Background and Objective: Methamphetamine Abuse is one of the main medical, social, economic and cultural problems. This study aims to effects that spiritual beliefs have of preventing of tendency toward methamphetamine abuse.Methods: The research was performed by causal-comparative method. Size of sample was 226 persons who case group (113 persons) selected by random, cluster sampling. Main Data collection instrument is questionnaire designed by Hart. Data was analyzed by T test that was independent and logistic regression, using SPSS. 20.Results: Finding indicated that there is a significant relationship between spiritual beliefs whose have young addicts and ones whose have young non-addicts. In addition, spiritual beliefs have a positive effect of preventing from tendency toward methamphetamine abuse. To rise of rate of spiritual beliefs is to rise of probability to be lacked methamphetamine abuse and to be belonged to normal group.Conclusion: Spiritual beliefs can lead to reduce vulnerability by effects of cognitive evaluation, coping activities and protective sources. Institutionalization of spiritual beliefs is a different and complementary modality of spiritual.