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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The fringes areas interposed between metropolis and territorial ecosystems constitute a new sort of geography of urban sprawl. The difference between urban areas and their surroundings is at present unrecognizable. From this new context, that represent a new life environment for a large part of human population, new perceptive dynamics and new relationships emerge. Various social manifestations reveal unexpected potentialities, ideas, hopes and desires, ignored by traditional political or planning approaches. New interpretations and more profound approaches are necessary to understand such a contemporary condition, where new Interfaces appear and new unexpected landscapes originate. From Interface and Landscape, originate a new Interscape where unexpected relationships and a new aesthetic arouse. Experimental appropriate approaches are essential to turn this condition: sympathetic approaches, social perception, friendly reciprocal learning and action research. These experiential activities involve experts, people, scientific and politicians leading each other towards new dynamical interscape relationships, as our experiential researches demonstrate.

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Accurate prediction of municipal solid waste’s quality and quantity is crucial for designing and programming municipal solid waste management system. But predicting the amount of generated waste is difficult task because various parameters affect it and its fluctuation is high. In this research with application of feed forward artificial neural network, an appropriate model for predicting the weight of waste generation in Mashhad, was proposed. For this purpose, a time series of Mashhad’s generated waste which have been arranged weekly, from 2004 to 2007, was used. Also, for recognizing the effect of each input data on the waste generation sensitive analysis was performed. Finally, different structures of artificial network were investigated and then the best model for predicting Mashhad’s waste generation was chosen based on mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute relative error (MARE), root mean square error (RMSE), correlation coefficient (R2) and threshold statistics (TS) indexes. After performing of the mentioned model, correlation coefficient (R2) and mean absolute relative error (MARE) in neural network for test have been achieved equal to 0.746 and 3.18% respectively. Results point that artificial neural network model has more advantages in comparison with traditional methods in predicting the municipal solid waste generation.

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Nano-CuS powders were synthesized with chemical solution method. XRD and SEM and spectrophotometry were used for characterization of the CuS powders. XRD analysis indicated that tetragonal CuS was the main phase with particle size of 16.2nm and little Cu2S phase was present. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis revealed that powder was plate like and had very little aspect ratio in morphology. The photo catalytic properties of CuS–Cu2S powders were studied. Methyl orange in water were rapidly decomposed with sunlight irradiation. Benzyl in preliminary production of methyl orange can also be photo-decomposed under sunlight irradiation and can fast be photo decomposed at higher pH condition.

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The study was undertaken with the objectives to: (1) Study the present status of plastic waste management and the existing Phnom Penh household willingness and their influence factors to segregate plastics for recycling and reuse (plastics & non plastics); (2) Study how other cities encouraged and obtained the participation of their population in plastics recycling and reuse and (3) recommend which policy the government should implement plastic waste recycling in Phnom Penh. The study was conducted in two phases. Phase one involved secondary research such as reviewing of relevant literatures, journals, publications, books, and reports. The second phase involved collection of primary data via structured questionnaires. The study is analyzed based on 429 qualified questionnaires that were collected from households in Phnom Penh by using: percentage, mean and standard deviation. It investigated household’s behavior toward their waste and their willingness to separate plastics and non-plastics wastes. The researcher considers the question of waste from households as it is most likely the root of waste behaviors. By looking at the current state of process and recycling plastics waste –an important element of waste equation, the researcher hopes to shed the lights on plastic waste issues.

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Monitoring and Assessment of water has become environmental concern due to the contamination by man kind. One of the most important crises of the 21st century is the availability of drinking water, a resource basic to our survival and growth. Most of the fresh water bodies all over the world are getting polluted thus decreasing the suitability of the fresh water. The area of the study, selected to estimate the levels of water pollution is the Shahpura lake of Bhopal, the state capital of Madhya Pradesh Province of India. The area under study receives domestic raw sewage from surrounding habitation; so also the activities like cattle washing, cloth washing, bathing, religious activities like idol immersion etc paves the way for high concentration of harmful chemicals in the lake water. Parameters like water temperature, concentration of heavy metals like lead, copper, cadmium, manganese, chromium were studied every month for a period of six months and seasonal variations were observed in each of them using standard methods. It was found that the concentration of the heavy metals in the lake water substantially increased after the religious activities like idol immersion around August and September. These heavy metals have a marked effect on the aquatic flora and fauna which through bio magnification enter the food chain and ultimately affect the human beings as well.

