Background: Two protocols of AAPM TG-51 and IAEA TRS-398 were compared followed by a measurement and Monte Carlo simulation of beam quality correction factor, KQ, AAPM TG-51 and IAEA TRS-398 protocols were compared for the absorbed dose to water for DW, and KQ parameters. Materials and Methods: Dose measurements by either protocols were performed with cylindrical and plane parallel chambers for 6 and 18 MV photons, and 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 MeV electron clinical beams were traced to the calibration factor of Iranian secondary standard dosimetry laboratory. MCNP-4C simulation of depth doses, beam profiles and KQ factors were validated typically for 18 MV and 12 MeV beams by experimental measurements.Results: The differences between simulation and measurements were 0.07% for beam profile, -2.60% and 1.19% for 12 MeV build up and linear portion of the depth dose curve, respectively. The figures of merit for 18 MV were about -4.17%, - 1.62% and 0.38%. The differences of KQ's between simulation and measurement of 12 MeV, and 18 MV beams for TG-51 were -0.194% and 0.169%, and for TRS-398, they were about -0.465% and 0.097%, respectively.Conclusion: These differences between the two dosimetry protocols (IAEA TRS-398 & AAPM TG-51) from the point of absolute dosimetry were not significant at least when they were used under the same calibration procedure. The good agreement between Monte Carlo and measurement may also be even more important regarding the contribution into the development of radiotherapy treatment planning system, based on Monte Carlo procedures.