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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background: Doxorubicin is used in treatment of many solid malignancies and lymphomas with poorly understood mechanism underlying tissue injury. Rosemary leaves or extracts were found to contain high antioxidant activity almost equivalent to BHA (Butylated Hydroxy Anesole) and BHT (Butylated Hydroxy Toluene). Thus, the possibility of aqueous rosemary leaves extract (RE) to ameliorate doxorubicininduced histological lesions, apoptosis and oxidative stress in male mice tissues was tested. Methods: Four doses (25, 125, 250 and 375 mg/kg b. wt.) of RE have used orally two times/ week for 15 days prior to the administration of an intraperitoneal single dose of doxorubicin (25 mg/kg b. wt.). Biochemical, histological and immunohistochemical methods were performed on liver, kidney and heart tissue sections.Results: The positive control group (DXR alone) showed severe histological lesions in the liver, kidneys and heart, including degeneration and inflammatory response accompanied with significant increase in the apoptotic index (Bax/ Bcl-2) and oxidative stress. Rosemary extract was proved to significantly attenuate the doxorubicin-related toxic effects via more than one mechanism such as: the powerful inhibition of lipid per-oxidation, the stimulation of the synthesis of cellular antioxidants, the decrease of the inflammatory response and the reduction of the apoptotic index.Conclusion: The efficacy of the tested doses of RE in improving doxorubicindeteriorated effects was organ specific. The most potent dose of RE to abate the lesions in all examined tissues , was 125mg/ kg b. wt and the less effective was 375 mg/ kg b. wt.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Many literatures have documented that psychosocial care can improve health outcomes and reduce morbidity in women with breast cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the opinion of the breast cancer professional team members on integration of psychosocial care in regular management of breast cance. Methods: A cross sectional sample of 313 physicians involving in diagnosis, treatment and supportive care for breast cancer patients were interviewed using a questionnaire.Results: The majority of participants (52.7%) declared that psychosocial care is necessary for all patients with breast complaints. All except one of the respondents irrespective to their age and job believed that providing the patients with psychosocial supportive care definitively have some positive points for the patients with breast cancer. Of all respondents, 29.6% thought it should be offered as soon as suspicion is raised toward breast cancer, 54.7% preferred to provide such care after the diagnosis of malignancy is confirmed, 11.3% thought it should be prescribed before surgery and 4.4% believed that care should be provided before adjuvant therapy.Conclusions: The necessity of providing psychosocial care for breast cancer patients was mentioned by the majority of respondents; however there are some major differences among the team members of breast cancer care in regard to psychosocial supportive care. The results of this study highlight the insufficient collaboration among medical team members and the necessity of multidisciplinary approach to all aspects of the important disease through programmed sessions and provide the patients with an integrated comprehensive care.c

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Background: Individuals with a positive family history of colorectal cancer have an increased risk of developing this type of cancer. The number of affected relatives and the age at diagnosis are two factors that increase the risk of colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of a positive family history of colorectal cancer in a random sample among the Iranian general population. Methods: Five thousand five hundred (5500) subjects' aged³20 years were randomly selected by cluster sampling and invited to participate in an interview about the occurrence of colorectal cancer in their first- or second-degree relatives.Results: Of all the responders, 162 (2.9%) subjects reported a positive family history of colorectal cancer; 71 (1.24%) reported having one first-degree relative with colorectal cancer diagnosed before the age of 50; or reported two or more first-degree relatives with colorectal cancer. In addition, 83 (1.51%) and 14 (0.25%) subjects reported having one and two or more second-degree relatives with colorectal cancer respectively.Conclusion: The prevalence of a positive family history of colorectal cancer in Iran is lower than the United States and European countries. Identifying high-risk population for colorectal cancer and encouraging them to participate in surveillance protocols is the first step in targeting preventive measures.

