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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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BACKGROUND: Burnout is a state of mental and emotional fatigue; and is a result of chronic stress syndrome, high pressure, time constraints, and lack of necessary resources to perform the assigned duties and tasks. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between student stressor factors and academic burnout among the students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, in year 2016. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, the study population was the students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. Among them, 500 persons were selected using stratified sampling method with proportional allocation. The research tools were student stressor factors and academic burnout questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. RESULTS: There was a positive and statistically significant relationship between academic burnout with three domains of stressors for students including academic stressors (r = 0. 32, P < 0. 01), learning environment stressors (r = 0. 34, P < 0. 01), and graduation stressors (r = 0. 36, P < 0. 01), as well as the overall stressors (r = 0. 42, P < 0. 01). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated the important role of stressors in academic burnout; so, it is expected that educators have always reflect the practices reduce stress, and create a suitable environment for education.

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BACKGROUND: Cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in today’ s civilized world, with an increasing number of sufferers with each passing day. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of common cancers in Kermanshah City, Iran, in a period of eight years between 2004 and 2011. METHODS: This was a historic cohort study. Data were collected from Kermanshah Province Health Center (Cancer Registry). Data analysis was performed using SPSS software. RESULTS: 6, 146 people were diagnosed with cancer in Kermanshah during these eight years. The prevalence of skin, stomach, breast, and bladder cancers, without considering the patients’ genders, was 35. 24, 24. 58, 23. 73, and 16. 45 percent, respectively. The highest frequency belonged to skin cancer with 309 persons in 2007. CONCLUSION: Considering the fact that cancer has increased in the city of Kermanshah, it is necessary to change the lifestyle of all the people in order to prevent and reduce different types of cancer. Managers, officials, and health professionals are the most suitable individuals that can start changing the lifestyle, habits, and the improper way of living in this community.

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BACKGROUND: The phenomenon of stress encounters all humans during their life time. Stress or psychological stress may be benign or malignant; the stress that make someone achieve goals is benign. If the stress exceeds its capacity, it becomes malignant stress, and causes psychosomatic complications. Research findings have shown that job stress can cause job dissatisfaction among employees. The purpose of this study was to investigate the job stress factors, and its relationship with job satisfaction among the staff members in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. METHODS: In order to implement the plan, a list of all employees in Kurdistan University at Medical Sciences was obtained from the campus staff. Subsequently, a questionnaire containing three main sections (demographic information, job stress, and job satisfaction survey) was filed up for each staff member. So that the employee referred to the workplace, and after justification, received a questionnaire. The completed questionnaires were collected, and after an initial review (in terms of completeness), the data were analyzed using SPSS software. RESULTS: There was no significant relationship between age and work experience with satisfaction and stress. However, there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and gender. The level of job satisfaction among the participants with associate degree was less than three other levels. Levels of stress differed in associate and undergraduate degrees, with doctoral and postgraduate degrees. There was no significant relationship between satisfaction and stress with marital status. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings, it is possible to use appropriate methods and strategies to reduce stressful occupational factors among staff, especially staff with associate degree, and to pick up the level of job satisfaction at the individual and eventually organizational level.

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BACKGROUND: Radiotechnologists are always in contact with chemicals during the process of confirmation and appearance of radiographs. This study evaluated the prevalence of darkroom disease among the radiotechnologists and nurses working in radiology centers of Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted between two groups of radiotechnologists and nurses from selected hospitals of Guilan University of Medical Sciences, in year 2016, including 323 radiotechnologists (n = 140 people) and nurses (n = 183 people) working in educational therapy centers. The participants were selected through convenience sampling method. Total information on darkroom disease was collected using the standard Damases questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS software at the significance level of P < 0. 050. RESULTS: The mean age of radiotechnologists was 34. 01 ± 7. 9, and the mean age of nurses was 32. 33 ± 7. 90 years. Symptoms of nausea (P = 0. 001), runny nose (P = 0. 001), oral ulcer (P = 0. 020), burning mouth (P = 0. 001), skin rash (P = 0. 001), blurred vision (P = 0. 002) night sweats (P = 0. 001), chemical taste (P = 0. 001), and dysuria (P = 0. 001) were significantly more common in the radiotechnologists group. Regarding gender and symptoms of darkroom disease in each occupational group, nausea (P = 0. 024) and runny nose (P = 0. 001) among the radiotechnologists and chemical taste (P = 0. 001) among the nurses, had significant relationship with being woman. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of darkroom disease was high among the radiotechnologists in Guilan Province, Iran. Therefore, it is recommended to improve the quality of services provided, as well as to promote the health and safety of radiology personnel through preparing and implementing modern digital equipment in radiology departments.

