BACKGROUND: One of the significant goals of healthcare delivery organizations is to promote people’ s health and provide high quality care. In this regard, health reform plan was designed in Iran. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the performance of teaching hospitals after running of health system reform plan in Iran. METHODS: This retrospective-descriptive study was carried out in 4 hospitals (Avicenna, Velayat, Rajaee, and Qhods) affiliated with Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran, in 2014. Data collection tool was the checklist of standard indicators of Iranian Ministry of Health, because the checklist is standard to measure hospitals’ performance. In this study, 19 indicators (performance indicators, personnel indicators, and financial indicators) were investigated. To fill out the indicators checklist, the statistics unit of Ministry of Health was used according to the reports of two consecutive years of 2013 and 2014. The collected data were analyzed using Excel software. RESULTS: In general, out of the 7 performance indicators that were investigated in the hospitals, increase was observed in four, and decrease was seen in three items. Out of the six personnel indicators, all of the hospitals experienced a rise; and out of the six financial indicators, four items increased and two decreased. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated that after one year of implementing health reform plan, the mentioned health care system experienced a remarkable progress in the hospitals. Providing the necessary infrastructures can help better conduction of the plan and promotion of the mentioned indicators by removing or decreasing the effect of some barriers.