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Solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridge embedded with octadecyl C18 chain bounded to silica particles were used for the isolation and trace enrichment of pesticides from water samples collected from cotton, rice growing and municipal areas. The eluents were analyzed with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using methanol (100%) as mobiles phase at different UV-Visible wavelengths. DDT and its metabolites were found in all areas but were not present in all samples. Concentration of pesticide residues varies from sample to sample and was in the range of 0.017-1.06 ng ml-1. Overall, recoveries ranged from 84%-91% for all target pesticides.

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Air pollution is a problem in Kathmandu, Nepal. Particulate matter concentrations often exceed threshold values at which human health is severely affected. The problem is serious since it is in the valley topography wherein the meteorological parameters role is significant. This study addresses the linkages between meteorological processes and air pollution in the lower atmosphere of the Kathmandu Valley. The study establishes influence of meteorological conditions like temperature, rainfall, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed with elemental concentrations of PM10 in Kathmandu Valley. Government of Nepal has established permanent air monitoring stations in the valley and a continuous PM10 data is available on the public domain. The data relating to average daily temperature, rainfall, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and wind direction recorded in Tribhuvan International Airport was used for analysis. The mean association of PM10 levels and meteorological parameters during the period of March 2003 and December 2005 is established. Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was applied to study the association between PM10 and meteorological variables. The atmospheric pressure, wind velocity and humidity was found to be significant factors compared to others influencing PM10. Increase of rainfall and humidity has negative correlation with average PM10 concentration in Kathmandu valley. The study also infers that the wind speed and atmospheric pressure inducing increment of average PM10 concentration in Kathmandu Valley.

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A study was carried out in Malawi to determine the levels of heavy metals in cabbages grown in gardens irrigated with reservoir and tap water. The concentrations of cadmium, lead and chromium were determined in the leaf and in the corresponding soils in order to assess whether the amounts in the soils reflected the accumulation of heavy metals in plants. The results showed that the levels of the heavy metals in both the cabbages and soils irrigated with reservoir water were generally low. The concentration of cadmium in reservoir water irrigated cabbages was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that in tap water irrigated cabbages. The concentration of cadmium in both the dam water and tap water irrigated cabbages was much higher than the levels (0.2ppm) recommended by the European Union for leafy vegetables. The trend was opposite for lead; the amounts in reservoir water irrigated cabbages were lower than in tap water irrigated ones although the two were not statistically different. The higher concentrations in the leaf from both sites (p<0.05) compared to those in the soils could be an indication of hyper accumulation in the leaf. In contrast to cadmium, the concentration of lead in tap water irrigated cabbages was higher than that recommended by the European Union (0.3ppm) for leafy vegetables. There was no significant difference in the concentration of chromium in dam and tap water irrigated cabbages. The significantly higher concentration of chromium in the cabbages than in the soils for both dam and tap water irrigated fields could also be indicative of bio-accumulation of the metal in the leaf.

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The concentration of Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn were determined in tomatoes and onions samples using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. A total of 32 samples each of tomatoes and onions were collected from the exposed and control sites for analysis. The trace metals (Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn) concentration in tomatoes wee found to be 6.2406, 6.5521 , 5.7375 and 8.9297 mg/kg-1, respectively. while those of onions samples (exposed and control) are 8.250 for Cu,7.9479 for Mn, 10.8583 for Ni and 98.7292 for Zn; and 5.5698 for Cu, 2.5156 for Mn, 7.8813 for Ni and 6.6573 mg/kg-1 for Zn in respect of onions sample (control). The abundance of the trace metals followed the trend of Zn > Mn > Cu > Ni for tomatoes samples (exposed), Zn > Ni > Cu > Mn for onions samples (exposed) and Ni > Zn > Cu > Mn for the onions samples (control). The trace metals levels in the tomatoes and onions were found to be above the FAO/WHO and WHO/EU allowed limits, which put the consumers of these vegetable crops at risk healthwise. However, the Cu and Zn values have not reached the MAFF limit.

