pH using standard procedures. The study revealed that the precipitation was alkaline in nature with mean pH value of 6.08. Dominant anion in rain water samples was HCO3- (36 %), whereas Ca2+ was highest among the cations (53 %). The observed acidic events, based on pH value, were only 17%, indicating the alkaline components effectively neutralize rain water over the area. This was also supported by the total alkaline to acid ion ration of 1.05. The ratio of (NO3-+Cl-) and SO42- was>1, indicating that acidic properties were influenced by HNO3 and HCl. In the ratio between (Ca2++NH4+) and (NO3-+SO42-), values>1 were obtained, indicating significant alkaline influence, which effectively prevented acid depositions in the area.

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    3 (19)
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In this paper, the Centralized Return Centers location evaluation problem in a reverse logistics network is investigated. This problem is solved via an integrated analytic network process- fuzzy technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution approach. Analytic network process allows us to evaluate criteria preferences while considering interdependence between them. On the other hand, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution decreases the number of computational steps compared to simple analytic network process evaluation. An important characteristic of the centralized return centers location evaluation problem, vagueness, is adapted to the methodology via the usage of fuzzy numbers in the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution approach. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the usefulness of the methodology. The results indicate that, this integrated multi-criteria decision making methodology is suitable for the decision making problems that needs considering multiple criteria conflicting each other. Also, by using this methodology, the interdependences between the criteria may be considered for these kinds of problems in a flexible and systematic manner.

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The removal of volatile organic compounds from biological treatment processes occurs through several mechanisms. These include biodegradation, adsorption onto solids, and air stripping or volatilization to the atmosphere. Volatilization results in fugitive emissions to the atmosphere, which is largely uncontrolled. Recent regulations have called for increased evaluation and control of inadvertent volatile organic compounds emissions from treatment processes. The use oxygen as a parallel volatile compound is extremely useful for prediction of volatile organic compounds removal by air stripping. In this study, the simultaneous biodegradation and air stripping of volatile organic compounds, based on steady state mass balance are examined and a general approach to estimating the dominant removal mechanism is developed. A Monte Carlo simulation technique was used to estimate air stripping over a wide range of operating conditions. Several volatile organic compounds were selected for this study. The results showed the values drived from the model correspond with the experimental data for benzene, toluene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, and methyl isobutyl ketone.

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    3 (19)
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The Maknassy basin in central Tunisia receives insignificant precipitation (207 mm/y), but the hydrological system retain very small quantities of water due to the steep topography and surface water resource partially mobilised witch is evacuated toward the basin outlet. However, the Maknassy plain support agriculture based on ground water irrigation with increasing water demand last decades. These developments have boosted agricultural productivity in the region. While these problems are mainly due to poor surface water management strategies in the region, the groundwater resources in this basin should be properly assessed and suitable measures taken for uniform surface water mobilization. As a first step in this direction, groundwater resources have been assessed. Regional specific yield (0.017) and groundwater recharge have been estimated on the basis of water table fluctuation method. Groundwater recharge amounting to 61.5 106 m3 in a year takes place in the region through infiltration of rainwater (48.1*106 m3 for phreatic aquifer and 13.4*106 m3 for the deep one), and recharge due to the infiltration in the Leben quady bed (1.57*106 m3). Recharge to deeper aquifers has been estimated at 0.1*106 m3 during dry seasons. Assuming that at least 40 % (102.61*106 m3) of the total precipitation water (256.64*106 m3) makes the runoff water, this important resource can be mobilized in order to increase groundwater recharge. Subject to an arid climate, such region requires an integrated water resource management. It permits to keep aquiferous system equilibrium and participate to the sustainable development which integrates natural resource management.

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ZHU T. | LI J. | JIN Y. | LIANG Y. | MA G.

