Background: Betel nut and betel quid chewing are from major etiological factor for oral cancer. They also increase the risk of systemic diseases such as asthma, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, myocardial infarction, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases.Methods: Sixty three patients of oral cancer in our institution during Jan. 2007 to May 2011 were included in our study. This study included 14 cases of lip carcinoma, 41 cases of buccal mucosa carcinoma, 7 cases of tongue carcinoma, and 1 case of carcinoma of upper alveolus. Duration of use of betel quid, pan masala, and gutkha were studied as well as management.Results: All patients in our study have been chewing betel-quid for 6-31 years (mean19.42 years). All of them quit betel quid and used easily available panmasala and gutkha for 4-13 years (mean 8.28 years). Nine cases of lip carcinoma, 13 cases of buccal mucosa carcinoma and 3 cases of tongue carcinoma were treated with surgery. Seven cases of lip carcinoma, 30 cases of buccal mucosa carcinoma and 5 cases of tongue carcinoma were treated with post operative or palliative radiotherapy.Conclusion: Betel nut chewing with or without tobacco and lime are proven to be carcinogens in human. Direct relationship between oral cancer and betel quid, gutkha, and panmasala use has been shown in our study. As betel quid, panmasala and gutkha chewing were proven to be carcinogens, a permanent ban on manufacturing and sale of these products should be implemented.