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Laboratory degradation studies were performed in water at pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.2 using Benthiocarb (Saturn 50 EC) formulation at the rates of 1.0 (T1) and 2.0 (T2) mg/mL. Water samples collected on 0 (2h), 3,7, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 days after treatments were processed for residue analysis of benthiocarb by GC-NPD capillary system. In 60 days, dissipation was 92.82-93.81 % at pH 4.0, 89.12-90.63 % at pH 7.0, and 92.67-93.88 % at pH 9.2 in both treatments showing very little effect of pH on dissipation. The half-life periods observed were 15.13 and 16.01 days at pH 4.0, 17.92 and 18.81 days at pH 7.0 and 11.32 and 12.54 days at pH 9.2 at T1 and T2 doses respectively. Dissipation followed a triphasic first order kinetics in water at all the three pH levels.

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The municipality of Tehran is intending to construct a permanent international flower exhibition. The activities for construction began in the year 2006. The exhibition has three distinct areas namely “northern area”, ”southern area” and “central area”. In northern and southern area the flowers are supposed to be preserved and in central area, they will be sold out. In the present study, energy consumption in the exhibition building is analyzed. To calculate cooling and heating load TABESH software was used. The heat loss from the building envelope is more than twice as much the standard in Iran. Insulation of walls with 5 cm wool stone and first floor with 3 cm polystyrene can reduce heating and cooling energy consumption by 18% with payback period of two and four years respectively, according to international energy prices. Other energy saving measures such as double glazing windows are not economical both at national & international energy prices. To achieve national and international building energy standards, more energy subsidies must be provided on costly energy efficiency.

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More than 1.5 million people live in the Kathmandu valley. The valley is facing an extreme shortage of water supply. At the same time the demand is escalating rapidly. To address this issue of scarcity of water, the government of Nepal has proposed a project of inter- basin  transfer of water from Melamchi River located 40 Km north-east of the Kathmandu valley. The project will cover two districts and three municipalities and will potentially have significant impacts on the environment. In accordance with the Environmental Protection Regulation of Nepal (1997), the Melamchi Water Supply Project (MWSP) has undergone an EIA during the feasibility study stage of the proposed project. The recommendations contained in the EIA were integrated into the project design for implementation in 2006. This paper summarizes the background of MWSP, the environmental concerns described in the EIA and the status of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) developed to address environmental compliance and other issues involving participation and support of the local people. This paper also provides some lessons to learn on the modalities of addressing the demands and grievances of the local people concerning environmental management.

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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are toxic pollutants released by various urban combustion sources. Tehran is the largest city in Iran with a population of about 8 million and it is faced with serious air quality problems. The gas phase samples collected from 21 sites in Tehran area throughout year 2005. The samples PAHs were collected using a SKC trapping consisting of glass cartridge packed with XAD-2 resin supported by two polyurethane foam plugs. Sixteen PAHs were analyzed by HPLC with two detectors (fluorescence; UV-Vis) according to U. S. Environmental Protection Agency methods. The average concentrations of PAHs ranged from 16068.98 mg/m3 for Bahman site to 1000.24 mg/m3 for Nour site. The species that presented higher concentration were Acenaphtylene (2674.74 mg/m3), Naphthalene (2467.71 mg/m3) and Acenaphtene (1245.22 mg/m3). The PAHs with two and three rings were responsible by 87 % of the total concentration among 16 PAHs. A major source of PAHs, in Tehran area is related to traffic and the number of gasoline and diesel vehicles.

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