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    3 (19)
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Plasma technology has some shortcomings, such as higher energy consumption and byproducts produced in the reaction process. However non-thermal plasma associated with catalyst can resolve these problems. Therefore this kind of technology was paied more and more attention to treat waste gas. A hybrid system comprising a non-thermal plasma reactor and nanometer titanium dioxide catalyst was used for benzene removal in the air. The paper described the synergistic effect of ozone and photocatalyst in the plasma reactor. Except of electric field strength, humidity and flow velocity, the synergistic behavior of ozone and photocatalyst was tested. The removal efficiency of benzene reaches nearly 99% when benzene concentration is 600 mg/m3, and the removal efficiency of benzene also reaches above 90% when benzene concentration is 1500 mg/m3. The plasma reactor packed with photocatalyst shows a better selectivity of carbon dioxide than that without photocatalyst. The final products is mostly carbon dioxide, water and a small quantity of carbon monoxide.

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Microbially produced lipopeptide have been isolated and studied for microbial enhanced oil recovery. About 60 gram positive bacteria isolated from soil contaminated with crude oil, near the crude oil storage tank in Tehran Refinery, Tehran, Iran. However, most of these studies have produced lipopeptide by one of the pure-culture microbes isolated in a laboratory. Among the isolates, heamolytic tests revealed two biosurfactant producers. The isolated strains were designated as C2, E1. By using morphological, biochemical and molecular biology tests (16 SrRNA), the strains identified as Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtitlis, respectively. Emulsification activity and measurement of surface tension indicated that, the isolates were high producers of biosurfactant. The product of C2 and E1 is mainly lipopeptide. This product reduce surface tension from 65 to 30 mN/m. Emulsified activity of crude oil was 92% for C2 and 90 % in case of E1. This is the first report of indigenous Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis from a soil contaminated with oil in an Iranian refinery with ability to produce biosurfactant.

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Trans esterification of three vegetable oils, sunflower oil, linseed oil and mixed oils as; sunflowersoyabean and olein were carried out using methanol, and potasium hydroxide as catalyst. The methyl esters of the corresponding oils were separated from the crude glycerol and characterized by physical-chemical methods to evaluate their thermal properties. This methods are determination of densities, cloud points, pour points, flash points, kinematic viscosities, hydrogen/carbon ratios, sulfur contents, ash contents and triglycerides. The physico-chemical characteristic of biodiesel treated with ozone showed improvement of pour point and flash point indicating higher degree of safety for fuel. Methyl esters mixed with their corresponding ozonated oil were subjected to comparison and evaluation for their thermal properties by the thermo gravimetric analysis differential thermal analysis from which the calculated heat of enthalpy and comparison with the heat of conventional diesel. The results showed that the oxygen content of biodiesel samples treated with ozone increased weight % and resulted in more extensive chemical reaction, promoted combustion characteristics and less carbon residue was produced. Gas chromatography appeared more suitable to address the problem of determining/verifying biodiesel methyl ester and showed that methyl ester content was impurity free. Ultra violet-detection was used for rapid quantization of triglycerols. From the analyses performed biodiesel treated with ozone modified the thermal and oxidative stability shown by the high combustion efficiency indicated by the high heat of enthalpy and reducing the emission of particulate matter.

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Dyestuffs removal from industrial wastewater requires special advanced technologies, since dyes are usually difficult to remove by biological methods. In this study nanofiltration process was used for removal of different dyestuffs from solutions. The rate of dye removal by spiral wound nanofiltration membrane in film thin composite MWCO=90 Dalton, was evaluated for four classes of dyes acidic, disperse, reactive and direct in red and blue dyes medium. Dye absorbance was measured by spectrophotometric method (2120 Standard Method 1998). Effects of feed concentration, pressure and total dissolved solids concentration were also studied. Results showed that increasing dye concentration lead to higher color removal up to 98% and at different pressures for acidic and reactive blue were up to 99.7%. Different types of dyes had no effect on dye removal and permeate flux. During 2 h.of the operation time, permeate flux decline was increased. Permeate fluxes for different types of red dyes were from 16.6 to 12.6 (L/m2/h.) and for blue dyes were from 16.6 to 10.45 (L/m2/h.). Presence of sodium chloride in dye solutions increased dye rejections nearby 100 %. Chemical oxygen demand removal efficiencies for reactive blue, disperse blue, direct and disperse red dyes were also approximately 100%.