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BACKGROUND: Smoking has been a public health problem in the world. In fact, it has been mentioned as a preventable factor of death and diseases. So, the goal of doing this research was to determine the frequency of smoking tendency and its correlate factors among the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. METHODS: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study using simple random sampling method. Data collection instruments were confirmed questionnaires. The statistical population included all the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking cigarette among the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences was 1. 8%, as well as 2. 2% for hookah consumption. Considering the relationship between smoking and residence situation, 22. 1% of native students and 24. 8% of alien students had experienced smoking. CONCLUSION: Results of this study showed a low prevalence of smoking (1. 8%) among the girl students in Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences.

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BACKGROUND: Mental health among the children and adolescents is an essential part of public welfare and health. The transfer of values and culture, and children health are made via training. According to conducted studies, training style of parents is an important factor to predict the health problems among the children. Baumrind has conducted extensive researches on the manner of parenting. He recognized three manners of parenting, authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. These are different from each other in terms of control, and being hot. The aim of this research was to study the relationship of parenting manners of parent and the extent of anxiety among the students. METHODS: This was a correlation type research in which the relationship between the variables was obtained. Statistical population included boy students of the junior high schools in Ilam City, Iran. The sample was selected based on Morgan table, and included 100 students. They were randomly selected in a multistep process. We selected two schools among junior high schools in Ilam City using random sampling. Then, we selected secondgrade class in every school. RESULTS: There was a positive and significant relationship between parenting manners (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive manners) with anxious thoughts among the students (P < 0. 010). In addition, there was a positive and significant relationship between permissive parenting manner and anxious thoughts among the students (P < 0. 050). Independent variable explained 20% of changes in the dependent variable of anxious thoughts. CONCLUSION: The parenting manner influenced students, anxious thoughts at a significant level.

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BACKGROUND: Phlebotominae sand flies, belonging to Psychodidae family, are very important because some species of them are biological vector of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in Iran. An investigation was carried out in Sanandaj County, west of Iran, to evaluate the fauna, sex ratio, and species combination. METHODS: The samples collected using sticky traps from indoors and outdoors of 5 villages in year 2017. The traps were fixed before sunset, and collected at sunrise in the morning of the next day. The collected sand flies preserved in 70% ethanol and mounted, using Puri’ s medium, and identified using the keys of Iranian sand flies. RESULTS: Totally, 907 sand flies comprising Phlebotomus genus (58%) and Sergentomyia genus (42%) were captured. The collected sand flies consisted of: Phlebotomus papatasi, Phlebotomus perfilliwei, Phlebotomus major, Phlebotomus kandellakii, Phlebotomus sergenti, Sergentomyia sintoni, Sergentomyia dentata, Sergentomyia antennata, and Sergentomyia theodori. Phlebotomus papatasi, Sergentomyia dentata and Sergentomyia sintoni were predominant species, respectively. CONCLUSION: The high abundance of sand flies especially Phlebotomus papatasi can lead to incidence and prevalence of leishmaniasis disease in this region. So, the complementary studies especially, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) studies are suggested to evaluate the infection rate of Leishmania parasite in sand flies and rodents.

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BACKGROUND: This is an out-of-pocket costs analysis of ifosfamide, epirubicin, and etoposide (IEV) and etoposide, solu-medrol-methylprednisolone, high-dose ara-C-cytarabine, and platinol-cisplatin (ESHAP) drug regimens in treatment of lymphoma in Iran. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Shiraz City. Data were collected using a data-collection form. The social perspective was used to collect cost data. Three types of costs were measured, medical direct costs, non-medical direct costs, and indirect costs. RESULTS: 65 patients were treated with these two methods; 27 patients were treated with IEV and 38 with ESHAP. Moreover, the mean direct cost in IEV and ESHAP regimens in 2014 were 1191. 10 ± 610. 74 and 1819. 57 ± 789. 73 United States dollars (USD), respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0. 001). CONCLUSION: In this study, costs in the IEV regimen were significantly lower than the ESHAP regimen. This was particularly caused by an earlier discharge of patients under IEV regimen; since these patients experienced a trend toward less neutropenia and, hence, had a trend toward fewer hospitalization days, the related cost was 3451. 76 USD with savings of 6479. 61 USD compared with the ESHAP regimen. Overall, most of patient’ s income was spent on out-of-pocket costs for all expenditures incurred because of lymphoma.

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