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Aluminum is an important voltage sensitive calcium channels blocker and enter the body from different sources. This ion interferes with biological function of calcium ion. Because GnRH synthesis and secretion from brain nucleus dependent on calcium ion, this experiment was performed to study the effect of aluminum on male rat's sex hormones. The experiment was performed on foure groups of male rats, that the lateral ventricle were cannulated by sterotaxic surgery. Test group received 5.5 μmol ACSF containing 4.125 Рmol Aluminum in lateral ventricle for 20 days. Two series of these animals after cannulation received the same volume of ACSF with pH=7.2 and 3.4. The shame control animals did not received any agent after cannulation. At the end of experiment, animals were anesthetised with nesdonal (sodium thiopental) over dose and sacrified and blood samples were collected the vas deferense, epididymis and testis were removed and weighted. Epididymis and vas deferense were dissected, cut and diluted with normal saline. Spermatozoid was counted by hemocytometer and count was justified per gram of tissues. The sex hormones were measured by RI method. Statistic test was student t-test and the results are expressed as mean ± SE and P <0.05 were significant. Results show that sex hormone and spermatozoid concentration per gram of tissues in vas deferense, epididymis and testis weight in the group which received Aluminum in lateral ventricle decreased significantly compared with shame control. These result indicated that Aluminum injection in rat's lateral ventricle can affect on sex hormones and Spermatozoid concentration per gram of these tissues and the weight of these organs, testis and the weight of these animals. Further studies will probably show the exact mechanism of Aluminum ion on sex hormone.

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Human immunodeficiency (HIV) and hepatitis B (HIB) viruses are two distinct viruses that share mode of transmission and risk factors. To assess the seroprevalence of HIV, hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg) and their co-infection among pregnant women in Anambra State, Nigeria. Sera samples from 1120 pregnant women aged 16-50 years attending ante-natal clinics in Awka between July, 2002 and July, 2003 were tested for HIV I and HIV2 and HbsAg. Ninety-sex(8.6%) of the women were seropositive for HIV, 104(9.3%) for HbsAg and 8(0.7%) for both HIV and HbsAg. The 96 HIV seropositives, 83(86.5%) were positive for HIV-1, 12(12.5%) for HIV-2 and 1(1.0%) for both HIV-1 & 2. Significant infection rates for HIV, HBV and HIV/HBV co-infection were associated with age groups; 16-20 years and 21-30 years, marital status and occupation of the subjects. The prevalence rates of the infections were inversely associated with increase in educational status. In conclusion both HIV and HBV are endemic in Nigeria and comutive testing of pregnant ladies are recommended.

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Body weight, as determined by several key components, remains relatively stable over time. Unintentional weight loss, defined as a decrease of more than 5% of usual body weight during a 6 to 12 month period, is an important predictor of morbidity and mortality. However, weight loss is a non-specific finding with multiple possible etiologies, that include organic, psychosocial, and idiopathic etiologies. A rational stepwise approach based on relevant data extracted from the history and physical examination, with special attention to psychological and social issues, is highly effective in establishing a diagnosis and determining effective management. Treatment should be based on the results of the tests and each patient’s clinical situation.

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrinopathy with symptoms such as obesity, insulin resistance and hyperandrogenemia. PCOS could be the result of a genetic disorder. Alteration in the serum level of leptin, as a product of obesity can also be the result of genetic discrepancy. The objective of this study was to find the association between leptin concentration and PCOS, and to ascertain the genetic property of leptin. One hundred and fifty four female-female twins including 48 pairs of Monozygotic (MZ) and 29 pairs of dizygotic (DZ) twins, aged 15-45, Tehran residents were studied. Clinical, ultrasound and biochemical findings were used to diagnose PCOS. The incidence of PCOS using biochemical and clinical features was 16.2%. The serum level of leptin was similar between subjects with or without PCOS irrespective of their zygosity. Correlation coefficient between serum leptin levels of MZ twins were more than that of the DZ. It was concluded that Leptin is likely to be genetically determined. Although the effect of environmental factors cannot be denied. This study did not find any association between the diagnosis of PCOS and leptin level. However, the link between the two may lay with other entities such as eating disorders and/or obesity.

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Behcet’s Disease, first introduced in 1937 from Turkey, is a multi-system involving disease. It is now reported from most countries all around the world. Here in this article, a full review of this disease is presented.

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Rhodococcus FMF isolated from soil samples of Tabriz refinery in Iran is capable of utilizing dibenzothiophene (DBT) as a sole source of sulfur. This gram positive bacterium is able to catabolize dibenzotiophene (DBT) to 2-hydroxybiphenyl (2- HBP) and sulfite without the cleavage of carbon-carbon bonds. We showed that this phenotype was due to the expression of a chromosomal-encoded desulfurization gene cluster which codes for proteins Dsz A, B and C. The dszABC genes identified, isolated and amplified by PCR technique. Sequencing analysis revealed that high conservation between this chromosomal encoded operon and its plasmid-encoded counterpart in Rhodococcus sp. strain IGTS8 exists.

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The ideal therapy for early degrees of hemorrhoids is always debated. Some are more effective but are more painful, others are less painful but the efficacy is in the same proportion. So pain or gain is a major concern. In this randomized study, a comparison is made between infrared coagulation and rubber band liagation. One hundred patients of 2nd degree bleeding piles were randomized prospectively to either band ligation or infrared coagulation technique. Parameters measured included postoperative discomfort and pain, period for return to work, relief in incidence of bleeding and recurrence rate. The patient demographic was comparable in two groups. The postoperative pain in the first week was more in band ligation group (2-5 versus 0-3 on visual analogue scale). The post defecation pain was more with band ligation and so was rectal tenesmus (p=0.0059). The patients from the infrared coagulation group resumed their duties early (2 versus 4 days, p= 0.03). However, recurrence or failure rate was higher with the infrared coagulation group than the rubber band ligation group (p= 0.03). The study shows that band ligation is more effective (P= 0.0019) in controlling symptoms and obliterating hemorrhoids; it is associated with more pain (p=0.0035) and discomfort to the patient. As the infrared coagulation can be conveniently repeated in case of recurrence, it should be considered as the first line of therapy in early hemorrhoids.

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