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The effects of heavy metals on soil microbial processes were investigated over a period of six weeks. Analytical grade (Sigma) sulphate salts of copper, zinc and nickel were added individually and in combinations to soil samples and incubated in different plastic pots. Samples were taken from the pots forthnightly and the rates of microbial carbon and nitrogen mineralization, microbial biomass carbon and respiration were measured. The results showed the effect of metals on the measured parameters were significant (P<0.05). By the 6th week postreatment, the rates of carbon accumulated were high in the copper (6.03%) and copper:zinc (5.80 %) treatments but low in the nickel and zinc (4.93% and 5.02% respectively). The rates of nitrogen mineralization were 0.41 and 0.44 % in samples treated with copper and copper: zinc compared to 0.22%-0.24% obtained at the beginning of the experiments. Soil microbial biomass carbon declined from average value of 183.7–185.6mg/g before treatment to as low as 100.8 and 124.6mg/g in samples treated with copper:zinc and copper respectively. The rate of respiration of the soil microbial populations was equally inhibited by the metals. From an average rate of 2.51-2.56mg of C/g respiration of the soil microbes declined to 0.98, 1.08 and 1.61mg of C/g in the copper:zinc, copper and zinc treated soils by the end of the experiment. The results suggest additive or synergistic effects of the metals.

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This paper outlines the results of a study recently carried out on the western coast of the Sestri Levante peninsula (Eastern Liguria - Italy), aiming to assess the effects of newly accomplished defensive measures against coastal erosion: the accretion of the beach with natural sand and its protection with artificial structures orthogonal and parallel to the shoreline. Through conventional and more innovative methodologies (respectively single beam echo sounders and global positioning system) the research work has resulted in a new evaluation of the morphological, bathymetric and sedimentological features that make up this shoreline and its volumetrical change over the century. The survey and the research carried out on the studied area have enabled us to give a more detailed picture of the evolution of the littoral, to assess the possible use of “non-traditional” techniques of beach development monitoring, to evaluate the volumetric variations of the emerged and submerged beaches, to establish the sedimentological activity of the beach after the latest nourishment measures, and finally, to verify the effectiveness of the protection measures implemented on this coastline. The acquired data have been stored in the database and a geographic information system has been used to process, analyze, and evaluate the results. The main findings show that the latest intervention has brought about a new phase in the evolution of the coastline, giving rise to a new pseudo-balanced condition. The re-distribution of materials used for the beach nourishment, leads us to believe that the defence underwater barrier has only partially worked. The main conclusion for a correct coastal zone management underline the necessity to plan local and more wide monitoring during at least 8-10 consecutive years.

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In this study, the degradation of novaluron (benzoylphenyl urea insect gr owth regulator) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions in clay loam alluvial and coastal saline soils of West Bengal, India. The application rates were field rate (FR); 2FR and 10FR. The incubation study was carried out at 30oC and 60% of maximum water holding capacity of both the soils. Degradation of novaluron in both the soils followed first order reaction kinetics at all application rates under non-sterile and sterile conditions. The half-lives of novaluron in non-sterilized soils ranged from 17.0–17.8 days (alluvial soil) and 11.4–12.7 days (coastal saline soil), while the values in case of the sterilized soils were 53.7–59.0 days (alluvial soil) and 28.9–29.8 days (coastal saline soil) respectively. The novaluron degradation patterns were found to be highly influenced by soil types, application rates, and biotic abiotic factors. Abiotic factors strongly influenced novaluron degradation in both the soils. Biotic degradation was higher in alluvial soil compared to the coastal saline soil.

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