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Background: To determine the prevalence of incidental findings on brain CT scan in mild head trauma patients. Methods: From November 2005 to April 2006, we evaluated 732 CT Scans of cases with mild head trauma (Glasgow Coma Scale Score of thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen), whom referred to our university affiliated hospital. In this study, we evaluated incidental findings on brain CT of our patients, as well as size of the cistern magna. Results: Five hundred (68.3%) of our patients were male and 232 (31.7%) were female. The mean age of our cases were 27.4±19.2 (one month to 89 years old).Incidental findings were found on 22 cases (3.1%).Among these, there were five tumors (0.7%), eight arachnoids cysts (1.1%), and five bones lesions (0.7%). Large cisterna magna (>10 cm 3) was seen in four cases. Incidental findings in males were seen in ten cases (45%) and in females were seen in 12 cases (55%) (P=0.019). The mean age of cases with incidental findings were 37.2±20.6 years and in cases without incidental findings were 27.1±19.1 years (P=0.011). Conclusion: In this study we found that arachnoid cyst was the most common incidental finding, and brain tumor and bone lesions were next common ones.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Breast cancer is one of the most important diseases in females. Malaysian women have not excluded. According to the Malaysian Oncology Society [1], about 4% of women (who are 40 years old and above) have involved by breast cancer. Masses and microcalcifications are two important signs for breast cancer diagnosis on mammography. According to our estimation, radiologists could diagnose breast cancer on mammogram screening program, with approximately 75% accuracy. About 25% of breast cancers have missed on mammograms. This study aimed to explore the effects of enhancement methods on digital mammograms.Methods: SPSS software have used for data analysis. Wilcox on ranked test and ROC have used to compare the original and manipulated images. In this study, 60 digital mammogram images which include 20 normal and 40 confirmed diagnosed cases of breast cancer (masses), have selected and manipulated by using histogram equation, histogram stretching and median filter.Results: The results have shown that the histogram stretching and median filter methods could improve image quality for detection of masses with increased sensitivity and specificity by 5%.Conclusion: The sensitivity and specificity have improved by using histogram stretching and median filter. The results of this study have shown results as below ; the histogram equation have improved the sensitivity up to 97.5% ,while the median filter could improve sensitivity (97.5%) and specificity (85.5%). It means that the median filter could be more effective than the other enhancement methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Very few studies have utilized specific criteria to assess mental disorders in brain tumor patients. This study aimed to diagnose mental disorders in this population using DSM-IV (depression, sleep, and mood) criteria.Methods: From March 2007 to July 2009, the surgically treated patients with intracranial neoplasm were included in the study. These patients were examined in an ambulatory neuro-oncology clinic setting using a structured psychiatric interview which followed current DSM-IV diagnostic criteria.Results: This study is based on the clinical data of 89 patients with brain tumor. The mean age was 42.2 years old. Fifty five percent (55 %) of the patients were male. In our study, the prevalence of mild depression was about 30% for males and 38% for females. Before tumor operation, severe anxious as well as severe obsessive-compulsive symptoms were present in 14% of males. In females, 29% of the subjects had reported to have severe anxiousness and 25% severe obsessive symptoms.Conclusion: Depressive symptoms as well as anxious and obsessive psychopathology were shown to be prevalent signs among patients with brain tumor. The associated factors are tumor location, patient’s premorbid psychiatric status, cognitive symptoms and adaptive or maladaptive response to stress.

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Background: Pulmonary complications of radiation to breast are inevitable, while its incidence and severity are not clear. One of the methods to assess pulmonary complications is spirometry. The influence of radiotherapy on pulmonary function test and the factors affecting it have been assessed in this study.Methods: Breast cancer patients with stage II and III (based on TNM staging), underwent six courses of chemotherapy, and the total mastectomy was included in this study. Smokers, chronic pulmonary patients, cardiac patients, and those who suffered from anatomic chest malformations were excluded. Sample size was 75 and data collection was conducted by the spirometer device. The total tumor dose varied between 4800 to 5040 cGy with fraction of 180 or 200 cGy. Spirometry was performed before and 3 months after radiotherapy; the patients were examined at the same time by a specialist for respiratory complications. The measured parameters were FEV 1(Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second) and FVC (Forced Vital capacity) which were normalized by age and sex.Results: The average age of the patients was 45.6±7.92 .Average length and widths of tangential fields were determined 18.2±1.8 and 6.7±1.37 respectively. Average central lung distance was measured 2 ±1.07 cm. The mean of FEV1% prior to and following radiotherapy was measured 74.9 ±15.59 and 78.86±12.55 respectively (p=0.09).The mean of FVC% before and after radiation treatment was measured 72.17±14.26 and 74.6±11.36 (p=0.07). No abnormal signs were observed in the patients after radiotherapy.Conclusion: It seems that three months is a short period for appearance of pulmonary changes after radiotherapy with cobalt machine. Moreover, minimizing CLD through planning might lower the probability of pneumonitis due to radiation.

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Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) an autosomal dominant disorder, is the most common of the phakomatoses (neurocutaneous syndromes) and has a variety of localized or systemic manifestations and the classic systemic lesions include neurofibromas and more specifically, plexiform neurofibromas. A 60-year-old female presented with a progressively increasing swelling over left side of forehead and right lumbar region associated with pain. In addition she had multiple painless swellings all over body. Imaging findings of the brain were suggestive of extracranial meningioma in present case; however the histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of neurofibroma.  

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