Metals concentrations in Lumbricus Terrestris and soil samples from the dumpsites located in Zaria metropolis, Nigeria were measured spectrophotometrically. Mean metal content in dumpsite soils were: 25.95 - 75.17, 8.33 - 382.94, 124.84 - 206.96, 34.24 - 666.67 and 111.11 - 488.10mg/ kg for Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn respectively. While the concentration ranges recorded in L. Terrestris samples were; Cd, 0.55 - 8.13mg/kg; Zn, 105.82 - 380.95mg/kg; Cu, 0.66 to 10.25mg/kg; Pb, 5.01 to 265.40mg/kg and Mn, 1.26 to 10.23mg/kg respectively. The ratios of these metals accumulation in L. Terrestris were less than unity for all metals except for Zn. The order of bioaccumulation of the metals followed the trend; Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd=Mn. Since birds and domestic fowls fed on insects and L. errestris, transfer of these metals across the food chain are most probable with resultant health problems.